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  • Thanks bro for your post on the paris attack thread.
    Born in Pakistan, moved to US when I was 3 and did all English schooling.. have a masters in business (finance) and have my own business. I can read the Quran, it's just for some reason reading Urdu -- I just can't. Home we've always spoken Punjabi -- :(
    But I didn't take offensive -- add me as friend on contact i'd like to talk sometimes with you -- your a knowledgeable poster.
    I am glad there are others on this forum who see through this idea of indus valley nationalism. Alhamdulillah, it's not really something that's mentioned in real life so insha'Allah these types of ideas will just stay in the shadows.
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    Reactions: Mutakalim
    Absolutely, that's why I am ringing the alarm for quite some time. It is the responsibility of our educated class to confront this ideological threat. State institutions will not be able to do much when these guys will start taking over these institutions.
    Keep up the work and maybe make a word file of your statements so that it is easier to share with them with others in future rather than having to type things from scratch each time.

    Some of them have already reached positions that they should never have been given. I'm not dissing Imran Khan but there are atleast 2 in his inner circle who have really bad mindsets. I look at them and I really facepalm.
    I dont think my statements are that important. I am just a humble and sinful Muslim trying to somehow improve my chances of success in the afterlife.

    The encouraging thing in all of this story of degeneration is the fact that public opinion in Pakistan is still against this narrative.
    Salam brother. how r u . i gave u a chat. there u will get all info. mas"salam.
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    Reactions: Mutakalim
    Major d1
    Major d1
    fahim.fc1@gmail.com... This is open air bro. let's go to email.
    Thanks for your invitation. I have read these articles and doesn't found them practical.
    Major d1
    Major d1
    bro- its conceptual discussion. by one day- u will get nothing. did u get my main.?
    ohhh u didn't mail me.
    As Salam Alikum,

    Bro can I take the liberty of asking you to change your id? You have the name of a great Saint, attached to your id, and when people talk nonsense., they drag everyone's name through the mud. I wouldn't want a revered Saint's name to be disrespected.

    I hope you will take my comment in the right spirit.

    Best Regards & W'salam
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