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Hamid Mir's Rousing Speech: Indirectly Supporting PTI


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
By now, every one here knows how much I despise Imran Khan but that doesn't mean I have some soft corner for the old-order politicians and the Establishment--I just consider the latter two to be better than a mentally deranged Imran Khan. The video I am posting is a rousing indirect support of PTI's anti-Establishment narrative. It is to be noted that that narrative Imran ONLY built after the Establishment refused to support him back to power but the narrative is still needed for Pakistan's salvation. And as soon Pakistan finds alternative to the Establishment--as Erdogan found against the Turkish Deep State-- the role of Pakistan's Establishment should be confined to the borders and the barracks--but not until then!!

BTW, it is sad to me that the PTI fanbois had clouded my opinion about Hamid Mir because he may have said a few negative things about Imran Khan. Hamid Mir is a great, courageous journalist and here he is not-so-indirectly challenging the Establishment of Pakistan and even mocking General Bajwa when Bajwa was on a vacation and faced some altercation.

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By now, every one here knows how much I despise Imran Khan but that doesn't mean I have some soft corner for the old-order politicians and the Establishment--I just consider the latter two to be better than a mentally deranged Imran Khan. The video I am posting is a rousing indirect support of PTI's anti-Establishment narrative. It is to be noted that that narrative Imran ONLY built after the Establishment refused to support him back to power but the narrative is still needed for Pakistan's salvation. And as soon Pakistan finds alternative to the Establishment--as Erdogan found against the Turkish Deep State-- the role of Pakistan's Establishment should be confined to the borders and the barracks--but not until then!!

BTW, it is sad to me that the PTI fanbois had clouded my opinion about Hamid Mir because he may have said a few negative things about Imran Khan. Hamid Mir is a great, courageous journalist and here he is not-so-indirectly challenging the Establishment of Pakistan and even mocking General Bajwa when Bajwa was on a vacation and faced some altercation.

He is proven thaali ka benghan and lafafa sahafi...have zero credibility.

Imran ONLY built after the Establishment refused to support him back to power but the narrative is still needed for Pakistan's salvation.
Was it job of the Military to Support or Indulge in Politics? a very simple question
he is kutta of military , be careful
This guy is psychopath. He is the one who pimped for buying assembly members during vote of no confidence against IK.

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