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Indonesia To Buy German Tanks, Cancels Dutch Deal

Indonesian policy makers assess a much more serious threat from the sea, buddy. A part of their islands is claimed by your new big Red friend. Sea is where the action will take place. Air force will have its role in defensive action where any assault on mainland Indonesia will be dealt by air.

Who told you that?

China does not have any claim on any of Indonesia's islands.
maybe the leopard cancel because there problem on goverment
We don't have any threat from any country, both China and US are our friends

China not enemy but Claming Natuna, US not enemy but possing Treat by putting new bassed in Darwin? And who was the one supporting PERMESTA Rebelion? CIA!

Sir a country which all focus is on developing its Army and Navy but not most important thing Air Force what else can be wrong with the government of Indonesia

They're not just focusing in Army and Navy Read Article Bellow

Indonesia buys Russian jet fighters in $500 mln contract

Indonesia has signed a $470 million contract with Russia to buy six Sukhoi Su-30MK2 jet fighters, the country’s media reported. Russian defense industry and diplomatic sources have confirmed the deal. But the Sukhoi aircraft maker and arms exporter Rosoboronexport declined to comment, RIA Novosti said on Tuesday. Deliveries will reportedly start after 2013. Indonesia’s Defense Ministry said another contract is now in progress. The country’s Air Force has six Sukhoi SU-27SKMs and four Sukhoi SU-30MK2s.

January 10, 2012 — RT News line

Indonesia, South Korea Launch Stealth Jet Project

Seoul. South Korea and Indonesia are launching a partnership today to develop a new stealth fighter jet which has been delayed for years by technical and budget problems.

Defense and procurement officials from the two countries will mark the beginning of their partnership with the opening today of a new joint research center in Daejeon, about 160km south of Seoul, reported Yonhap news agency yesterday.

Noh Dae Rae, head of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (Dapa), and Eris Herryanto, secretary-general of the Indonesian defense ministry, will attend the event, said the administration.

Referring to the so-called KF-X project, Mr Noh said in a statement: 'It will be a strategic project that will be responsible for the development of defense industries and national security in both countries.'

He said the KF-X project has been made possible because of 'consistent exchange and cooperation in the defense industry and defense procurement' by both sides.

South Korea launched the project in 2000 to produce home-built KF-X fighters equipped with stealth capabilities, reported Agence France-Presse.

Indonesia's state news agency Antara said the KF-X fighter would best the F-16 fighter jet with a '50 per cent higher attack radius, better avionics system and better radar as well as stealth capabilities'. The F-16 was first produced in the 1970s but current versions have been improved.

Indonesia will send 30 researchers to join about 100 South Korean researchers to work on the joint development project over the next two years, according to Yonhap.

After initial delays due to questions about the economic and technical feasibility of the KF-X project, South Korean President Lee Myung Bak agreed early last year to push ahead with the project amid growing tensions with North Korea.

Seoul plans to decommission all of its aging F-4 and F-5 fighter jets by 2020. Yonhap said about 170 F-5s are still in the South Korean air force.

South Korea and Indonesia signed a preliminary deal on the partnership last year and a formal agreement was signed in April this year.

Under the deal, Indonesia will acquire about 50 of the KF-X fighters in return for shouldering 20 per cent of the development costs in the multi-million-dollar project, the South Korean defense ministry has said.

A prototype of the homegrown fighter jet will be selected by next year, according to Dapa.

Defense ties between South Korea and Indonesia have strengthened in recent months.

In May, Indonesia agreed to buy 16 of South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle trainer jets, marking the first South Korean export of the supersonic jets.

Last month, a South Korean shipbuilder, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, was short-listed as one of the final two candidates to export submarines to Indonesia in a project worth about $1 billion.

Reprinted courtesy of Straits Times Indonesia. To subscribe to Straits Times Indonesia and/or the Jakarta Globe call 021 2553 5055.

Indonesia, South Korea Launch Stealth Jet Project | The Jakarta Globe

Who told you that?

China does not have any claim on any of Indonesia's islands.

Haha, Not Claiming?
Read This!

The Thinker: Caution Over Natuna

Indonesia’s detention of 75 Chinese nationals and their eight fishing boats off the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea has unwittingly provoked a reaction from Beijing that revives its claim over the maritime zone.

A statement by a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on June 25 used the term “Nangsha” Islands in reference to the case, China’s term for what the rest of the world calls the Spratlys.

China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam and Brunei all assert rights to exclusive economic zones in parts of the South China Sea based on their claims to some or all of the rock atolls that poke above the surface at high tide.

The islands are vitally important to all these countries because they sit in waters that carry more than half of the world’s supertanker traffic. Significant reserves of oil and gas are believed to lie under the sea as well and the fisheries resources are enormous.

The dispute over who owns the islands has seen bloodshed a number of times. In 1976, China kicked Vietnamese forces out of the Paracels, in the northern part of the South China Sea. In 1988, the two sides clashed again at Johnson Reef in the Spratly Islands, with the loss of several Vietnamese boats and over 70 sailors.

Indonesia has until recently been a cautious bystander in these events. However, a series of Chinese maps, the first produced in 1993 at an informal workshop on the South China Sea hosted by Indonesia in Surabaya, appear to stake a claim by China to the entire South China Sea, including the marine territory north of the Natunas.

This claimed area overlaps Indonesia’s assumptions that its Exclusive Economic Zone extends northward from the Natunas, jutting into the South China Sea and including areas believed to hold significant oil and gas reserves.

