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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


It takes special kind of scum - to tintilate and show great pleasure at the death of anyone but to laugh - show glee and put smileys on posts showing death of babies and children -
Has to be clearly the lowest kind of son and Benny is a reminder of everything in a human we tell our children to keep away from. Show respect to adults and always show kindness to all cultures and religion and your kids will be great humans.
I’m glad this dirty little cockroach is on here so we are reminded of what we are up against these facist Hitler type Jews
Hamas Movement:

Four martyrs from Lebanon and Turkey were martyred in the treacherous Zionist bombing of southern Lebanon yesterday, and they were:

- Ahmed Awad, Lebanese nationality
- Bilal Ozturk, Turkish nationality
- Khaled Minawi, Lebanese nationality
- Yaqub Erdal, Turkish nationality

They rose while carrying out their duty of solidarity, support and relief to our people, who are being exposed in the Gaza Strip to brutal aggression and a genocidal war.


Israelis claim that no armored vehicles have have been lost.....Hamas claims 160 Israeli tanks have been destroyed. Truth is in between.

Satellite images show that at least 50 Israeli AV's have been damaged or destroyed in the last week alone. Israel can not not sustain those losses. After ignoring calls for a negotiated pause for weeks Israel finally accepts.....on terms that are quite favorable to Hamas. Not hard to put two and two together.

There was one Namer APC that got attacked by 10 RPGs and a few ATGMs, one of which penetrated and caused a soldier's missile to explode and killed the crew. It was at the start of the ground invasion, when Hamas was relatively organised and used large groups in its attacks. It isn't anymore due to Israeli crews adapting to the tactics Hamas uses. Israeli armor is covered by drones and they already killed hundreds of terrorists with anti-tank weapons. I will upload a compilation soon and share it with you.


Damaged means repaired in two days and comes back to battle. Are there damaged vehicles? Sure. Pretty much all of the videos you see only cause superficial damage. Trophy works extremely well and the armor behind it is more than enough to protect against RPG7VR/Yassin

You guys were crying for a cease fire for over a month, and now you say we're making a cease fire because it's difficult for the IDF?😂 We do it for the hostage deal.
Listen cockroach

Firstly you killed a load yourself -
Secondly babies in incubators didn’t kill anyone. You killing innocent doesn’t justify nothing.
You are dirty little cowards and hence quite rightly labelled the lowest form of human
Nah, Hamas murdered them

Should have asked Hamas for fuel for those incubators, we don't owe you any fuel

Tell me something Zio. How did you find this Pakistani defence forum and why did you decide to post on here? It doesn't make any sense. Our countries have zero relations. Yet you found this forum out of many to post on. What's the deal here?

It would have been better for you to join some Arab defence forum. There at least they want to normalise relations with you guys.
Idk dude somehow found it in 2016

Satellite images show that at least 50 Israeli AV's have been damaged or destroyed in the last week alone.
How do you count that using satellite photos lol?

Who counted them?
There was one Namer APC that got attacked by 10 RPGs and a few ATGMs, one of which penetrated and caused a soldier's missile to explode and killed the crew. It was at the start of the ground invasion, when Hamas was relatively organised and used large groups in its attacks. It isn't anymore due to Israeli crews adapting to the tactics Hamas uses. Israeli armor is covered by drones and they already killed hundreds of terrorists with anti-tank weapons. I will upload a compilation soon and share it with you.

View attachment 1031504

Damaged means repaired in two days and comes back to battle. Are there damaged vehicles? Sure. Pretty much all of the videos you see only cause superficial damage. Trophy works extremely well and the armor behind it is more than enough to protect against RPG7VR/Yassin

You guys were crying for a cease fire for over a month, and now you say we're making a cease fire because it's difficult for the IDF?😂 We do it for the hostage deal.
A deal to release hostages was available 5 weeks ago. What changed is that Israel......by killing 12k civilians......has created more Hamas fighters then it killed in the early stages of this war. This is the dilemma of most colonialists expeditionary projects from Vietnam to Afghanistan.
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Tell me something Zio. How did you find this Pakistani defence forum and why did you decide to post on here? It doesn't make any sense. Our countries have zero relations. Yet you found this forum out of many to post on. What's the deal here?

It would have been better for you to join some Arab defence forum. There at least they want to normalise relations with you guys.
Firstly don’t call him Zio - it’s cockroach.
They detest Pakistan - the thoughT of a Muslamic country that has nukes freaks the cockroaches out. If things ever
Got out of hand Jerusalem would be toast and Benny would be frying his 1 testicle before
You could say scumbag.

They were all sitting in a large circle probably eating humus when they got a little surprise drone bomblet dropped upside their heads love it! Child-murdering criminals.

And the demon steel elephant @0.25 got cooked and fried like a beautiful Hallal fillet mignon on my barbeque grill, excellent.

Who is this AIPAC scum sucking hog bribery demon? Arrest his *** and charge him for bribery & political coercion! Throw the whole book on his sorry life and then they should go out and find the cackling cow that was saying something about shooting Rashida Tlaib on the radio?! These people are off the handle and the scary part is they're getting away with all these crimes.

BTW, very nasty explosion at the US/Canada border CNN was saying the car sped up right before it hit the toll booths. Unfortunately we're going to see a lot more of this crap as a result of these demon criminals.

I fear for his security?

Nah, from who? He's well-know in the parliament and very outspoken and has been one of the main voices who started this kind of trend where people have been able to speak their minds and not worry about being punished.

May curse with the blood of the poor inncocents be complete detonate Israel blood of the Israel zion Allah wrath on the Israel...

Imagine if Turkish & Egyptian navies got together and parked all helicopter carriers and all 26+ frigates and cruisers and corvettes right off Rafah and just forced in aid and medical and troops & armor?

It takes special kind of scum - to tintilate and show great pleasure at the death of anyone but to laugh - show glee and put smileys on posts showing death of babies and children -
Has to be clearly the lowest kind of son and Benny is a reminder of everything in a human we tell our children to keep away from. Show respect to adults and always show kindness to all cultures and religion and your kids will be great humans.
I’m glad this dirty little cockroach is on here so we are reminded of what we are up against these facist Hitler type Jews

You are exactly correct. Such people are epitome of evil.
All Americans know this is a Jewish/Israeli false flag attacks. The new virus, bills to ban 2nd amendment, Biden is going to declare war overseas and martial law at home to prevent Trump victory in 2024. Elections will be cancelled by the established. This seems to be the plan. It's bigger than Gaza.
I have no doubt republicans and democrats of the establishment will attempt to declare martial law under pretext of Mossad/Israeli false flag attacks as we get closer to the 2024 elections.

A 'False Flag' or some dumb pro Palestinian supporter attacking in America has been my major concern. You see, the public opinion is turning against Israel in America and it is in America where the change needs to happen: Electoral politics where pro-American candidates can run and win in such a way that even AIPAC money wouldn't be able to influence the elections.
It is true that Biden is in hot water for 2024 and may even get America into a war to boost his chances; billions of $$ change hands in America depending on which POTUS and party is in power. However, if Biden appears like a 'hawk' on Palestine, wait till you see what Trump will do--he doesn't even have pressure groups in the Republican Party to try to be 'moderate'.

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