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Kashmir files vs The Shudra

Am I? That's what you got out of 14 years of my posts?
I haven't been around for 14 years, I'm relatively new. But I'll just say that you are good at deflecting things and going round and round in circles. You have the attitude of your way or the highway even when the mirror is being shown to you. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. I too have the right to my own views.
As I mentioned, I know your type.
It isn't complicated. I stand for constitutionalism, and the rule of law. I believe every single Indian citizen is deserving of exactly equal treatment under the law. I oppose majoritarian thinking.

Fairly simple, easy to recognise and identify. No rocket science involved.

Earlier, I used to respect you but no more.
I don't need certificates. Not now, not when I have a body of work that represents me.
Another lie from the cloud cuckoo land

Did US State Of Rhode Island ‘Recognise’ Kashmir Genocide After ‘The Kashmir Files’ Release? No, Vivek Agnihotri’s Claim Is Misleading​

I haven't been around for 14 years, I'm relatively new. But I'll just say that you are good at deflecting things and going round and round in circles.
You mean I should be confrontational at all times? If so, that is no way to convince people or to win them over to your way of thinking.

Look at the results of my efforts, and look at the results of your efforts, and you will understand.
You have your own post to thank for that.
How come you find issue in my post but not his or the countless others? I mean, this is so absurd.
I never called him Hinduphobe btw (which you didn't understand), I generally refrain from labelling people unlike you, he knows I respect him and vice versa. I just asked you how come my post makes me an Islamophobe and his post doesn't make him a Hinduphobe? Stating facts about Hinduism is cool but stating facts about other religions is phobia? Yours is a very weak argument.
Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. I too have the right to my own views.

Who denied that?

You need to remember that once you have expressed your views, it is open to others to express their views about your views. Fair, isn't it?
How come you find issue in my post but not his or the countless others? I mean, this is so absurd.
I found the single-minded concentration on Muslim attitudes, all interpreted in a hostile manner, singularly biased.

The context is also important.

For all that he is given to long-winded explanations of how the world should be run, and for all that he falls foul of chowkidars of Islam who attack him violently for not mirroring their views exactly, he still starts with the proposition that these religious differences should not matter. His ideology and mine are different - I can never agree with Communism, with its built-in violence - but he is far from being any kind of religious bigot.

Nor do I, certainly not from snobbish people.
I am a snob.

I am particular that India should be represented by the right sort of intellect and outlook.


Anything that falls below that is something I have criticised and will do so in future as well.
Bollywood is going through a bad period overall. There are no path breaking film makers. Everyone just wants a piece of either the romantic small town comedy pie, grisly small town crime drama pie or patriotic pie. As if the only people left in India are romantics and criminals. Oh yes, there are the wannabe Netflix types too, who derive their inspiration from depressing, dark material from cold countries. Don't know what bright, sunny and hot India has got to do with those sensibilities.

My favorite movies are those by Basu Chatterji, Hrishikesh Mukherji and Sai Paranjpe. Panchayat series on Amazon Prime was good too. My favorite among the recent releases. All time favorite is Malgudi Days (both the books and series). Shankar Nag did wonderfully well with the material.

I watch a lot of regional stuff these days thanks to good subtitles. Fahad Faasil movies are good.

My real disappointment is with new Bengali cinema, simply because one expects a very high standard of them. They seem to have totally lost it and are caught in their own spiral of unnecessary intellectual stuff (which is actually shallow at the best of times) instead of making more realistic cinema. I guess the best Bengali talent is working in other film industries.
Bit off topic but my fathers favourite movie was this
Just brought back memories when jamahir posted about old movies

You mean I should be confrontational at all times? If so, that is no way to convince people or to win them over to your way of thinking.
Don't know about others but you certainly didn't win me over.
However, you are quick to point fingers aren't you? Immediately called me an Islamophobe, labelled me into a specific category, so easy right? I never saw you labelling him or the others as Hinduphobes because they are 'entitled' to their own views. As I mentioned, I know your type. Earlier, I used to respect you but no more.

For all that he is given to long-winded explanations of how the world should be run, and for all that he falls foul of chowkidars of Islam who attack him violently for not mirroring their views exactly, he still starts with the proposition that these religious differences should not matter. His ideology and mine are different - I can never agree with Communism, with its built-in violence - but he is far from being any kind of religious bigot.

Kedar, if I had been a Hinduphobe then I would have used slurs that some Muslim members seem to. I wouldn't have mentioned ( often ) that I like the Hindu concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. I wouldn't be discussing with you, Joe and Vishwambhar. Other such things. On the other side you will find countless posts of mine condemning the Tableeghi Jamaat, Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood etc and like Joe says I get attacked by mob-appointed chowkidars of Islam who don't agree with me debunking their mob beliefs and you too have appreciated this. Lastly, Joe speaks of me being a Communist which adds to the furious disagreements with me from members from Greece to Pakistan to India, LOL. Please see the balance I walk.

For all that he is given to long-winded explanations of how the world should be run

"Long-winded explanations", ha ha.
Kedar, if I had been a Hinduphobe then I would have used slurs that some Muslim members seem to. I wouldn't have mentioned ( often ) that I like the Hindu concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. I wouldn't be discussing with you, Joe and Vishwambhar. Other such things. On the other side you will find countless posts of mine condemning the Tableeghi Jamaat, Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood etc and like Joe says I get attacked by mob-appointed chowkidars of Islam who don't agree with me debunking their mob beliefs and you too have appreciated this. Lastly, Joe speaks of me being a Communist which adds to the furious disagreements with me from members from Greece to Pakistan to India, LOL. Please see the balance I walk.
I never called you that, please go through my previous posts, it was just a counter question. Also, I don't believe that my first and second response to you is incorrect despite @Joe Shearer calling me Islamophobe and concluding the topic. What's even the criteria for labelling someone as a Hinduphobe or Islamophobe? Criticizing/pointing out flaws in the other religion makes you one?
Anyway, it was you who tagged me first and I just expressed my viewpoint.
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I never called you that, please go through my previous posts, it was just a counter question. Also, I don't believe that my first and second response to you is incorrect despite @Joe Shearer calling me Islamophobe and concluding the topic. What's even the criteria for labelling someone as a Hinduphobe or Islamophobe? Criticizing/pointing out flaws in the other religion makes you one?
Anyway, it was you who tagged me first and I just expressed my viewpoint.
Especially if baseless and repeating it ad nauseum

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