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Pakistan soon to recognize Israel?


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Pakistan to take along Arab friends on the issue of Israel`s recognition: Kasuri
Tuesday November 01, 2005 (0000 PST)

KUWAIT: Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri has arrived Kuwait Monday with a special message of President General Pervez Musharraf.
Kuwaiti foreign minister Sheikh Dr Muhammad Sabah received Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri at Kuwait International Airport. Pakistan ambassador in Kuwait, Muhammad Aslam Khan, first secretary Qasim Raza Muttaqi, head of the chancery, Dr Muhammad Khalid Ejaz and senior officers of Kuwait foreign ministry were also present on the occasion.

Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri said Kuwait was the first country in the world which immediately provided relief aid to Pakistan for quake victims. Medicines and team of doctors swiftly reached Pakistan from Kuwait. Kuwait government announced $ 10 million immediate assistance for quake affectees. " I have come here to express gratitude to government and people of Kuwait on behalf of government and people of Pakistan for this generous aid", he remarked.

He went on to say that Pakistan-Kuwait relations are based on solid foundations. Kuwait has always stood by Pakistan in the hour of crisis. "We are ready to render every sacrifice for Kuwait", he announced.

Foreign minister said it needed time for rehabilitation of quake affected people. " Inshaullah we will again succeed with the help of world countries in rehabilitation of people who were affected in disastrous quake ", he hoped. Rescue and relief teams of 53 countries were working in the quake hit areas, he told.

To a question about recognition of Israel he said Pakistan will not recognize Israel unless the latter returns to Palestinians their full rights. " Pakistan stance is the same what the other Muslim countries hold. Pakistan will take along its Arab friends in this respect. No one should have any doubt about it, he added.

where does it say pakistan will soon recognise isreal??

we have been saying that for decades.

FULL rights to palestine with jerouselam as their capital.

and isreal gets recognised!

when you read the head line you sort of get that into your head and you see the rest of the article from those eyes!.

which is stupid! and this is note more then some ones handy propganda!
Pakistan have some advantsages as well as disadvantages by doing such thing!
the first advantage is that pakistan can get sophisticated technology of israel.
the 2nd one is that pakistan will get more US Aid!
The third one is the boom in Jew investment in country which also strengthen the economy of country.

But the history tells us that the frndship of jews is much more dangerous than their rivalry.
the 1st and the biggest disadvantage is that Moosad can easily operate in pakistan.
the 2nd is that Jews will occupy almost all companies (investment) and when they remove that investment, nothing left!
Originally posted by Owais@Nov 1 2005, 03:17 PM
Pakistan have some advantsages as well as disadvantages by doing such thing!
the first advantage is that pakistan can get sophisticated technology of israel.
the 2nd one is that pakistan will get more US Aid! :cheers:
The third one is the boom in Jew investment in country which also strengthen the economy of country!

But the history tells us that the frndship of jews is much more dangerous than their rivalry.
the 1st and the biggest disadvantage is that Moosad can easily operate in pakistan.
the 2nd is that Jews will occupy almost all companies (investment) and when they remove that investment, nothing left!
[post=1945]Quoted post[/post]​
lol. interesting.

pakistan has not even signalled recognition of isreal. non of the Media nor Information by the goverment says we will recognise isreal, between the lines of the article/ report/ etc.

Pakistan on the contrary is pushing for a full isreali withdrawel from palestinian terratory, for Jerouselam to be the capital of a free prospering Palestine and Palestine to have a sovriegn goverment with out isreali intervention on any level. and with well defined borders which isreal MUST respect. these conditions are un-negotiable.

untill these conditions are met. Pakistan WILL not recognise isreal.

also due to the nature of the isreali relation with the indians. Pakistan does not wish to persue weopons systems from isrealis.
Originally posted by Yahya@Nov 1 2005, 08:31 PM
we have been saying that for decades.

FULL rights to palestine with jerouselam as their capital.

and isreal gets recognised!
It is unlikely Israel would entertain any plans to give up the city of Jerusalem.
Originally posted by Srirangan@Nov 2 2005, 10:17 AM
It is unlikely Israel would entertain any plans to give up the city of Jerusalem.
[post=2067]Quoted post[/post]​
my point!
Originally posted by Srirangan@Nov 2 2005, 04:17 PM
It is unlikely Israel would entertain any plans to give up the city of Jerusalem.
[post=2067]Quoted post[/post]​
Israel will never give up the city of Jerusalem.afterall its capital and that place is religiously important for jews also!
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