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Pakistan Army Outreach Program to Premier Institutions


Aug 18, 2015
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Burn Hall is a symbol that encapsulates the journey of striving for greatness, both individually and collectively. It strives for the pursuit of excellence, and the belief that anything can be achieved with hard work, determination, and dedication. The odyssey of excellence begins with setting high standards for oneself, and pushing beyond one's comfort zone to achieve new heights. It requires a willingness to take risks, to face challenges head-on, and to embrace the process of growth, self-improvement and accomplishments.


The accomplishments achieved, especially in the field of academics, represent performance outcomes of the pupils to become extraordinary human beings and lifelong learners.
Students must have room to create and explore in creative, physical, intellectual and virtual spaces. They must have a favorable environment to engage and debate with one another, faculty, administration and alumni. These interactions open new horizons, develop new understandings and new possibilities. Burn Hall is one such place where each student’s experience, be it academic, residential and co-curricular–is merged together seamlessly. It is a place of full-time learning, from classroom to the playing arenas to the hostels and homes. It has a dynamic environment, where students acquire education that emphasizes leadership, wholesome personality development, and skills and experience to face the future challenges courageously. This learning experience enables the Hallians to develop well-rounded personalities and become exceptional citizens of the 21st century.


Army Burn Hall College is one of the renowned legacies that the British left behind. It is a college, formerly operating along English public school lines in Abbottabad, with separate sections for boys and girls, and now gradually turning into a modern English-medium college. The Boys’ college, Army Burn Hall College for Boys (ABHC-B), is located on Mansehra Road in Mandian, Abbottabad. The school initially founded by missionary Fathers in Srinagar in Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), was later shifted to Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtukhawa Pakistan in 1948, and since 1977, has been run by the Pakistan Army. Since then, Army Education Corps has carried on the mission. Brigadier Bashir Ahmed Malik was honored to be the first Muslim principal of the college. It rubs shoulders with the prestigious and reputed academic institutions of the country. Burn Hall, having an eye-captivating natural landscape and appealing historical legacy, has played a significant role in educating and training successive generations over decades who are playing their pivotal role in our national life. As time passed, the school grew from a Mill Hill Mission at Srinagar to a well-established modern and state-of-the-art college of today at Abbottabad, offering Cambridge as well as Matric and F.Sc streams of education to more than 2600 Hallians. Together with academic excellence matured over the decades, the college infrastructure has also progressed by leaps and bounds, from a rented building in Baramulla to Srinagar, and from Srinagar to Abbott Hotel in Abbottabad, and now to an iconic institution on Manshera Road in Abbottabad. The college has a rich history of providing quality education to young eaglets from diverse backgrounds. Over the years, Burn Hall has contributed significantly to the development of Pakistan in various facets of life.

The college has made significant contributions through its commitment to academic excellence, character development, social responsibility, military training and national integration. The college has produced numerous leaders and professionals who have contributed to the growth and progress of the nation, and it continues to play a vital role in shaping the future of the nation. Presently, six serving Lieutenant Generals of Pakistan Army belong to this illustrious seat of learning.


The college acts as a feeder institution to provide cushion to its young eaglets to become a part of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, especially the Pakistan Army, to serve the nation. Pakistan Army takes great pride in its merit-based diversity. To further improve this indicator, the idea of ‘Pakistan Army National Outreach Program to the Premier Educational Institutions’ was initiated by General Headquarters (GHQ). This initiative aims at encouraging the boys from the leading institutions of the country to join Pakistan Army and serve the nation with pride. Recently, one of our proud alumnus, a three star general, Lieutenant General Hassan Azhar Hayat, HI (M), Commander 11 Corps, Peshawar, paid a visit to his adored alma mater on February 10, 2023 in connection with ‘Pakistan Army Outreach Programme to Premier Educational Institutions’. The worthy General was evocative the moment he stepped into his endeared alma mater and carved a niche for himself. He nostalgically shared his school life and the memories of his dear classmates. While remembering his days, he paid homage to his revered mentors who molded his personality and left an indelible imprint on his life. He shared his unforgettable journey from Burn Hall to Pakistan Military Academy (PMA). He also reflected on the endless sacrifices of the brave soldiers for this motherland since the inception of Pakistan and the role of Pakistan Army in protecting and defending the nation. He motivated the Hallians to serve the nation with the utmost sincerity and devotion. The students’ motivation was manifested in the question answer session that was quite enriching. The worthy guest replied the students and appreciated their enthusiasm and practical approach to life. His interaction enthused and inspired them to support and become a member of this esteemed institution of Pakistan.

During his visit, the worthy General met his mentors, comrades and the Hallians. It was an honor for the students to have lunch with such an inspirational alumnus. Later, the Commander visited the campus, especially his dorm and the classrooms where he once spent the best moments of his life. The worthy General left the campus with mixed emotions of sadness and elation. Indeed the valuable services of Lieutenant General Hassan Azhar Hayat, HI (M) have not only made the nation proud, but his alma mater as well. He practically manifested the college motto Quo Non Ascendam in life, which means ‘to what heights can I not rise.’

It is the motto of Burn Hall that speaks for itself. The contribution of the college in nurturing Hallians to be always wise, caring, honest, responsible and upright young leaders who would strive for improvement in every aspect of life speaks for itself. The Hallians have proved that they are matchless when it comes to professionalism. While there are many ways to measure Burn Hall’s progress and achievements, the foundational indicator is who we can be and what we can accomplish as a leading educational institution of the country. Therefore, it is expected that Burn Hall will continue to establish itself as an unparalleled educational institution of the highest quality in the country, where all students achieve success, address pressing societal challenges, where we come together to experience the beauty and power of aesthetics, and where we harness our knowledge and our talents to serve our community and the broader society with a sound and universally acceptable character.

The writer is a graduate of Command & Staff College Quetta and holds Masters Degree in Art & Science of Warfare Studies from National Defence University Islamabad.


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