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Khorramshahr multi warhead ballistic missile

The fact the US is discrediting the Iranian launch is a good thing for Iran. It shows they are trying to avoid confortation over this new missile. Because this missile with a 1 ton or .8 ton warhead could travel 3500-4000 miles potentially.

This would have given the US the perfect excuse to increase pressure On the UN about Iran's BM activities. Yet they decided to take the, "the missile failed" "video is fake" approach.

Very interesting.

Oh yeah, and imagine if Khoramshahr has the warhead weight of emad which i think is 650kg. It could even make its way to london.
@JEskandari this is what i was trying to tell you, antimatter bomb is impossible even in another one to two centuries, to say the least.
not just talking about quantity how are you gonna contain antimatter to make a bomb out of it, they surely knew how to contain Uranium 235 in 1935.

The big difference is that at that time uranium was available in commercial quantities,but even then it still took a lot of work,effort and expense to develop the requisite technologies to transmute or to purify and concentrate the required isotopes,by comparison antimatter does not exist in anything even remotely approaching commercial quantities,indeed at the moment it requires enormous machines like the large hadron collider at cern to produce only a few atoms worth of antimatter which is a verrrry looong way,to put it mildly,from the milligram or gram amounts you would need for a weapon,I`m sorry but frankly at this point in time its little better than science fiction.

your problem is that you think we don't knew how to contain antimatter , we know how to contain it . it just need a lot of energy and big device . it means the device to contain antimatter just need to miniaturized . for that they trap Electrically charged anti-particles in electro magnetic fields .

In June 2011, ALPHA reported that it had succeeded in trapping antimatter atoms for over 16 minutes. On the scale of atomic lifetimes, this was a very long time — long enough to begin to study their properties in detail. By precise comparisons of hydrogen and antihydrogen, several experimental groups hope to study the properties of antihydrogen and see if it has the same spectral lines as hydrogen. One group, AEGIS, will even attempt to measure g, the gravitational acceleration constant, as experienced by antihydrogen atoms.

The longer these experiments can trap antihydrogren, the more accurately they can measure it, and physicist will be closer to demystifying antimatter.

be assured while you guys are saying its impossible some other people are working on it 24h/day 7day/week
and @Fafnir it's true that in 1935 they could produce U235 but never in commercial quantity and we could produce Antimatter since 1990 by the way research on using uranium for fission started in 1934 and in 1942 hitler diverted Germany efforts on this matter to other fields because some of German scientist at the time taught it was impossible to produce enough U235 for fission to happen and in 1945 just 3 year later USA droped the bomb on Hiroshima.
you see even in 1942 they could not produce enough U235 to sustain a chain reaction
On 2 December 1942, as part of the Manhattan Project, another team led by Enrico Fermi was able to initiate the first artificial self-sustained nuclear chain reaction, Chicago Pile-1. An initial plan using enriched uranium-235 was abandoned as it was as yet unavailable in sufficient quantities.[38] Working in a lab below the stands of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, the team created the conditions needed for such a reaction by piling together 400 short tons (360 metric tons) of graphite, 58 short tons (53 metric tons) of uranium oxide, and six short tons (5.5 metric tons) of uranium metal, a majority of which was supplied by Westinghouse Lamp Plant in a makeshift production process.[31][39]

oh by the way first batch of U235 purified in
Confirmation of this hypothesis came in 1939, and later work found that on average about 2.5 neutrons are released by each fission of the rare uranium isotope uranium-235.[31] Fermi urged Alfred O.C. Nier to separate uranium isotopes for determination of the fissile component, and on February 29, 1940, Nier used an instrument he built at the University of Minnesota to separate the world's first uranium-235 sample in the Tate Laboratory. After mailed to Columbia University's cyclotron, John Dunning confirmed the sample to be the isolated fissile material on March 1
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your problem is that you think we don't knew how to contain antimatter , we know how to contain it . it just need a lot of energy and big device . it means the device to contain antimatter just need to miniaturized . for that they trap Electrically charged anti-particles in electro magnetic fields .
it's not as easy as you're making it sound, if it were you would have already done that. as of now CERN is the only entity advancing in this field and even they don't believe that they will able to make enough antimatter in the near or distant future to make a bomb.
it's not as easy as you're making it sound, if it were you would have already done that. as of now CERN is the only entity advancing in this field and even they don't believe that they will able to make enough antimatter in the near or distant future to make a bomb.
not easy but not as hard as you made it and as i said it's in hand reach certainly not in the range of 1-2 centuries probably 10-15 years most and why you think only CERN research on that matter , CERN is the public one , do you believe some government around the world are sitting on their butt and don't have their secret project .
i didn't said only CERN, but i did said that they are ahead of everyone else.

that is factually impossible.

if we are extremely lucky even then probably 8-9 decades at least.

