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Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

They are smuggling arms and terrorists or testing our defenses, even worse laying sensors to detect ship / Submarine positions. With CPEC being attacked by Indian agents Pakistan should be on high alert 24X7.
Intelligence sharing is necessary. China is helping but I think we need more and more real time data. Mining is possible. Where is Indian nuclear submarine? They will deploy this sub either against us or against China. Indian submarine presence is always suspicious. There is one thing that I know for sure and that is their clear intention to not allow us to cross our own EEZ and venture in deep ocean. They are probably mining and putting sensors in our water.
Indian captain made mistake? haha bro fool others here. I know you are clever enemy who makes good strategies. You aren't testing us. This isn't testing. God knows how many submarines evaded our defenses. A submarine comes to surface to charge it's batteries but sub can live inside water for 29 days. Question is how many days have you spent inside water undetected? Nobody questions it. Everyone here in Pakistan is celebrating this detection like we won a war. It's pathetic.

We know you very well but you guys must be laughing. Who left a submarine unharmed? We did it 3 times. probably a world record or something.
It was not mentioned anywhere that this submarine was detected while it was surfaced to charge its batteries. further, if we plot coordinates that are provided in the video at different times, you will be able to understand that in the initial stages it travels more distance than in the last positions. the possibility is that at first sub tries to perform evasive manuvers and when it finds no way to escape, it surfaces and starts patrolling at slow speeds. The speed of subs is slow when at periscope depth. Total 05 Easting northing coordinates are provided in the video. from position data, we can deduce that it was located underwater and then forced to surface. destroying a sub is not a professional behaviour at all. You have to follow international protocols and in this regard PN is a professional force. ASW is a game of cat and mouse, Scorpene class submarine is a highly advance submarine with stealth technologies. Its detection and then surfacing is a victory for PN.
How did they block It's path? With another submarine, warship?
Tracking it by MPAs, Helis and likely Ships and via active / passive ping / sonar, i.e literally riding its as$ / tush. I reckon that the Indians are of the opinion that someone passed on the route to PN, thus the media reports of arrests on their side right after the detection.

I doubt that the PN Sub(s) will block and give away their position, that is if one was trailing / tracking the IN Sub. Something we will likely never know.
It was not mentioned anywhere that this submarine was detected while it was surfaced to charge its batteries. further, if we plot coordinates that are provided in the video at different times, you will be able to understand that in the initial stages it travels more distance than in the last positions. the possibility is that at first sub tries to perform evasive manuvers and when it finds no way to escape, it surfaces and starts patrolling at slow speeds. The speed of subs is slow when at periscope depth. Total 05 Easting northing coordinates are provided in the video. from position data, we can deduce that it was located underwater and then forced to surface. destroying a sub is not a professional behaviour at all. You have to follow international protocols and in this regard PN is a professional force. ASW is a game of cat and mouse, Scorpene class submarine is a highly advance submarine with stealth technologies. Its detection and then surfacing is a victory for PN.
Nothing is better than detecting a sub underwater. It's awesome if we did exactly the same thing but threat exists. Enemy is so clever. our enemy discuss Pakistan each day. Pakistan should also discuss India each day. I don't believe that only this sub tried to evade. I think there was another submarine. We have to continue monitoring our ocean because it's vast. think about objectives of India. Why subs in our water? What are they trying to do? There are many possibilities.
Nothing is better than detecting a sub underwater. It's awesome if we did exactly the same thing but threat exists. Enemy is so clever. our enemy discuss Pakistan each day. Pakistan should also discuss India each day. I don't believe that only this sub tried to evade. I think there was another submarine. We have to continue monitoring our ocean because it's vast. think about objectives of India. Why subs in our water? What are they trying to do? There are many possibilities.

Subs are like CIA, not many know the successful attempts, only failures are known. PN Subs play the same with them as well, the thing is to horn your skills to detect so when time comes then so the odds favor you.

