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Jai Shri Ram is a war cry, prove otherwise

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Aug 22, 2019
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Jai Shri Ram is a war cry, prove otherwise
On December 6, 1992, the roads leading to the mosque were flooded with well built young karsevaks, sadhus and sanyasis in violent mood and temper, holding high trishulas and talwars and chanting in high pitch ‘Jai Shri Ram’ ‘Jai Shri Ram’.
As India is barely able to breathe with the ongoing and unending shortage of Oxygen and ventilators following the second wave of COVID-19 triggered by Kumbh Mela in Uttarakhand and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rallies in West Bengal, India’s Hindu nationalists found time to force another Muslim youth to chant Hindu slogan ‘Jai Shri Ram’ before lynching him to death in Mewat, Haryana. The unfortunate incident is not an isolated incident nor was the usage of the slogan ‘Jai Shri Ram’.
Ever since Narendra Modi led BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party) government took power in the centre, the cases of hate crimes, particularly against Muslims, have risen exponentially and continue to take place in BJP ruled states and elsewhere but the usage of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ has a longer history than Modi’s history as India’s Prime Minister.
On June 17, 2019, horrifying video of a man tied to a pole and being assaulted by Hindu youths on alleged theft of robbery surfaced on social media. The man identified as Tabrez Ansari was lynched to death. He was repeatedly forced to say ‘Jai Shri Ram’. A day later, on June 18, 2019, AlMIM President and member of Parliament (MP) from Hyderabad, Asaduddin Owaisi was heckled with the same slogan ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by elected BJP parliamentarians as he began to take his oath for the fourth time as an MP.
These individual incidents of Tabrez Ansari and Asaduddin Owaisi are part of a larger politico-cultural supremacist imposition of Hindu Rashtra more often than not manifested with the usage of the slogan ‘Jai Shri Ram’. While the slogan, meaning ‘Victory to Lord Ram’, in itself is not violent, it has to be viewed in the context of its historical, political and socio-cultural connotations. The slogan can be best identified with the infamous Rath Yatra started by senior BJP leader and RSS member Lal Krishna Advani, leading to the demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh in 1992. Author and constitutional expert AG Noorani in his book ‘The Babri Masjid Question’ notes: On December 6, 1992, the roads leading to the mosque were flooded with well built young karsevaks, sadhus and sanyasis in violent mood and temper, holding high trishulas and talwars and chanting in high pitch ‘Jai Shri Ram’ ‘Jai Shri Ram’.
Hindu God ‘Ram’ was chosen, out of all other Hindu Gods, to represent Hindu nationalism. Author and barrister Suchitra Vijayan in her essay notes: Just before Ram Rath Yatra, the Sangh (RSS) circulated posters and books that refashioned the image of Ram from a “compassionate and benevolent” deity into an angry god with “a trishul, a sword and an axe”, all poised to “annihilate”. “The new imagery of Ram came from television epics – Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana and BR Chopra’s Mahabharata. The latter especially glorified a militaristic and virile Hinduism. The telecasting of these epics on Doordarshan resulted from the decision of an insecure Congress party”, notes AG Noorani in his book ‘The RSS: A Menace to India’.
In his book ‘Reflections of an Indian Muslim’ veteran journalist Saeed Naqvi notes RSS leader MD Deoras saying, ‘It is important that Muslims identify with Ram as an Indian symbol’. RSS leaders have for decades been imposing Ram as an Indian hero with the often-repeated statement, mentioned in the book ‘Hindus and Others’ by Gyanendra Pandey that ‘Ram is not just a religious, but a cultural hero, who must be honoured by every Indian, Hindu or non-Hindu’.
