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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

MH-60R are multi-mission maritime helicopters designed for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) with the C4I capabilities. The operational capabilities of such airborne assets are enhanced multi-fold when they operate as a part of the Fleet Task Force at sea. These specialised helicopters have the capability to engage targets which are even over-the-horizon.

P-8Is themselves are an advanced airborne platform with in-built inter-operability capabilities, making them a multi mission aircraft with C4I based Concept of Operations. The P-8I aircraft possess air borne Anti-submarine Warfare (ASW) capabilities and can detect unknown submarines and ships lurking in the waters. It can also launch submarine detection sonobuoys (active and passive types) as part of ASW operations to even find the submarines which are below the water surface.”

“In a well-coordinated manner, during the Fleet operations, P-8I and MH-60R can jointly provide the ASW screen cover to the fleet ships. ASW air assets are essential for any fleet moving on the high seas, else the Fleet ships are vulnerable to a surprise underwater attack by a stealth submarine of an adversary. The aviation units can open out to ranges which are farther beyond the warship’s on-board sonars, and provide a better submarine detection probability. Thus, these air assets provide an ASW screen, with an intent to detect and neutralize any hostile submarine before it closes-in to a range conducive for it to fire a torpedo. For example, a P-8I can not only detect a target, but can classify and attack it by using on-board torpedoes and depth charges. The aviation units like P-8Is and MH-60R are platforms to not only detect subs, but also fire torpedoes to destroy them well before these targets even pop up on the sonar display of the fleet ships
"Your noisy Chinese submarines will be hunted down by our P8i poseidon and MH60R "

1- You still didn't provide Noise levels of Chinese submarines . Means No confirmed signatures available - Just trumpet blowing.

2- Conventional wisdom states that diesel-electric submarines tend to be quieter than their nuclear-powered counterparts.

70 - 90 dB is about as loud as a vacuum cleaner and that too at 1.0 to 3.0 mtrs std displacement - If one is creating this scenario in a noisy shallow water environment many a nm away - its not a Novice job to search AIP Subs.Get Real.

3- Pak Navy could give a better lesson to you as Scorpene Class just keeps getting detected . That's called a Capability demonstration . They may offer Tuition classes for free.,. :)

4- Has the Indian Navy demonstrated this GREAT capability yet - If Not - Then vague propaganda only based on addition of Hardware alone. We know How Indians maintain their Assets and How effective their operational battle space coordination is. [We have seen them accidentally fire Missiles, Open up Hatches and AD Shoot down their own Choppers in Jamming environment ]

5- The' God's Creation MH60R' need to be in more than adequate numbers to detect unknown deep submerged vessel , to cover quick sorties and turn around time.

6-MH-60R has a limited range. It is not designed for area searching, but localizing a contact or conducting datum searches.MH-60Rs were not designed for area ASW searches and lack the endurance to search 200 nm from their ship.

They need to come 'close' for a possible detection from a Platform. That Platform itself needs to move at a certain pace to avoid early detection and being blown away by a HWT ?

7- And that would need the platform to evade AA/AD Systems, CH-SS-NX-13 Anti Ship Missiles etc. ?

8- Does Sea Mapping operation of the waters this capability would operate has an impact on the subject - oceanographic conditions can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the sensors ?

9- Its always an ECO System working. In a defensive role with detailed intelligence (long time obtained data), active and passive sensors, MAD, MPA, Green Laser, ASW Helios, Satellites, Active Sonars, Active and Passive Sonobuoys, ED, HDPD, SOSUS, Unmanned ASW units etc with Training , Experience and SA Coordination of highest order required.

But that doesn't mean Life is Static for opposing Navy - Other side opts for technologies such as magnetic signature by running currents through the hull and using non-magnetic hull materials & other assets.

10- Indians just could not find one AGOSTA-90B in last alert.

Hence Can any ASW Platform gives you the capability to insanely remark that opposing Submarine fleet will be destroyed...! ?

This is a game of sword and shield. It will go on. Avoid Rookie cut paste approach and develop some mental capability maturity.
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Why helicopters for anti submarine warfare you ask? It is because almost all the submarines lack the ability to launch SAM (surface to Air Missile) be it SSBN, SSN and SSK which is why aerial attack is quite simple to perform without any hindrance given the submarine is in international waters with no surface combatants deployed along with the submarine( which is the usual case for submarine deployed in international waters). Helicopter is as slow moving aircraft which can come down to stationary and fire torpedoes at the sub surface target and this cannot be performed by fighter jets due to the lack of accuracy particularly for torpedoes and anti submarine missiles.

Coming back to MH-60 romeo,it has a superior capability to launch precision guided munitions. It also has a wide array of attachable equipment that can be utilized for carrying out various missions. It can be used for deep penetration missions but under restricted conditions when the enemy lacks precision guided SAMs. On top of that seahawk is combat proven which is a distinct advantage for it’s service(in Iraq).

