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Someone tweeted that there were 18 provinces Ghani won overwhelming and 16 provinces Abdullah won overwhelmingly. Does anyone know which ones specifically?
Abdullah Abdullah to take oath of office: Stability and Convergence
Ariana News Leave a comment 0 Views

(Last Updated On: February 23, 2020)
A source close to Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah told Ariana News that Abdullah had formed a commission to administrate the ceremony where he would take the oath of the office as the president of the inclusive government.

Abdullah announced the inclusive government after the Independent Election Commission declared Mohammad Ashraf Ghani as the president of Afghanistan last week.

Fazl Ahmad Manawi, former head of Election Commission and a front-row supporter of Abdullah Abdullah said, “We have planned to hold the oath-taking ceremony after we get some work done.”

So far, the team has appointed new governors for Punshir, Sar-e Pol, Baghlan, and Jawzjan provinces.

Manawi added that once the appointment process of the provincial governors wrapped up, acting ministers would also be introduced.

These events have sparked UNAMA’s concerns. It urges all sides to prevent unilateral actions.

Meanwhile, US Special Peace Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad also met with General Dostum, Sallahuddin Rabbani and a number of Stability and Convergence team members, apparently to mediate for the deceleration of the electoral tensions.

Lets face it. This current Afghan government needs to be dissolved and an interim setup created. The Bonn process was a blunder. A bunch of foreigners and Afghan diaspora trying to set up a government for a country most knew little about or hadn't seen in years. The Taliban were left out.

Peace between the northern alliance and the Taliban is the key to peace in Afghanistan. The westerners had good intentions but have ignored this key point. They have blinders on...all they talk about is women rights or hunting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is a none factor today. How do you develop a military doctrine around women's rights?? How many countries do you want to invade to establish women's rights??

Even a few days ago American experts are going on about Pakistan and the Taliban can't be trusted and they would overthrow the Kabul regime when America leaves. They didn't even mention that the Kabul regime could implode on its own...or they didn't consider it (which is even worse).
President Trump Says He's Prepared to Sign Taliban Peace Deal

President Donald Trump, with first lady Melania Trump, wave as they walk across the tarmac to board Air Force One during their departure, on Feb. 23, 2020, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

Alex Brandon—AP

FEBRUARY 23, 2020
(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump said Sunday he’s ready to sign a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan if a temporary truce holds in America’s longest war. “Time to come home,” he said.

“They want to stop. You know, they’ve been fighting a long time. They’re tough people. We’re tough people,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a trip to India. “But after 19 years, that’s a long time.”

The two sides earlier this month announced the truce, which took effect last Friday and set the stage for a broader deal aimed at ending 18 years of war in Afghanistan and bringing U.S. troops home.

If the truce proves a success, it will be followed by the signing of the peace accord on Saturday, wrapping up the United States’ longest-running conflict and fulfilling one of Trump’s chief campaign promises.

“We think they want to make a deal. We want to make a deal. I think it’s going to work out. We’ll see,” Trump said.

For the Taliban, the successful completion of the truce and Afghanistan peace talks would give the militants a shot at international legitimacy, which they lacked at the time they ran the country and gave Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida associates safe haven.

U.S. officials have noted the possibility that “spoilers” uninterested in peace talks could disrupt the truce. Determining who is responsible for potential attacks during the seven days will therefore be critical.

On Sunday, Trump expressed cautious optimism about reaching a peace deal.

“You know we have a certain period of nonviolence. It’s been holding up, it’s a day and a half so we’ll see what happens. But people want to make a deal, and I think the Taliban wants to make a deal too, they’re tired of fighting.’’

There are more than 12,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Exclusive: U.S. wants Afghan president to postpone planned inauguration - sources

Jonathan Landay, Arshad Mohammed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to defer his second-term inauguration over concerns it could inflame an election feud with his political rival and jeopardize U.S.-led peacemaking efforts, two sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

FILE PHOTO: Afghanistan's president Ashraf Ghani and German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (not pictured) attend a news conference in Kabul, Afghanistan December 3, 2019. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani/File Photo
Ghani claimed victory last week in a disputed Sept. 28 election and plans to take the oath of office on Thursday, an Afghan official said. His opponent, Abdullah Abdullah, Ghani’s former deputy, also proclaimed himself the winner and is planning a parallel inauguration, according to Afghan media reports.

The competing claims, neither of which Washington has recognised, threaten a U.S.-led peace process that got a boost on Saturday with the start of a week-long reduction in violence that is to culminate on Saturday with the signing of a U.S.-Taliban deal on a U.S. troop withdrawal.

The U.S.-Taliban agreement is to be followed by inter-Afghan talks on a political settlement to end decades of war.

But the Ghani-Abdullah feud threatens to further complicate the naming of a delegation to negotiate with the insurgents, a process already mired in delays and disputes.

A source familiar with the matter said that because of those concerns, U.S. Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad, who has been in Kabul since last week, wants Ghani to delay his planned inauguration to a second five-year term.

