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  • الله يحفظك ويخليك اخي العزيز. بس بدي اسالك شو يعني قرني او ثقفي؟
    لا والله ماني قرني انا ثقفي
    I'm thankful to you joining this forum and i like if more Arabian member join this forum and defend Arabia Cuz I believe That Arab can defend theirselves better than U.S and Pakistan....
    increase your own influence all around the world so world know about the Arabians that why they really chosen people by ALLAH..
    Tihamah! Those Pakistanis are bashing to you not deserve any better response from you....
    Do Play hard against them ... .. not watch there flags ...reply them as they comment rude..... But Brother! don't get too emotional ...I don't want you to do anything wrong and get banned...
    SalAM Bro! Nice to see another member from Arabia...PDF needs more member from Arabia to defend itself ... Well ! Keep your answer bit rational and don't get disappointed when other nationality containing members bash your country.. Just report them...
    and this defence forum is dominated by Liberals and secularist Pakistanis ...There opinion won't carry the opinions of majority Pakistanis contain....
    I hope you understand..
    and you If any Pakistani or Irani flager bash KSA then reply it with your full knowledge its your right...
    ولا تحش ايران هنا ها ايران مالكه الموقع الزفت ذا سوي زيي لا تسب ايران لا يبندوك بس جيبها بلفه
    هلا والله بتهامه و الله يعينك على اللي راح تشوفه هنا
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