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‘Russian army Hogwarts’: RT looks into daily routine at elite military boarding school
WW2 veteran with modern day Russian soldiers.
Russian Army

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Personal parade in honor of 100th anniversary of WW2 veteran Elmar Yuganovich Pello, retired Guard Major.
Beginning of the Russian-Belorussian-Serbian military games "Slavic Brotherhood-2021".
Beginning of the Russian-Belorussian-Serbian military games "Slavic Brotherhood-2021".

All the other Slavic countries are traitors to the Slavic world. I'm talking Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia etc.
80 years ago Nazi Germany have attacked USSR. Putin laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Russia to wrap up state trials of Tsirkon hypersonic missile this year — top brass

Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko pointed out that the weapon would be test-fired from submarines

MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The state trials of the Tsirkon hypersonic missile will be completed this year, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko said on Tuesday.

"This year, the trials of the Tsirkon hypersonic missile will be completed," the defense official said during the single military output acceptance day.

The deputy defense minister said in January that the state trials of the Tsirkon hypersonic missile would be completed this year and the latest weapon would be test-fired from submarines.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier said that Tsirkon hypersonic missiles capable of flying at Mach 9 (nine times the speed of sound) and striking targets at over 1,000 km would go on combat alert soon.

Russia intends to outfit its submarines and surface ships with Tsirkon hypersonic missile systems.

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