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  • Wa Alaikum Assalam.

    - Be Confident
    - Be smart and sharp
    - Do not show off
    - Do not be over-confident
    - Do not LIE
    - Be real and truthful (as Xeric said).

    For physical tests, run and go cycling a lot and increase your stamina to maximum.

    In sha Allah the result would be what ever is good for you.
    Best of Luck

    Take Care.
    Be real, dont try to fool them, and the bottom line; give in your best.
    I read your thread. I am disappointed that they didn't give you a place... Although you had quite a good result of A levels... =(
    I have been asking you to please stay in contact as I'm in a similar boat as you (now giving AS in may 2011). I want to ask you about your experience.
    PLEASE keep in contact with me somehow. Can you PM me your email? or shall I PM my email to you?

    Please please reply. =|
    Sorry young man i cannot promise, I am too much busy now a days, but ya I will try......and if i get any information, will let you know for sure.
    I'm one year junior than you. I just started AS levels. Will apply for PAF in 2012 May. =)
    I'd really like to keep in contact with you as you're also doing A levels and I'd like to know if you get accepted, your experience, etc.
    I am sending you my email. Please also send me yours (as you feel comfortable). Thanks. Good luck! =)

    EDIT: I am not able to send you a PM. =s oh well...
    You were to apply for PAF. So what happened? =o
    Please DO keep in contact!

    Hope that it works. Please do keep in touch and let me know if it does.
    Thanks. =)
    Thanks for the tips.
    But here's a thing I'd like to share, do you remember posting this on someone's wall:

    "Another concern is that I have only given Mathematics and Physics in first year, so can I still apply?"

    Well, I don't think you can get an equivalence for 2 subjects or can you? =s because although PAF requires you to have 2 subjects, Physics and Mathematics but on the other hand, also requires you to have an equivalence which cannot be made for 2 subjects, am I right?
    no, i have given two a2 subjects in may 2010 and ill get my result in aug..! then i can apply and ill be giving the third subject in oct..! in case there is a problem ill delay for the next gd(p)....!

    thanks !
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