3 A-90B and 8 Yuan type, I think PN still has room to add another 4 if not 7 to take the tally to 15/18 Subs.
They were not snorkeling unless the crew are composed of idiots.
After they were detected n informed as such were made to come to snorkel depth. Which in other simple terms means raising a white flag.

Wasay u indians thinking along the lines u have stated above just shows wt a bunch of loony delusional fools u really are. N America thinks that u idiots will take on China.........how the u.s even thought of such an eventuality is mind boggling in it self.
How is an underwater sub informed of their detection? Most likely they were egressing or was a decoyeven, as in there was more than one sub present so while we escorted one out, another went about it's business.
How is an underwater sub informed of their detection? Most likely they were egressing or was a decoyeven, as in there was more than one sub present so while we escorted one out, another went about it's business.
could be possible, but then again it's just an assumption on ur part.
could be possible, but then again it's just an assumption on ur part.
Yes totally. We don't know much about the incident at all is what I was driving at. Getting caught the Indians will also learn from this, much like air forces learn about enemy ADA/QRA from probing their airspace.
We want to see its pieces like that of Indian jet plane , not photages while it is escaping.
atleast fire something on it

Requires balls, which we don't have. Don't believe anyone who says this restraint bullshit works. We are losing more people to India-backed terrorists yet 'analysts' here think restraint works. Cute.

Should have fired something on it

That's like asking Bajwa to do something in the national interest --- which, so far, he seems incapable of doing, remember?

Allow it to enter and then destroy it. Enough with this good boy game.

If only we big enough brains to understand how deterrence and signaling works. Unfortunately, we don't. Our best slogans are:
-befitting response (getting old)
-don't mistake our restraint for weakness (newsflash: it IS weakness, and that is how its taken!)

Someone needed to spray depth chargers around this once it entered into your territorial waters. After that, either it would turn and leave damaged or would surface up with white flags on it "seeking help to rescue crew". Why the love when the other side is roasting you from media to individual personnel levels to militarily?

Don't forget our losses, both civ and army/LEA, to R&AW-backed terrorists.

But who will hold the top brass accountable for this pathetic policy? You can dress it up as 'strategic whatever,' but the fact is that this approach is not working. But, to GHQ, it is --- because they are enjoying their extensions and tenures in relative stability VS doing what's necessary for the long-term interests of the country. Sad state of affairs.
These bloody Indians are always in pursuit of a chance to defame Pakistan but fortunately, our country has one the best military in the world. They still are our worst enemy just as before partition, even Allama Iqbal poetry explains it
Assuming rational actors I have been wondering about this whole incident:

I am assuming some part of the submarine's mission is probing our defenses. In that case we shouldn't publicly disclose when and when we didnt detect them. Perhaps we have detected them way more than 3 times and choose to do a release on some detection for other reasons.

That is ISPR is letting IN know of the detection because it sees a deterrence value in our detection setup (whatever that is).

Why did ISPR do a press release on the detection? If our goal was only getting signatures of their submarines, the press release doesn't help. In that case we should have let the IN come and go with relative ease while recording their signatures. No need to possibly scare them away by saying we see you.

I believe we do not want IN subs roaming around in our waters. I suspect they may be here mapping the waters/seafloor, which is what we want to prevent.

So through that possibly flawed exercise in logic I can reverse engineer the situation.
1. IN subs have the mission of probing our defenses and mapping the waters/seafloor.
2. PN has detected IN several times more than what is said in the ISPR press release. This is because it makes sense for the PN to not reveal all their detection ability.
3. Doing the press release on saying we detected you thrice says we can detect you sometimes so please stay away and stop mapping our sea floor. So that the Indians don't know the full extent of our detection capabilities (trying to fail the IN probing mission) and deterring future missions (trying to fail the IN mapping mission).

But then I know very little of naval, let alone submarine, peacetime operations and warfare so I am just trying to think of interesting background to the whole incident :)

I guess we didn't deter them enough. 🤔

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