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  • Hey Saithan! Thank you for responding to my post. I'm stupid and i do not know how to start a convo, but are you from the Philippines? I want to chat about something you mentioned.
    No I’m not from the Philippines. But I try to stay informed about what’s going on in that region.
    Oh okay. I would like to make a special mention, or rather just cautionary advice on totally following Max Defense as your source. He has been generally following an agenda and has tendency to post fake news or claims that have no actual factual basis.
    Demagoji yapma lan adam gibi yaz laf atmadan rahat edemiomusun ne derdin ne lan senin?!
    DOn't try to argue with that guy... he is nothing more than a crazy extremist...
    Maybe you should stop trolling around here and tell us about yourself in members into section.
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