I don't understand why were are arguing @Cringe about anti-matter bombs, he's totally right. This is so un realistic sci-fi shit. Why doesn't Iran do something more realistic and effective like development of thermobaric weapons, and artillery. You know. Powerful shit.
I don't understand why were are arguing @Cringe about anti-matter bombs, he's totally right. This is so un realistic sci-fi shit. Why doesn't Iran do something more realistic and effective like development of thermobaric weapons, and artillery. You know. Powerful shit.
that's exactly what i'm trying to say Iran should make the best of it's resources and should not waste time on any future bomb technology which may or may not come to fruition ever they should go the nuclear route.
that's exactly what i'm trying to say Iran should make the best of it's resources and should not waste time on any future bomb technology which may or may not come to fruition ever they should go the nuclear route.

The nuclear route has a number of problems with it but it is feasible to actually do if we choose. You're right. None the less I think Iran could really use thermobaric warheads, totally within the realm of irans capabilities. And other force multipliers for conventional firepower. Rather than spend billions on anti-matter, how about we design super sonic anti-shipping cruise missiles as all of ours are sub-sonic. Something realistic and very dangerous.
The nuclear route has a number of problems with it but it is feasible to actually do if we choose. You're right. None the less I think Iran could really use thermobaric warheads, totally within the realm of irans capabilities. And other force multipliers for conventional firepower. Rather than spend billions on anti-matter, how about we design super sonic anti-shipping cruise missiles as all of ours are sub-sonic. Something realistic and very dangerous.
any of those things would be better than to waste money and time on "anti matter bombs".
i didn't said only CERN, but i did said that they are ahead of everyone else.

that is factually impossible.

if we are extremely lucky even then probably 8-9 decades at least.
we knew how to make Antimatter , we knew how to contain it we just need to miniaturize it . yeah sure that seems 8-9 decade to me. by the way can you tell us some of those facts that make it impossible ?
specially when i show you from the time they theorized you can build nuclear weapon to the time they drop it take only 10 year and only 5 year before the bomb they managed to separate u235. and wont forget Heisenberg just 3 years before the bomb drop on Hiroshima told that the bomb can't be made by the end of the war and effectively stopped hitler nuclear weapon programs .

I don't understand why were are arguing @Cringe about anti-matter bombs, he's totally right. This is so un realistic sci-fi shit. Why doesn't Iran do something more realistic and effective like development of thermobaric weapons, and artillery. You know. Powerful shit.
Nuclear bomb was so unrealistic and SciFi in 1940 it was so expensive and time consuming in 1942 that Germany could not make a bomb until the end of the war and just less than 3 year later USA conducted trinity test and 20 day after that USA dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima and after 3 day they dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki .
yeah sure that was also Sci Fi as what I say now is just Sci Fi

any of those things would be better than to waste money and time on "anti matter bombs".
And so USA built the bomb and Germany failed while they start one year sooner . what you said was the exact reason that happened .
we knew how to make Antimatter
on paper everyone does but do you have it physically, where is your particle accelerator.
yeah sure that seems 8-9 decade to me.
first you tell me how is it possible in 10-15 years.
Nuclear bomb was so unrealistic and SciFi in 1940 it was so expensive and time consuming in 1942 that Germany could not make a bomb until the end of the war and just less than 3 year later USA conducted trinity test and 20 day after that USA dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima and after 3 day they dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki .
yeah sure that was also Sci Fi as what I say now is just Sci Fi
you're comparing apples to oranges. @Stryker1982
on paper everyone does but do you have it physically, where is your particle accelerator.

first you tell me how is it possible in 10-15 years.

you're comparing apples to oranges. @Stryker1982
so you can't back your word . and "we knew how to make Antimatter" is a figure of speech that is used when you talk about all humanity
and it's list of acceerators

you see its more than CERN and there is at least two more that work on Antimatter interestingly both are in USA
is a figure of speech that is used when you talk about all humanity
so when you say we will be able to make antimatter bombs in 10-15 years you mean the world will be able to.
if that is so still not gonna happen because the "world" is doing research on antimatter to learn about the big bang theory they don't have any intentions to make a bombs out of it.
when you already have relatively easy/cost efficient access to weaponry /mature technology that can wipe out all of humanity/earth many times over... why would you start investing countless billions/trillions? into a project that at best would pretty much serve the exact same function?

at worse might not even be feasible. And you might just end up throwing all that cash and resources down a toilet. just makes no sense for advanced nations with nuclear arsenals to put serious resources into it...

as for a country like iran that is relatively cheap on defense spending, such a project makes even less sense.
so when you say we will be able to make antimatter bombs in 10-15 years you mean the world will be able to.
if that is so still not gonna happen because the "world" is doing research on antimatter to learn about the big bang theory they don't have any intentions to make a bombs out of it.
Yeah sure

when you already have relatively easy/cost efficient access to weaponry /mature technology that can wipe out all of humanity/earth many times over... why would you start investing countless billions/trillions? into a project that at best would pretty much serve the exact same function?

at worse might not even be feasible. And you might just end up throwing all that cash and resources down a toilet. just makes no sense for advanced nations with nuclear arsenals to put serious resources into it...

as for a country like iran that is relatively cheap on defense spending, such a project makes even less sense.
Invest on it to widen your options on annihilating humans . by the way the exact same reasoning could have been applied to any other weapons . by the way humans very well were capable of killing each other since inventing tools . who ever invented the most powerful tools was the one who survived .

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