Preceding that, MK Gandhi had cherished a goal of bringing Ram Rajya (rule of Ram) in India, about which in 1929 he wrote, “The ancient ideal of Ramayana is undoubtedly one true democracy in which the meanest citizen could be sure of swift justice without an elaborate and costly procedure… a true Ram Rajya would ensure equal rights to both the price and pauper”. The organisation behind Gandhi’s assassination, the RSS interestingly adopted Gandhi’s goal of establishing Ram Rajya. At the first BJP convention in Mumbai, on December 28, 1980, several RSS members objected to the expression ‘Gandhian socialism’ (which is mentioned in BJP constitution) and urged its replacement by ‘Gandhian Ram Rajya’. Pritam Singh, Professor emeritus at Oxford University says, “Had Gandhi not been murdered by a Hindu fanatic, the ambiguous and contradictory nature of his thought would have made him a very valuable source of legitimacy for some versions of Hindutva ideology”.
Nonetheless, RSS leaders have not shied away from using the Gandhian phrase Ram Rajya in Indian politics to project a Hindu idea of India. Chief Minister of Gujarat and BJP leader Vijay Rupani said, “Mahatma Gandhi had dreamt of Ram Rajya and Narendra Modi is trying to make India as Gandhi had envisioned it”. More importantly, Rupani had said this, referring to under-construction of alleged Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, which was demolished by Hindu nationalists on December 6, 1992.
Following the demolition, the slogan ‘Jai Shri Ram’ embodied a sense of victory among the Hindu nationalists, and was continuously used to assert aggressive Hindu nationalism. The slogan henceforth has been used to bully, torture, brutalize and kill defenceless Muslims and other minorities. In the infamous 2002 Gujrat pogrom overseen by Advani’s protégé, then Chief Minister of Gujarat and India’s current Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the slogan was used by killers and even police as noted by Parvis Ghassem-Fachandi in his book ‘Pogrom in Gujarat’ and Ornit Shani in the book ‘Communalism, Caste and Hindu Nationalism’.
In more recent times, 25-year-old Kapil Gujjar shouted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ as he pointed his semi-automatic pistol towards the peacefully protesting Muslims in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh sit-in site during the anti-CAA protests. It has been shouted in all BJP and RSS rallies, across India, often preceded with hateful rhetoric and communally charged speeches. In BBC’s piece titled ‘Jai Shri Ram: The Hindu Chant That Became A Murder Cry’, author has noted at least a dozen incidents when the slogan was used to attack defenceless Muslims. The list is much longer than a dozen. Tabrez Ansari, 66-year-old Maulana Asjad Husain Zaidi and hundreds of his Madarsa students, 18-year-old Mohd Israel, 17-year-old Hafiz Sameer Bhagat, his friends Hafiz Salman Gheetli and Hafiz Suhail Bhagat, 15-year-old Khalid Ansari, Imran Ismail Patel, 11-year-old Rajab Alam, youthful Abdul Waris, Muqaddis and Haroon, 16-year-old Taj Mohammad and countless others have been the victims of Jai Shri Ram, and were either injured or dead.
Asif’s lynching has once again pushed a lot of us to assert that Jai Shri Ram is a war cry used to terrorise, attack, humiliate, torture and kill defenceless, innocent Muslims. A lot of us have only heard the slogans with the pretext of hate against Muslims. Many well-meaning people are asking us to not blame religion. They need to understand that we’re not problematizing the content but the usage.
The slogan has become an instrument of violence and should be called one. A friend suggested it has almost become ritualistic to lynch Muslims while chanting that slogan, making it almost a religious act. Attacking those who are saying what needs to be said about the slogan is not what is needed to be done. Hindu population must acknowledge that their religious slogan has become a war cry and act to reclaim it from those who’ve been using it for violence and terrorism. It is them and only them who have to do it.