The U.S. State Department and White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The Afghan Embassy in Washington declined comment.

President Donald Trump has made the withdrawal of the roughly 13,000 U.S. service members from Afghanistan a major foreign policy objective. An agreement with the Taliban to end America’s longest war could boost Trump’s re-election prospects.

A former senior Afghan official said Khalilzad, an Afghan-born veteran U.S. diplomat, was pressing Ghani to postpone the ceremony and trying to persuade Abdullah to do the same to preserve the peace process.

The sources requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.


The former senior Afghan official said that even if there was an “inclusive” delegation chosen to talk with the Taliban, the Ghani-Abdullah feud could “spill into the negotiating process.”

U.S. allies also appeared to share U.S. concerns that the dispute could hamper the peace process, with NATO’s civilian representative to Kabul calling on Monday for “calm, dialogue and compromise by all political leaders.”

Writing on Twitter, Nicholas Kay urged “all parties to prioritize the peace process and national unity. NATO does not support actions by any party that increase tensions or the risk of violence.”

There are about 4,000 non-U.S. NATO troops in Afghanistan.

China, which has a border with Afghanistan, said it welcomed a “possible” U.S. Taliban deal.

The official Xinhua news agency quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian as saying that foreign forces should be withdrawn in a way that avoids “a security vacuum, which terrorist organizations may take advantage of.”

The Sept. 28 presidential election vote-counting process was beset by allegations of rigging, technical problems with biometric devices used for voting and other irregularities.

The Independent Election Commission said on Feb. 18 that Ghani had won 50.64 percent of the vote, while Abdullah was named the runner-up with 39.52 percent.

Abdullah rejected the results, and said he would name his own Cabinet. Last weekend, he named loyalists as governors to two provinces.

U.S. forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001 to topple the Taliban rulers who provided the sanctuary in which the al Qaeda militant group planned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington that killed almost 3,000 people.

The U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan are part of a U.S-led NATO mission that is training and assisting Afghan forces and carrying out counterterrorism operations to prop up the Kabul government and prevent an al Qaeda resurgence.

Reporting by Jonathan Landay and Arshad Mohammed; Additional reporting by Abdul Qadir Sediqi; Editing by Peter Cooney

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Qatar invites FM Qureshi for signing of US-Taliban peace deal on Feb 29
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: February 25, 2020


ISLAMABAD: Qatar on Tuesday extended a formal invitation to Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi to attend the signing ceremony of the landmark peace deal between the United States and Afghan Taliban in Doha on February 29.

The invitation was extended by Qatar’s ambassador to Pakistan Saqr bin Mubarak Al-Mansouri in a meeting with Qureshi at the Foreign Office.

The US-Taliban deal will lay the ground for a crucial intra-Afghan dialogue focusing on the future of Afghanistan and a permanent ceasefire.

The deal was the result of a 14 month-long process, brokered and facilitated by Pakistan at the request of US President Donald Trump’s administration.


The deal will allow the withdrawal of the remaining 13,000 US troops from Afghanistan in return for a guarantee by Taliban that they will not allow Afghan soil to be used again by any terrorist organisation.

Trump says he will sign Taliban peace deal

Last week, Taliban deputy chief and head of Haqqani Network Sirajuddin Haqqani tried to ally concerns of critics in an opinion piece in the New York Times.

He not only expressed Taliban willingness to engage other Afghan groups to decide the future of Afghanistan, but also talked of having a relationship with the outside world including the US.

In a statement, Qureshi said Pakistan and Qatar played a key role in brokering the peace deal. He said Pakistan always maintained that solution to Afghan war lies in reconciliation.

“Today, Pakistan’s stance has been vindicated,” Qureshi said.

Presidential Election in Afghanistan



FEBRUARY 25, 2020

The United States notes the announcement on February 18, 2020 by the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan on the results of the presidential election held September 28, 2019 in favor of President Ashraf Ghani. Concerns have been raised about the election process. We expect these concerns to be handled in accordance with constitutional and legal procedures.

Moving forward, we call on the new government to be inclusive and reflect the aspirations of all Afghans. The country’s leaders and their supporters should ensure that political debate is carried out in a calm manner, free from the use or threat of violence. They should also desist from destabilizing actions, including purported efforts to establish parallel government structures inconsistent with the constitution and rule of law. Such moves call into question the country’s sovereignty and unity that the United States strongly supports.

The Afghan people want peace. It is time to focus not on electoral politics, but on taking steps toward a lasting peace, ending the war with the Taliban, and finding a formula for a political settlement that can serve the interests of all of this country’s citizens through intra-Afghan negotiations we expect will begin in March. We urge all parties to participate in and support the immediate establishment of an agreed national framework for peace that is fully representative of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to prepare for and lead these negotiations. To ensure adequate time for Afghans to agree on these matters, we thank the Afghan government for agreeing to postpone the presidential inauguration.


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