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Permanent Bans review board reinstated.

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A handful of disreputed members again have been added to the watch list or banned today. We request all respected members to suggest their opinions to our moderation team. Thank You.

Cleaner PDF = A Better PDF.
@notsuperstitious - Members banned permanently after detailed review.

@karan.1970 - Reviewed, sent on a probation as a final warning.
@NiceGuy - Sent on a probation after a detailed review.

Please note that our efforts to clean the forum continue. Those who violate forum rules are not doing any good to this platform and this should serve as a stern reminder. We are adding new tools and staff to our moderation capabilities including automated moderation. Please cooperate with us to keep PDF friendly for all.

Thanks - Horus
MarkusS = Prohibition for continued insults and trolling.
TimeToScoot = Banned
The Unnammed = Banned
Sarjenprabhu = Prohibition for religious trolling and insults.
dollarman = Banned
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