At the first BJP convention in Mumbai, on December 28, 1980, several RSS members objected to the expression ‘Gandhian socialism’ (which is mentioned in BJP constitution) and urged its replacement by ‘Gandhian Ram Rajya’.

The Hindutvadis don't like the word "Socialism" or horrors of horrors ( :D ) "Communism". After all they want to perpetuate an extremely capitalist and socially regressive ecosystem which has existed for the last 3000 years. @xeuss - 3000 and not 5000.

Whether this be calling for removing "Socialism" from the Preamble to the Constitution or replacing the USSR-inspired words and institution, the Planning Commission, with the words "Niti Aayog". I never understood how Niti Aayog is different from Planning Commission. @Joe Shearer ?

Jai Sri Ram.

Drink some tea. Calm down.
The Hindutvadis don't like the word "Socialism" or horrors of horrors ( :D ) "Communism". After all they want to perpetuate an extremely capitalist and socially regressive ecosystem which has existed for the last 3000 years. @xeuss - 3000 and not 5000.

Whether this be calling for removing "Socialism" from the Preamble to the Constitution or replacing the USSR-inspired words and institution, the Planning Commission, with the words "Niti Aayog". I never understood how Niti Aayog is different from Planning Commission. @Joe Shearer ?

There was no meaningul capitalism in the world before the 16th-17th century Scientific Revolution,European Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution......Humanity in the last 300 years have made a clean break with what was there before
There was no meaningul capitalism in the world before the 16th-17th century Scientific Revolution,European Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution......Humanity in the last 300 years have made a clean break with what was there before

To begin with here's a picture from the Occupy Wall Street people's protest from 2011 :

Jai Shri Ram is many things, but it is a devotional chant above all. Similar to Hallelujah or Hail Mary in its usage, it can be a greeting, a prayer, a war cry and many things in between.
Older Indian are very familiar with this phrase being used by the devotees of Ram in the many movies, roadside plays( ramleela), TV serials etc long before the nationalist politics of the BJP and Jan Sangh took roots.
To begin with here's a picture from the Occupy Wall Street people's protest from 2011 :

View attachment 746604

Money lending was one source of income that kept the Jews alive in the Middle Ages after they were shut out of every Profession in Europe (and also large parts of MId East and north Africa I guess? though things may have been better for them under the Ottomans..you cannot club all Islamic empires together)
Dalits in Bihar’s Purnia rendered homeless after Islamist mob attack their colony and set it on fire: All we know so far


22 May, 2021

A Mahadalit colony in Majhuwa village under Baisi police station of Purnia district in Bihar was engulfed with raging conflagration on the night of May 19 (Wednesday) as Islamists in the region launched a brutal attack against the Dalit settlement. At least 13 Mahadalit houses were reduced to ashes, after a Muslim mob of 150 to 200 from three to four nearby villages, armed with weapons, surrounded the colony and set it on fire.

The Dalit colony Majhuwa village was reduced to ashes by the Muslim mob

The mob brutally attacked the Dalits who tried to stop them from carrying out the destruction. Showing the least empathy towards the aged, children or the women, the Islamist mob dragged them out of their houses and brutally assaulted them with sharp weapons.

In the attack, an elderly retired watchman namely Mewa Lal Rai (70), was lynched to death. A pregnant lady named Laxmi Devi was mercilessly assaulted by the rampaging mob. She sustained critical injuries on her head but managed to flee the spot.

Pregnant woman assaulted by Muslim mob

A 3-year-old boy Diwana Rai, son of one Pratap Rai, has disappeared and there is still no news of the child. Several other villagers, including women, children who sustained grave injuries, were later rushed to Baisi primary health centre (PHC).

Recounting the dreadful incident Mewa Lal Rai’s sons Sukhdev and Fakira said, “Hundreds of people from three to four nearby villages attacked us at around 11 am on Wednesday when we were sleeping. Later, they set our houses on fire.”

The reason behind the said incident of ransacking, assault and arson by the Muslim mob is said to be the grudges these Muslims hold towards the Dalits residing in the area, which is primarily a Muslim dominated one. For months now, the Muslims have been agitating and asking the Dalits to vacate the land claiming it belongs to them. However, according to the Dalits, the land on which their houses are made is government land, belonging to the PWD Department. They have been opposing the high-handedness of the Muslims and refusing to vacate their houses.

After the news of the incident spread, Vishwa Hindu Parishad members reached the spot to take stock of the situation. Disquieted by the atrocities meted out at the Dalits by the frenzied Islamists, the Hindu outfit issued a strong statement condemning the incident and demanding immediate action against the perpetrators.

In its statement, the Hindu outfit alleged inaction by the local administration and police. Drawing attention to how such incidents of atrocities towards Dalits in the hands of Muslims are becoming more and more common, VHP’s Union General Secretary Milind Parande wrote that Muslims are carrying out such atrocities with the tactile support of local administration.

