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Call for Inputs Regarding PDF Social Media

How much Cumulative Time do you generally spend on PDF daily?

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I have been visiting PDF for many years now and a member for few months. What the mods have done well is to ban all Indian trolls, however turned a blind eye to Pakistani and Chinese trolls, allowing them to downgrade the forum.. you also need to curate the posts. In some days, you have to scroll down all way down before coming across a relevant post..

Keep up the good work
I know this is not social media related but could y'all get rid of the pop up and especially pop up video ads introduced a couple weeks ago? The previous ads were great in that they did not break immersion but these new pop up ads are very annoying. Thanks.
Indian Trolling makes a lot of cowardly RSS people feel stronger and political trolling is a serious issue. There is a growing trend of “Indian troll armies” where several trolls coordinate attacks on a single person/organization or under a single argument and attack anyone who even slightly disagrees with their line of thinking. I think trolling is no longer an isolated problem affecting only a few outspoken or popular individuals. Today, it is an enterprise of its own. It is funded by Modi governments and giant corporate organizations to voice vociferous support for one cause or argument on social media sites and to quell any opposition to that argument through slander and profanity. This not only creates a situation where the debate is diluted, and misinformation is everywhere: it also forces the general public to resort to self-censorship. I think we need a proper mechanism on how to avoid fake propaganda like the EU Disinfo lab exposed it.
I know this is not social media related but could y'all get rid of the pop up and especially pop up video ads introduced a couple weeks ago? The previous ads were great in that they did not break immersion but these new pop up ads are very annoying. Thanks.
Although I believe it is a commendable effort, and I am truly thankful at least an effort is being made. I have been visitor to this site for more years then I care to remember, possibly since it was founded, but only join last December, largely because I've purposefully tried to stay away from social media.

My observations are, as a visitor from previous years, and as a member in the past year, you are could be doing better, and if I were to compare this forum with others with a similar purpose, then, you are doing a poor job.

It is my honest feedback, to which I will not contribute further, I have tried inform in various ways before, honestly, sometimes it feels like one is fighting against the administrators or senior members, and other Pakistanis just to to fulfil the objectives in your above statement.

Still, I do commend the founders and operators for making an effort, so keep going.

Sir, no body will silence you. Even if others ridicule you, know that there will be people who listen and read you. I am an advocate of expressing ourselves completely irrespective of how it might be percieved. So, please never shy away from sharing your opinions.
As for honest feedback, I would not settle for anything less. We need sincere advice rather than superficial commendations.
Great sentiments brother, but we need to be better at following these principles on the forum.

For example look above at a former TTA and what he is saying about Pakistan here.

I would hate to see this forum drowned out by haters from across the border on this very forum. PDF is a unique place and requires some protectionism to elevate it from beyond just abuse and fighting between Pakistanis and Indians, which is a tremendous waste of time and energy for everyone.
Fair point, but let's focus on the scope of this thread for now. I am sure your voices are listened and contemplated.
How can I DM you ?
Inform me. Like IK said to our Eastern Neighbor. Take one step, I will take two steps.... was on a lighter note..... Opening DM with you brother.
@Everyone, Let's focus on the social media part. How to increase it's reach and improve it. What are your feedbacks on it's posting till now?
1-2 hrs with the current pandemic situation, less that an hour otherwise.
Do share about the social media part too please. Welcome all good suggestions.
@Everyone, Let's focus on the social media part. How to increase it's reach and improve it. What are your feedbacks on it's posting till now?

Do share about the social media part too please. Welcome all good suggestions.

Brother, I see three twitter accounts for Pakistan Defence. You linked your official one, but whose are the other two?
@Everyone, Let's focus on the social media part. How to increase it's reach and improve it. What are your feedbacks on it's posting till now?

Do share about the social media part too please. Welcome all good suggestions.
You could get preferential treatment and reach a larger audience by paying a few dollars to Facebook to get a wider reach.
You could get a few core loyal members to share your posts
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Respected All Members,
Hope everyone is having a good life and also enjoying the discussions on the forum. PDF takes pride in its diverse community. I would like to know more about how do you guys perceive social media, and what can we do to increase our reach, quality of the forum content being shared on it's social media handles i.e:

View attachment 700813

For those who had not yet followed and liked the handles, kindly do it while you view the sharings to give feedback and suggestions regarding them.

Some aspects to base your recommendations might include content related to:
Current Affiars, Pakistan Military,Strategic, Geopolitics, India, China, America, Afghanistan, Middle East, UK, Defence Equipment e.t.c. It can also include sharing more photos, videos and so on.

Our main objective is to counter the propaganda against Pakistan, provide credible and informative content to Pakistani and Global audience, Spread the Pakistani Narrative and share the quality discussions we all do at the forum.

Please give your recommendations so that the administration review and implement them.

P.S: I also want this opportunity to let us share how much cumulative time each of us spend on PDF daily. Do tell it in the polls.


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@Norwegian @TsAr @Rafi @Clutch @Pakistan Ka Beta @El Sidd @Imran Khan @Zarvan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Nasr @ziaulislam @Morpheus @Shahzaz ud din @AsianLion

I spend 2-4 hours .

Please check language with Threads , everybody share some Tweet or video and write anything they want and mostly Anti Pakistan Army .

While you also forgot about your Youtube Channel here and you normally post very few videos on it . Which has many Subscribers .
Forum and it's social media arm has been politicised,which shouldn't have happened.PDF should have remained apolitical.

Its inescapable in these polarized times.

Check out one single Indian forum and see if it remains neutral and only Indian.

There is a sea of difference between nationalists and patriots.

And currently around the world the nationalists are on top.

@dharmi @jamahir @Bagheera

Cheers, Doc
You should make a video about yourself, I mean this forum. Tell about this forum plus tell people why they should join this forum. What knowledge they can gain. And post that video on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and youtube. Also tell about the process on how to join the forum.

@PDF @WebMaster @Slav Defence
Please do not allow Indian propaganda from being posted here, by that I mean, fake news articles which are not reported in neutral media that malign Pakistan or those that suggest aggression on part of Pakistan. At times, even Pakistani media bandwagons and uses these Indian 'sources' too, but that doesn't make it credible news.
I think old people like me, don't use Instagram and Twitter.. Surfing fb handle is redundant when I use PDF.
Also, I mainly come here for discussion and not for pics, videos and news as such.
so social media handle are for young people, who would like more info, comparison videos, political point scoring, etc like answers to Indian allegations/capabilities etc
So for me it is social gathering of like minded people.
However, keep doing it without any response like instagram photos of F-16 with title like "falcon looking for prey" or just pics.. people will eventually like that (young, kids, enthusiasts)
just be persistent...
Its inescapable in these polarized times.

Check out one single Indian forum and see if it remains neutral and only Indian.

There is a sea of difference between nationalists and patriots.

And currently around the world the nationalists are on top.

@dharmi @jamahir @Bagheera

Cheers, Doc
It can be Nationalist though fully restrained by logic and common sense but Politics,you know what it is in this part of world.

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