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Disturbing behaviour and attitudes on PDF

Ever you ever considered the commission cost demanded by a patwari? Qabzaa mafia?

So with your patwari logic, if an expats stops buying land and property in Pakistan, then locals will be able to get on the property ladder?

Do you have any facts you base this opinion on or just quotes from your leader (Sher)?
Facts are large amount of money coming into pakistan(essential an export) is bad

Pakistan needs more imports
Thanks for the shout out. :tup:
Criticizing IK is one thing, even some of us are on record of doing that. But we are talking here about those who are defending criminals and thieves.

Are you?

I am literally paid by Mossad, US and R&W to malign the PM, who is otherwise completely above reproach. I'm not sure who pays the other retired mod.
hmmm, interesting point. What you do or whom you meet is not really relevant here, as you are not an ex prime minister of Pakistan or head of some large political party.

The escaped criminal Sharif is on record having detailed meetings with those while in London though. I dont know how would British feel if some at large british ex prime minister would have meetings with FSB in third countries. Guess we have to find that out once this actually happens.
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I genuinely respect people who send their money to help their families, but there are also people on a buying spree to buy real estate driving prices insane.

They should but blind cult following is absurd. No one should advocate for violence man.
Even if it were true, just think where the investment is being injected into.
They are purchasing because of the currency rate... Now if the Dollar is flying high, is that the fault of Expats.
LOL you want respect because you(overseas) send $32B. We are not bikao.

I support PTI but some PTI supporters are also like MNAs/MPAs in the party who are traitor. I have problem with them. I am sure there are still many traitors left in PTI who should be kicked out.
Better change your teacher then.
We send money not to earn respect rather because we care for our folks and country. And we are concerned about what happens there and have the right to have a say in it.
I believe we are a Democracy and I think everyone has freedom of speech. I will continue to support Imran khan but Imran khan should also improve our economy. People will continue to support different parties which are different systems.
Criticizing IK is one thing, even some of us are on record of doing that. But we are talking here about those who are defending criminals and thieves.

Are you?

hmmm, interesting point. What you do or whom you meet is not really relevant here, as you are not an ex prime minister of Pakistan or head of some large political party.

The escaped criminal Sharif is on record having detailed meetings with those while in London though. I dont know how would British feel if some at large british ex prime minister would have meetings with FSB in third countries. Guess we have to find that out once this actually happens.
Look there are three types of pakistanis
1- slaves who say its okay to be a slave and corruption bribery is fine they support PMLN PPPP and love to call ayan ali & shirtless molestor to give speeches to young generation

2- lovers..who love their leaders like me who love to vote maryum nawaz 😍

3- logical who critize any wrong doing, mostly PTI supporters in current system but will vote for next non corrupt guy

I believe we are a Democracy and I think everyone has freedom of speech. I will continue to support Imran khan but Imran khan should also improve our economy. People will continue to support different parties which are different systems.
I have respect for anyone who support a different party but issue is you dont have parties you have criminals

The only unscathed parties i.e core leadership(not proven guility) are leftist parties like ANP, rightist like JI, TLP and PTI

Anyone supporting beyond these arent supporting a party or ideology its just plain worship of slavery & corruption
Let us not fight, brothers, the state of our country and much of the world leaves much to be desired but why must we fight ourselves? That is never going to help anyone.
That would be ideal...but some ppl here don't get the point...
...when ppl say
"hey don't support the likes of PPPP, PML-N, PML-Q, Molana Diesel, etc. bcuz they are corrupt...they have taken turns with having the reigns of power for decades among themselves and have run down the country and economy...they have corruption charges against them...their names show up in things like Panama papers(and other such things) showing they have massive money in foreign accounts...etc"

...these ppl take it as "u r being a blind youthia...IK is above criticism...look what he did to the economy...inflation this and inflation that"

It's not super hard to get...simply don't vote in proven corrupt idiots into power. It has nothing to do with any loyalty to PTI nor IK. Criticize him for all his failures...that's fine...hell if u can find someone better than him(honest, bright, someone with a solid plan for Pak's economy and foreign policy, etc) elect that person...the whole point of voting as a citizen of a country should ALWAYS be to do what's best for ur country...
...and it's surely not Nawaz, Zardari, Bilawal, Fazl-ur-Rehman, etc.