To delve further into the case, OpIndia got in touch with Vivek Lath, VHP’s Prachar Pramukh of Purnia district. Apprising us of the extent of atrocities that were inflicted on these poor Dalit families on the night of May 19th, Vivek said that the frenzied Muslim mob surrounded the colony from all sides and set the houses belonging to Dalits on fire. Besides, a Hindu temple, where these Dalits use to pray, was also set ablaze.

“They did not spare anyone. They were brutally assaulting whichever Dalit was coming their way. Be it, small children or the women of the house, none were spared”, said Vivek, adding that the police reached the spot 2.5 hours after the incident.

Two fire engines reached the spot three hours after the purported to douse the fire, by when much damage had been done.

The VHP leader told us that the incident was a result of a scuffle over the ongoing land dispute, that broke out that afternoon, between deceased Mewa Lal Rai and some Muslims in the area. Local police had intervened and resolved the fight. Two guards were also deputed in the area to maintain harmony. In the afternoon, the Muslims returned calmly. However, as soon as dusk descended, members of the Muslim community launched the brutal attack against the Dalits.

During the attack, the two on-duty guards were also assaulted and their motorbikes were also set ablaze. While one was severely injured in the incident, the other managed to escape.

Vivek further informed that it had been more than three days since the Dalits have been rendered homeless. Since the incident, 3 FIRs have been lodged in the Baisi police station against 7 identified and over 100 unidentified Islamists, but the local police, under alleged pressure from the administration, has made only two arrests thus far.

The arrested accused were identified as Md Sakir and Md Ibrahim.

Copy of the complaint filed at Baisi police station

Copy of the complaint filed at Baisi police station

Muslims working with tactical support from local Purnia MLA AIMIM’s Sayed Ruknuddin: VHP

Vivek specified in clear terms that the Muslims in the region were being able to carry out these crimes against Dalits in connivance with the administration and the local police. He confirmed that these incidents are carried out with the help of local MLA and AIMIM leader Sayed Ruknuddin.
The VHP leader furthered that this incident was the result of a similar incident that took place on April 24th. Then too, a Muslim mob had attacked the Dalit families in the same village. That time, two Dalit houses were gutted in the fire. An FIR was filed then too, but because of AIMIM leader Sayed Ruknuddin, the culprits escaped unharmed. In fact, the Muslims had then falsely implicated the Dalits by filing a false case of molestation against them.

The VHP leader opined that the police apathy shown then, emboldened the Muslims, to plan a bigger and heinous attack on these oppressed Dalits.

Vivek said that the incidents of violence in West Bengal and the State police apathy towards the attacks have also stiffened the resolve of these Jihadi Islamists, who have started drawing pleasure out of such incidents of atrocities against Hindus.

Speaking of the dominance and influence of Muslims in the region, he said that Majhuwa village is very near to the area in West Bengal where a few days back the SHO of Kishanganj PS was lynched to death. The whole area of Uttar Dinajpur in West Bangal and adjoining districts of Purnia and Kishanganj in Bihar is like Mini Pakistan, where Hindus including Dalits are constantly targeted by the Muslims in the region.

Muslim culprits have received financial aid up to Rs 50 lakhs

Vivek said that some villagers had confirmed that the Islamists who were identified by the victims have been hiding in the adjacent Mobaiya panchayat in Baisi. In fact, the sarpanch of that particular panchayat, namely Islam Mukhiya and his brother Zakir have provided them shelter in their own house, confirmed Vivek.

He added that these culprits are also being provided with financial aid to carry out these crimes. The VHP leader said that sources in the village have informed them that since the incident happened a sum of Rs 50 lakhs has been provided to these culprits.

OpIndia further spoke to the Hindu organisation’s national spokesperson Vinod Bansal. He informed that the National Commission for Protection Of Child Rights has issued a notice to the SP of Purnia seeking immediate action against the kidnapping of the 3-year-old Diwana Rai during the incident of mob attack on May 19th. The Commission has asked police to submit a comprehensive report regarding the May 19th incident in the next 48 hours.

It also ordered the Child Welfare Officer of the district to record the statements of the victimised children under the Juvenile Justice Act 2015, and submit the same to the commission along with the report.