At the meeting in Surabaya, B. Raman, a former senior Indian government official, wrote in Asian Affairs that there was alarm on the part of the Indonesian delegation.

“The Indonesians noticed to their surprise that the Chinese claim line was marked between the Natuna Islands of Indonesia and a gas-bearing area located 250 kilometers to the northeast of it, which lies within the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone of 320 kilometers claimed by Indonesia, thereby raising the suspicion that China probably looked upon this gas-bearing area also as historically belonging to it even though it had never claimed it in the past before the discovery of gas.”

Nothing has been heard of the Chinese claim following another map published in 1998, at least until the arrests of the fishermen. The Chinese foreign ministry’s reaction to the arrests made it crystal clear that the issue remains on China’s agenda.

The language used by spokesman Qin Gang left no doubt that China will use its increasingly close association with Indonesia as momentum for a heightened position on the South China Sea issue.

“China is strongly dissatisfied with Indonesia for having detained these Chinese fishing boats and it demands that the Indonesian government immediately release the fishermen and boats,” Gang said.

Calling China and Indonesia “strategic partners,” Gang said, “the two countries should settle the problem as soon as possible in the spirit of friendly consultation and maintaining the overall situation of bilateral relations.”

While Gang demanded the release of the fishermen, Indonesia continues to detain them in West Kalimantan.

The government will need to judge its response to the demand carefully. Giving in to Beijing and releasing the men would be tantamount to acceptance of China’s implicit claim to the seas to the north of the Natuna Islands, along with the gas presumed to be there.

Going ahead with trials of the men and possibly sentencing them for illegal fishing would be seen by China as an aggressive act in contradiction of the strategic partnership agreement signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President Hu Jintao in 2005 in Beijing, the first such agreement between China and a Southeast Asian state.

Since then, China has been a strong supporter of Indonesia and Chinese capital has been critical in funding the 10,000 megawatt electricity generation capacity expansion program.

China has shown in the past that it does not distinguish between its political and economic interests in adopting strategies toward the outside world. Jakarta now finds itself between a rock and a hard place in its relationship with the world’s emerging economic superpower.

Keith Loveard is a Jakarta-based journalist and political analyst.

The Thinker: Caution Over Natuna | The Jakarta Globe
I think that DEPO should look towards offering them our tanks and APCs:
Modernization+of+Al-Khalid+Main+Battle+Tank+%2528MBT%2529+PAKISTAN+ARM  Y+I+II.jpg



This is the T-80UD:(Explain how its better than Al-Khalid)



As we have about Type 69-II 250-400 and Type 59 1100-1200 which are going with upgrades to become Al-Zarrar and even heard that 500 Type 85-IIAP/Type 85-IIIAP are also going to be upgraded to Al-Zarrar Standards very soon. 50+ T-55/54 are in reserve or may be given to Paramilitary forces.
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yeah f-16 delivered in 2014 ,i dont know how many sukhoi iam not defence minister,we not rich country but we will provide for a step by step for complete our needs

No delivery dates, not yet approved by US Congress.
I can't understand one thing why on earth Indonesia focus is on developing its Army and Navy but not its Air Force in these modern days both Navy and Army are sitting ducks if they are not backed by really strong Air Force and Indonesian Air Force is almost non existent at this time they should have at least 400 most modern Fighter Planes to defend their Air Space but they are wasting their money in buying Tanks Man I seriously now have to think about mental level of Indonesian Policy makers what are the up to ?

Not to mention that Indonesia is the biggest pile of Islands of any other nation, so they need aircraft more than others.
Similar thing happened to us back in the early 2000s

we were lost by the polish pt-91
I also want to know, which islands are being claimed?:what:

Who told you that?

China does not have any claim on any of Indonesia's islands.

You must forgive my ignorant, which are the islands of Indonesia that claims by some big Red country.

the kiddo was telling a lie, Indians r so scared by a new big Red Dragon that everywhere they go what comes into their sight even its not there is the MIGHTY RED DRAGON :lol::china:
Better for Indonesia along with Malaysia and Middle East: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Jordan to join Germans in their military programs so that they can have what they want also the Germans will gain some financial partners which they might need and they can teach these countries well.
I can't understand one thing why on earth Indonesia focus is on developing its Army and Navy but not its Air Force in these modern days both Navy and Army are sitting ducks if they are not backed by really strong Air Force and Indonesian Air Force is almost non existent at this time they should have at least 400 most modern Fighter Planes to defend their Air Space but they are wasting their money in buying Tanks Man I seriously now have to think about mental level of Indonesian Policy makers what are the up to ?
Have to agree with you here. Indonesia is not exactly tank country....they need to worry about naval attack...and air cover would be the best way to thwart this.
Have to agree with you here. Indonesia is not exactly tank country....they need to worry about naval attack...and air cover would be the best way to thwart this.

If anything, their focus should be on the amphibious armour variety..
the kiddo was telling a lie, Indians r so scared by a new big Red Dragon that everywhere they go what comes into their sight even its not there is the MIGHTY RED DRAGON :lol::china:

I understand your natural urge to fly the chinese flag and generally suck up, but atleast read the link posted by the indonesian member before you go all out.
I understand your natural urge to fly the chinese flag and generally suck up, but atleast read the link posted by the indonesian member before you go all out.

Let him bask in the commie's glory. That's the only hope his kind has of any relevance in global politics.

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