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  • I never insulted that Turkish member. This guy @dplsa or whatever his name is. I insulted his president who often insult Sisi and since his middle letters in his name is erDOGan and Sisi always took the high classic road like the gentleman he is. So, I took it upon myself to give him a taste of his own medicine. If you think that deserves a warning........so be it, he deserved it. Cheers.
    I am being warned on old posts too. Calling someone a "bhakt" is foul language now? Wow. Bhaisaab Indians use this for other Indians as a sign of respect. Please look at the quality of my posts and how detailed they are in the Bangladesh section.
    @Amaa'n : Bro, I know you are working hard to clear backlog of reports which is appreciated but I do not believe this warning was necessary. @Bilal9 is a very articulate poster who very apparently puts in a lot of time and effort in writing detailed posts unlike people like me who are more like drive-by posters. (continued)
    (continued) If an Indian finds "Bhakt" insulting, the issue is with them not Bilal - a warning for that would be uncalled for. Recommend removal.
    The mod is simply a joke. No disrespect, but it's true. It seems to me the mod's listened to and complied to White American posters' demands and ignore any complaints against their clients. Yeah, Mod, go ahead and dispel me because my words poked you right on the spot.
    How is it that you strike me and not the other when the other initiated the racist comment first?
    blah blah ...no critical thinking ...blah blah... troll ..blah blah. the typical Chinese response to losing an argument.
    Now you showed your spoiled, uneducated kid's response. Racist American trash.
    How the hell did u become administrator. You are rubbish ...you banned me for telling the other guy to stop name calling? What is this nawaz shareef party. Mates are mates I guess. Really @Amaa'n no admin has ever been as bad as you. You are totally crap.
    @waz @WebMaster who the hell made this guy an admin.
    No need of your warnings, Just ban me, dunno what's your obsession with my posts .

    My comment wasn't a troll one, I just stated facts

    @Irfan Baloch
    Never broke any rule, he uses the hallow term "trolling", I can show you 1.000 posts clearly breaking the rules : hate, islamophobia, sectarism, racism, .... None of the posters are questioned, ...
    Hey, I'm Tunisian, are you obsessed with Iranians ? Lolz
    Hi, I just replied to someone accusing me of false flag, also asked him to stop posting off topic, you should give him a warning, not me....

    Really strange moderation ....
    Let's lead by example then. I think the middle finger in your Avatar which represents the four letter F-word is also against forum rules... Agree?. Unless you are saying it is a good gesture we commonly amongst our family and children.

    In all my over decade presence on PDF I have never used profanity.

    I recieved a language warning from you upon my post which stated, "Slave being given a pat in the back" in reference to the COAS. Really? Can you tell me where my language is offensive? aren't we are all Slaves of Allah.

    Ironically, your Avatar shows a monkey holding up a middle finger. Which is derogatory sign much worse.

    @The Eagle
    Who are you to close my thread ? Greek member called Foinikas find you to close my threads and to ban me

    who are you ?
    Bro, chillout… no one used me against anypme here. Your thread was closed because i looked in Turkish section there were 10s of threads on Turkish military developments .

    If i was in your place i would create one thread for each Military branch and post news into those dedicated threads. This way anyone who os looking to research on Turkish Drones can go to a single thread and get all information
    Greek member Foinikas use you to close my threads and to ban me
    stop taking side for Greek Member Foinikas who always terrorized my threads

    My thread doesnt violate any forum rule

    I created one thread for all new military capabilities for the Turkish Armed Forces in the last 10 years to compare with other European Armies

    Why only you but not other MODS ?
    Whats your problem with me and Turkiye ?
    You banned me on an old post that even I wasn't sure is still there or not?
    And then another warning is issued to me while I am ban?
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