“They consider us untouchables and look down upon us’, victim whose house was doused by Muslim mob in Purnia rued

When we got in touch with one of the victims (name withheld due to security reasons), he lamented: “We are too scared because they were in huge numbers. Approximately 150-200 of them had attacked us. They were ladened with weapons which they used to attack us. Then, they began setting our houses on fire. They looted all of us. Whatever valuable we had, they took everything away. The women of our house were molested. Our the children and parents were assaulted”.

He added that “the land dispute is secondary, the primary reason behind these continuous attacks is the hate and grudges these Muslims are holding against us. They consider us untouchables and look down upon us. They want us to leave and go elsewhere. But we have been living here for so many years. It is the government’s land we are staying on if the government does not have a problem what problem do they have”, said the victim who added that since the incident they have been living under constant fear.
When asked about the aides they have received from the administration, he said that no body has come to even check on us. We have been provided with two sacks of rice and 50 kg of plastic as aide, informed the victim, pleading to the administration to save them from the horrific atrocities, which has made the lives of all Dalits in the area miserable.

Why does such stuffs happen in 70+ years of independent India? why Dalits have been at the receiving end of violence of both upper caste Hindus as well as Muslims....I am not blaming upper caste Hindus or Muslims here, why does the changing dynamics of a nation like India lend itself so well to the occurence of deadly riots and communal violence?

Both the people and the polity have failed each other...

The people have failed themselves by reproducing too much...

The polity have failed the people by getting demoralized by the sheer scale of the problems and in the face of it only caring about themselves and their small coterie

I propose a new India...An India where voting rights as well as fertility rights are based on your tax contributions....Aum! With only soldiers getting the right to vote without significant tax contributions
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Money lending was one source of income that kept the Jews alive in the Middle Ages after they were shut out of every Profession in Europe (and also large parts of MId East and north Africa I guess? though things may have been better for them under the Ottomans..you cannot club all Islamic empires together)

Why does such stuffs happen in 70+ years of independent India? why Dalits have been at the receiving end of violence of both upper caste Hindus as well as Muslims....I am not blaming upper caste Hindus or Muslims here, why does the changing dynamics of a nation like India lend itself so well to the occurence of deadly riots and communal violence?

Both the people and the polity have failed each other...

The people have failed themselves by reproducing too much...

The polity have failed the people by getting demoralized by the sheer scale of the problems and in the face of it only caring about themselves and their small coterie

I propose a new India...An India where voting rights as well as fertility rights are based on your tax contributions....Aum! With only soldiers getting the right to vote without significant tax contributions

You are STILL asking WHY ?

Let me quote the article AGAIN.

"The reason behind the said incident of ransacking, assault and arson by the Muslim mob is said to be the grudges these Muslims hold towards the Dalits residing in the area, which is primarily a Muslim dominated one. For months now, the Muslims have been agitating and asking the Dalits to vacate the land claiming it belongs to them. However, according to the Dalits, the land on which their houses are made is government land, belonging to the PWD Department. They have been opposing the high-handedness of the Muslims and refusing to vacate their houses. "

This time Read it Slowly so that you get it. If ou still don't get it, read it AGAIN till you get it.

After THAT , Read THIS.

NCPCR Issued a Notice to Purnea Superintendent

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Protection Of Child Rights (NCPCR) has issued a notice to the Purnea Superintendent seeking immediate action against the kidnapping of the 3-year-old Diwana Rai during the incident of mob attack on May 19. Speaking to Organiser, NCPCR Chairman Priyank Kanoongo said that the Commission had asked police to submit a comprehensive report regarding the May 19 incident in the next 48 hours and has ordered the Child Welfare Officer of the district to record the statements of the victimised children under the Juvenile Justice Act 2015, and submit the same to the commission along with the report.

A 3 year old DALIT GIRL child is missing.

Now take a guess as to WHY she was Kidnapped. WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO HER.

Bihar: NCPCR Notice To Purnea SP Over Missing Child Post Alleged Communal Attack On Dalits

If you STILL DON"T GET IT, you are in Denial.

I have seen such videos...this idiot could have blinded or seriously injured the little boy with his mindless flag waiving

But yeah they are repackaging themselves..this is a Bajrang rave party

Anyways my point..is when you are richer..you can make cooler things..look at Karnatake...you wont see Bihar or UP having this level of fest
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