'Romeo’ Seahawk helicopters have advanced combat systems like sensors, missiles, and torpedoes to track and hunt enemy boats and submarines. The helicopter can easily strike fear in a submarine Captain’s mind.

It has a range of radars and sensors to detect the submarine inside deep sea.

Sonobuoy launcher and a Raytheon advanced airborne low-frequency (ALFS) dipping sonar to detect submarines at any depth.

The choppers will be armed with Hellfire missiles, precision kill weapon systems, and MK 54 torpedoes.

Anti-surface warfare missions: It can carry weapons on the four weapons stations, including AGM-114 Hellfire anti-surface missiles.

Anti-submarine warfare: Three ATK mk50 or mk46 lightweight torpedoes. 7.62 mm machine gun .
Don't act like a desperate sales man pasting sentences out of a catalog. It further exposes your weak knowledge.

Answer point wise .

Other wise no point arguing with cut paste Rookie.
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As it turns out, the UK’s carrier strike group could pinpoint and locate the Chinese submarines, because China’s rustic and pathetic little underwater boats were too ‘noisy’. The Chinese submarines were located due to their “propeller sounds”. Submarines are naval vessels and assets whose biggest advantage is that they can remain hidden and act decisively in stealth. Submarine targets do not usually know what hit them. But this is certainly not the case with Chinese submarines, whose hallmark is that they are too loud – thus making them easily traceable. China, which claims almost the entirety of the South China Sea, has been caught by the British naval group with its pants down. Operators aboard the frigates, which were working together in a sweep pattern, located the Chinese “stealth” vessels within six hours of leaving the South China Sea.
So, in your opinion, India's sub tech is better than that of China's?
I'm talking about the capabilities of advanced ASW platforms
You have no evidence just blabber that is all at least back your claims with solid proof.

Your just banking on the m60 heli like it's one of a kind in the world. Get your head out of your arse we have detected your subs 3 times.
HAL hands over ALH Dhruv Mk III to the Indian Navy and Coast Guard - Naval  News

Indian Navy surveillance jets can now fly from Cochin Airport - The Week

Without CISMOA, The Indian Navy Works The P-8I - Livefist
What does this have to do with the argument? Do you just like to post random images when you can't counter an argument? Is your programming glitching?
Liaoning and shandong are both handicapped by having no airborne radar, j15 jet with only 4000lbs payload and still no nuclear power. Its actually a liability to combat operations at sea.

Conventional power, the carrier cannot maintain 30knot speed and range.

J15 is total garbage. Have to choose between CAP, anti ship and strike role. And no AESA radar

Escort warships have to be burdened to protect j15s in the air which is the opposite of what should be. Less response time to to defend itself and the carrier. Who needs decoys when their j15s can take that role.

No airborne radar, means there is no radar coverage beyond horizon especially against sea skimming missiles or low alt attack aircraft. Radar waves don't bend to earth curvature. Now that is very dangerous, no strike group can react fast enough against 100 tomahawkVs, NSM or LRASM coming up on the horizon at only 20kms away

It's a cheap carrier, only a fraction of the price of an American one. And doing 30 kn is nice, but if escort ships can't keep up due to wave height, it makes little sense.


I gotten enough of the puerile stuff you can churn out.

You graduated from one of this kind of school in India?

With other Indians now in India submarine force?


Do you even understand what you CtrlC and CtrlV?

No need to tell me as my curiosity not that puerile as to what you do know or do not know.

Your stuff you regurgitate here will never be seen by me ever as you going to a place where sun or moon will not shine.


I gotten enough of the puerile stuff you can churn out.

You graduated from one of this kind of school in India?

With other Indians now in India submarine force?

I think Mr @Tejaswithuttam has some serious issues and need help. His only interaction with Computers or I.T at school were limited to 'copy & paste functions'.
He could not answer any of the relevant points & was badly exposed. Just Plain Chest thumping without any facts or Data or maturity. I thought Learning , Education, Know How was still faring better on the other side of our eastern border but i was wrong.

Just one example - He comments on J-15 as an expert stating it has no AESA Radar.

To avoid proper answers - He Consistently Switches from one argument to another & Drags UK, USA, Uttam , Carriers , J-15, Rafale , SAM , S-400 , Mars , God knows What else. I wonder if Imodium would not treat the verbal dysentery issue of this magnitude.

Hence Ignoring him is a far better option.


Other wise he will paste 2000+++++ more articles / pictures without knowing anything about the subject.

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Pakis obsession to maintain parity with us was expected after we developed uttam aesa radar ,we should take your claim at face value rather then arguing about authenticity which can't be independently verified infact your obsession help you guys to keep begging, your haste purchase of chink HALE drones ,SAMS & j-10 after rafale & s400 deal lays bare your insecurities ,if we achieve our stated aims like that of 42sqd ,3k 155mm howitzers or 200 odd ships you really can't play numbers game hence the nuclear tactical ballistic missiles NASR & threats to launch them as a first use weapon but with upcoming ERADS ,BMD phase 2 & s400 such threats would look even hollow on paper ,our main aim should be to take out your delivery mechanisms as well as warheads after that even in a war of attrition & your famed strategic depth we would finish you guys easily.
Pakis industrial, educational and R&D base is primitive but still inbreds can directly develop GaN radar, towed array, project hazam, lauda lassan etc..

