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Featured India Forces Facebook to Delete Kashmir related posts by Pakistan Defence.

Social media is only a propaganda tool of the western powers. It is ok to post anything as long as it has the potential to create chaos, panic and unrest in the target countries, anything else is against the "community standards".

Pakistan should absolutely ban all foreign social media and create our own free platform.

Indian frustration over Pakistan defence is evident & it continues to use social media companies to suppress the voices against it's fascist regime.

One of the posts about PHD Scholar Wani burial in Kashmir, from 2018 was mass reported by Indian cells & we received a warning from Facebook of Page being unpublished.
Post was:

" Final resting place of PHD Scholar and Mujahid Dr Mannan Bashir Wani Shaheed of Lolab, covered with Pakistani flag. "

This warning by Facebook is uncalled for & is disgusting. Our post did not violate any community standard but it showed us one thing that we are hitting Modi's regime right in the balls hence the desperate attempts at suppressing us

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I think Imran is making Modi govt crazy over Kashmir, Hitler, RSS fundamentalist. Modi locks himself in some deep underground room as soon as he hear Imran speaking in some conference....then he pokes his head out of the hole and ask "is he finished".... God please give Imran few more years so Modi can die of heart attack or at least becomes a total nut case.
If Modi goes there's Amit Shah. If Amit Shah goes there's Yogi Adityanath. Leave alone being PM, will Imran Khan be even alive for so long?

And that is why scums like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and other jokers are BANNED IN CHINA because these are Biased and racist platforms which suppress freedom of expression. Good on China for protecting its people from such garbage. There are alternative Platforms where voice of Kashmiris need to be raised.
Information war, Technology owners are sympathizers with Indian genocide

Anti Saudia , and Anti UAE new are making waves on the same media , because something has happened behind doors , which also involves no delivery of F35 To UAE

The Kashogi Agenda is high , which draws a bridge between Saudia and Turkey , and the main objective seems to be Blackmail Middle east nations into buying weaponry or massive contracts in order to support American economy

Same Media outlets spew hate against Turkey - Saudia - Iran equally

Minimum focus on Kashmir or Sikh Freedom movement
We don't enjoy that luxury of Appeal & Review, we are banished folks..
Our verified twitter got suspended, another account got suspended, horus had 5 of his accounts suspended, i got my personal account suspended @ 2.5k & Eagle had 10k followers when suspended....appeal was rejected :)

Then perhaps it may be time to reconsider the strategy. Possibly?
So happy we use our clout on a really international platform that matters.

There is truly no even playing field on planet earth where an Indian will come out second best to a Pakistani.

I challenge you guys to name even 5.

Cheers, Doc
It may be due to we don't want to talk to you. Even we don't want to comment on your debates/essays written about us.

hm tmhein mon nhi lgana chahty.

And why you want us to follow you?????

Well Sit in peaceful place and think where we are superior to you!
It may be due to we don't want to talk to you. Even we don't want to comment on your debates/essays written about us.

hm tmhein mon nhi lgana chahty.

And why you want us to follow you?????

Well Sit in peaceful place and think where we are superior to you!

So happy.

Cheers, Doc

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