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Iran denies claims about nuclear plan



Iran denies claims about nuclear plan

Robert Tait
Monday November 14, 2005
The Guardian

Iran was under renewed pressure yesterday over its nuclear programme after reports that US officials had found information on a stolen laptop computer that they claimed proved Iran was attempting to develop a nuclear warhead.
American intelligence agents have briefed senior officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the alleged evidence contained on the computer, according to the New York Times. The agency is scheduled to meet in Vienna on Thursday week to consider referring the Iranian case to the UN security council.

The laptop, said to have been obtained from a source inside Iran, contains more than 1,000 pages of computer simulations and accounts of experiments believed to be part of a long-term programme to design a nuclear warhead compatible with Iran's Shahab missile and capable of reaching Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.
The computer documents specified a blast of about 600 metres (2,000ft) above a target, considered to be the optimum height for a nuclear explosion.

Conscious of US intelligence failures that falsely projected weapons of mass destruction inside Iraq, the Bush administration has kept the information secret but has briefed IAEA officials, including the agency's director, Mohamed ElBaradei, as well as the British, French and German governments, in an effort to turn up the heat on Tehran. Other countries on the IAEA board have also been brought into the loop, but unlike Britain, France and Germany, are said to be sceptical.

An American official yesterday insisted the laptop finding was "strongly suggestive" that Iran had made "significant advancement toward weaponisation".

Another official said: "It is one more piece of a strong circumstantial case that they are pursuing a nuclear weapon."

Iran called the claims "worthless and naive". Hamid Reza Asefi, a foreign ministry spokesman, said: "The baseless claim made us laugh. We do not use laptops to keep our classified documents. It is another fuss ahead of the IAEA board meeting to poison the board's atmosphere."

The revelations came as Iran rejected a compromise proposal, made with US and EU support, enabling it to maintain a uranium enrichment programme as long as that process is completed in Russia.

"What matters to us is to preserve nuclear technology in Iranian hands," Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said. "Nuclear technology is the right of Iranians. It is a right no one can deny."

The rejection, during a visit to Tehran by the Russian security council secretary, Igor Ivanov, did not bode well for renewed talks between Iran and Europeans. EU foreign ministers last week began studying a proposal from Mr Larijani to reopen talks. Iran has balked at suggestions that it once again freezes uranium conversion as a pre-condition to fresh talks.

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