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  • Dude, first of all its nothing personal. I have said what's the truth. You have not posted the real headline of the news. There is no difference between a title/headline. And as per rules of PDF one is to post the headline of the news not a title/headline based on conclusions.

    There is 60:40 ratio so the conclusion that Gurkha regiments will be ceased is also not true at all, also no matter what chinese puppets in Nepal says nobody can stop even Nepali Gurkhas to join Indian Army.

    I was pissed off because ur headline have given a chance to pakistani trolls to take cheap shots. It was for clearing the truth and for country, nothing personal. Good luck to my friend pritamkonar :-).
    honestly speaking..I too feel its time to move on but i would never forget it...and should not be forgotten. while I want the culprits to be punished for this, I dont want more troubles to be created in Punjab...if we do not move on and keep the sentiments alive...it can be dangerous for all, especially the new generations in punjab.
    yes, thats right..it was the worst chapter in recent time in India. Infact what is more painful is the fact that none of the people who were responsible of the massacre, have been punished. innocent sikh women and children were killed mecilessly.
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