I guess these all things will be pindigenous just like your missiles. Don’t know why do these Pakroaches think that whatever India can do Pakshitstanis can also replicate the same, these coomerfags don’t even have expertise in building basic motorcycle engines let alone advanced avionics, and the dream of building advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array radars that will require compound semiconductor (Gallium Arsenide or Gallium Nitride) fabrication plants is nothing more than a joke.

Your avionics R&D is so primitive that Porkis have to do Joint Ventures which CAC China (openly accepted on PAC Kamra website and I’ve mentioned it before) for local assembly of avionics used in JF-17 Blunder. We know the industrial capabilities of this pre-industrial shithole when it comes to manufacturing of engineering goods.

Now please don’t tell me that Fuckistan is going to build an advanced air-to-air BVRAAM without importing semi-knocked down kits from China. Porkis should better start finding excuses to tell their jahil awaam that they are and will remain backward bcz within a decade gap will become so large that no monkey balancing will work.
Calm down lil pajeet your hole is already frothing,you may get a heart attack.
Randia is going to be next mega,galactic,hyper power we are doomed,whole world is doomed.
The reality, however, is that China’s submarines just cannot remain silent, and reveal themselves to the enemy as a slave to their habit. What this incident, of Chinese submarines being caught right in the middle of the act has done is turn the tables on the CCP. For far too long, the totalitarian Chinese regime has been having its way in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Now, the free world order is exposing China for what it is, and in the process, emboldening countries in the region to stand up to Beijing.
What is happening, therefore, is that China is being surrounded in its very own backyard by powerful nations, who are no longer willing to give Beijing a pass for any of its misadventures.
China military tech is sub par,china is no match for India,but than again we have seen badly beaten,abused and bruised Bahadur Bharatiya Senaks begging for mercy infront of these Chinks,tell us should we believe pictures or verbal diarrhea coming out of your hole.

You guys are already doomed
Don't worry about it,worry about your own country,which looks in better shape but isn't is.
The Yuan class submarine is actually very legitimate. It may not be on the tier of Japan’s diesel-electrics, but it’s still in the top 10% of diesel-electrics in the world.
Yes, China now heavily is ahead of Russian in diesel-electric (despite Russia being the country back in the 60’s that helped China originally with the program).

So to summarise, out of China’s 79 active submarines, it has 18 of the Yuan class.
So 18 of China’s submarine are in fact not a joke, and they are difficult to detect and track. However all of China’s nuclear submarines are easy to detect, and China’s older diesel-electrics are also possible to detect.
But the Yuan class if submerged, it’s likely not possible to detect (which even the USA itself admit this).
You should really look into amount of USD,manpower and infra PRC is putting into all kind of mil related R&D.
And I thought some useful discussion might be going on here. :rolleyes:
Pakis obsession to maintain parity with us was expected after we developed uttam aesa radar ,we should take your claim at face value rather then arguing about authenticity which can't be independently verified infact your obsession help you guys to keep begging, your haste purchase of chink HALE drones ,SAMS & j-10 after rafale & s400 deal lays bare your insecurities ,if we achieve our stated aims like that of 42sqd ,3k 155mm howitzers or 200 odd ships you really can't play numbers game hence the nuclear tactical ballistic missiles NASR & threats to launch them as a first use weapon but with upcoming ERADS ,BMD phase 2 & s400 such threats would look even hollow on paper ,our main aim should be to take out your delivery mechanisms as well as warheads after that even in a war of attrition & your famed strategic depth we would finish you guys easily.
Pakis industrial, educational and R&D base is primitive but still inbreds can directly develop GaN radar, towed array, project hazam, lauda lassan etc..

I guess these all things will be pindigenous just like your missiles. Don’t know why do these Pakroaches think that whatever India can do Pakshitstanis can also replicate the same, these coomerfags don’t even have expertise in building basic motorcycle engines let alone advanced avionics, and the dream of building advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array radars that will require compound semiconductor (Gallium Arsenide or Gallium Nitride) fabrication plants is nothing more than a joke.

Your avionics R&D is so primitive that Porkis have to do Joint Ventures which CAC China (openly accepted on PAC Kamra website and I’ve mentioned it before) for local assembly of avionics used in JF-17 Blunder. We know the industrial capabilities of this pre-industrial shithole when it comes to manufacturing of engineering goods.

Now please don’t tell me that Fuckistan is going to build an advanced air-to-air BVRAAM without importing semi-knocked down kits from China. Porkis should better start finding excuses to tell their jahil awaam that they are and will remain backward bcz within a decade gap will become so large that no monkey balancing will work.


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