People have the right to support and voice opinion for whomever they want. That being said believers according to our faith shouldn’t be bitten in the same place twice, hence I can’t fathom why people would like to see PMLN/PPP the trilogy….
LOL you want respect because you(overseas) send $32B. We are not bikao.

I support PTI but some PTI supporters are also like MNAs/MPAs in the party who are traitor. I have problem with them. I am sure there are still many traitors left in PTI who should be kicked out.
Set your flags correctly first
You know what's disturbing people who have no stake here in Pakistan and live abroad in a first world democracy, advocating for violence, destruction and fascism.

You'll benefit either way who comes in power or not. Sitting in London and telling us what to do? Bugger off.

No one like bhutto or sharif, it's about doing things in a proper legal way. Your beloved immi legalised TLP, paved way for right wing religious politics.

Look at the state of economy, you must salivating and rejoicing, because now you can buy more property with less investment. So don't lecture us about what we want or don't want. People living in Pakistan would be ripped apart by the economic hardship not you. So pls stop with this bullshit of yours.
Allah Rehmat khar the one who can't see but as soon as the dollars are flashed in front of their eyes are willing to sell their mothers. The one who don't pay taxes but happily willing to talk for the Pakistan. Allah bless them with some grey matter which they can use fruitfully and start earning some blessed money so they don't take bribes. Allah give them some wisdom so they don't cheat in the exams and learn something productive for their own good and for the others and their degrees are recognized abroad.

We are living abroad that doesn't mean we don't belong to the Pakistan who are you to tell us otherwise. If you don't like the overseas Pakistani's who are contributing to the Pakistan economy and saving her from slipping into the Banana Republic of Pakistan I suggest instead of being a bum start paying taxes. Saying bugger off to the people who are keeping you and your family afloat only shows the ungrateful attitude and how much cultured, educated and small minded person you are. Grow up and smell the coffee little man.

Zardari diesel nazoo gang supporters deserve camps like china
We should start exporting our best corrupt minds to the Chinese correction centres so Chinese can fine tune their syllabus. We can swap our export for the debt relief.
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Thanks for the shout out. :tup:

I am literally paid by Mossad, US and R&W to malign the PM, who is otherwise completely above reproach. I'm not sure who pays the other retired mod.

Do they use Paypal or Zelle?
Better use cryptocurrencies next time.
Monero coin to be more precise.
It's virtually impossible to track.
People have the right to support and voice opinion for whomever they want. That being said believers according to our faith shouldn’t be bitten in the same place twice, hence I can’t fathom why people would like to see PMLN/PPP the trilogy….
If people support criminals than the country has no right to exist
Support ANP leftist parties and right parties vote Jumat islami if u hate PTI atleast there core leadership arent CONVICTED criminals

There are over 100 parties in pakistan but people only find criminals

Thats fine vote for criminals but dont complain afterwards

I hate it when people complain..

All i use to hear is complain and then they vote for same people

Since 2008 complaining about PPPP now voting for same coalition.
Few quotes from Shakespeare pertaining to IK's current state of affairs:

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures. [Julius Caesar]

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” [The Twelfth Night]

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

- Julius Caesar
Bro, I don't want to start naming and shaming as I don't want us Pakistanis to start fighting amongst ourselves but it is really painful to see fellow Pakistanis not put the interests of Pakistan first but of hyper corrupt dynasties.........:disagree:

We will never improve because of this mukk-mukkao type beating around the bush.

Nations who fight among themselves to save their own country from the corrupt, wretched, treasonous, and idiotic are the ones who end up developing. You must know what China went through before it could become a marvel of Asian development.

We are so weak that we fear even the slightest criticism (plus we're always being criticized externally). But fear not --- can't sink lower than this. Must call out all such people.

My 2c. The rest is up to you :)

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