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Petition to keep jamahir out of India-related threads

Keep jamahir out of India related threads

  • Keep him out of Indian threads because he has no solution, just states half-truths.

  • Let him be. Pakistani members read him avidly.

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I went through the thread and I found no trace of me being off-tangent and half-truthing. If you know of a specific instance or instances please do post here.
I went through the thread and I found no trace of me being off-tangent and half-truthing. If you know of a specific instance or instances please do post here.
You dodge inconvenient questions. You gave no reply to posts #4, #16, #18, #20 and #24 in below link.

2. About you want to restrict me to a "Jamahir thread", you essentially are being fascist and dictatorial. Such a suggestion was also made by Bhakts here maybe in 2015.

Let's not talk about being fascist and dictatorial. You keep propagating your own versions of utopia and with very little tolerance for others' POV. If you stop talking down to people, maybe they will want to engage with you with sane arguments. But you have this long list of images and text which you copy paste from your own previous posts and everyone has seen and disagreed with them and moved on. How many times will one see them again. They occupy so much space on the screen, it gets painful. Life may be all about revolution for you, it may not be so for others. You need to go out and make real friends. They will not bite you. Learn to relax and stop believing that life is one big mission. It isn't. Life is a fucking accident and you got to survive it.
Life is a fucking accident and you got to survive it.

1. What does that mean ? I am very very happy to be born as I am.

2. Again I say, when I make a rational post what is there to disagree with it ? For example, abolition of money because money is not from Nature and it has caused misery for the few thousand years it has existed, whether within the family or in the city or kingdom / nation.
1. What does that mean ? I am very very happy to be born as I am.
Good to hear that.

2. Again I say, when I make a rational post what is there to disagree with it ? For example, abolition of money because money is not from Nature and it has caused misery for the few thousand years it has existed, whether within the family or in the city or kingdom / nation.
Yes, money as in currency is not from nature. But you are attacking the wrong problem. The problems is humans, not money.
For example, abolition of money because money is not from Nature.
The medicines you take also is not from nature.

The toilet you use also is not from nature.

The clothes you wear are also not from nature.

The public transport you advocate is also not from nature.

The microprocessor you invented also is not from nature.

The OS you invented also is not from nature.

The manned space mission you envisage is also not from nature.

The ideology of communism also is not from nature.

The Pakistani forum you use to post your propaganda also is not from nature.

The soap you use also is not from nature.

The biriyani you eat also is not from nature.
Not everyone is fan of communist/socialist ideas but how would world progress without debating, learning and un-learning and then re-learning the new ideas?

Denying anyone's right to discourse is ridiculous and it shouldn't be normalized. Neither he should be banned from a community/ethnicity/nationality just because he has different ideas than the majority.

I don't support the idea of banning him and/or keeping him out of any section.
Socialism and Communism are strong in India. You can't just push it under the carpet.
Socialism and Communism are strong in India. You can't just push it under the carpet.

Yes, Communists ( and Socialists ) have seen resurgence since the events of the JNU university in Delhi in 2016. There is talk of all the separated Communist groups coming back to form a single Communist union ( the CPI ) which it was until the 1960s ( and the CPI in 1947 separated into the Communist Party of Pakistan and CPI, and the CPP separated into Communist Party of Bangladesh in 1971 ). There was at least one event in South India where the Dalit movement, the farmers movement and the Communist movement came together in the start of a united struggle against the Capitalists and the fascists ruling India now. These three movements were till then separate largely with their own struggles.

In the 1980s the then Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, was very ready to save Pakistani Tableeghi dictator Zia ul Haq in case he was overthrown by Pakistani Communists ( like almost happened in 1951 ). Rajiv would save Zia and put him back into power. This Rajiv would do to prevent India from becoming governed by Communists who would be encouraged by seeing neighboring Pakistan becoming Communist and enact a revolution in India :
Rajiv Gandhi regarded Pakistan as 'strategic buffer' against USSR: CIA document
Sep 01, 2015

Washington: Contradicting perceived proximity to the Soviet Union in the Cold War era, India under the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had toyed with the idea of supporting anti-Russian civilian groups in Pakistan if the then Zia regime was thrown out by Moscow, a recent declassified CIA document has claimed.

According to CIA documents of the era, which were recently declassified and posted on the CIA website under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which is similar to India's Right to Information Act, Gandhi wanted non-interference from both the United States and the then USSR. "Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi would like both the USSR and the United States to end their involvement in South Asia," noted the 31-page CIA document titled 'The Soviet Presence in Afghanistan: Implications for the Regional Powers and the US'.

While taking note of the historic India-USSR relationship in particular in the defence field, the CIA report of April 1985 noted that India is likely to become increasingly concerned about long-range Soviet intentions in the region and could find itself moving towards confrontation with the Soviets if Pakistan was effectively neutralised.

"New Delhi regards Pakistan as a strategic buffer against the USSR and would oppose Moscow's effort to dominate Pakistan. New Delhi and Moscow would find themselves supporting rival factions within Pakistan," said the report, according to which Moscow had plans to change the regime in Pakistan and extend its influence beyond Afghanistan. In that case, the report said, "The Indians would seek to significantly reduce their dependence on Moscow and reorder their strategic relationship with the USSR, the United States and China if they perceived Soviet ambitions as extending beyond Afghanistan toward the subcontinent."

According to the report, the Soviets tried to heighten India's suspicion about Pakistan's intentions and its security relationship with the US in order to foster Indo-Pakistani tensions and heighten New Delhi’s dependence on Moscow. "In Soviet view, conflict between India and Pakistan would work toward solving Moscow's Afghan problem and would give Moscow opportunities to strengthen its position in South Asia," the report said.

"If (Gen) Zia (Ul Haq) regime were to fall, the Indians might try to prevent Soviet attempt to dominate Pakistan by supporting rival Pakistani political factions, Soviet military moves against an already neutralised Pakistan could even result in military confrontation with India," it added.

Six months later when Gandhi was planning to meet General Zia on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, the CIA analyzed that the then Indian Prime Minister, despite his strong public views on Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, was unlikely to push him hard on it. "Gandhi is unlikely to push Zia hard about the Pakistani nuclear program, although he probably will at least mention his continuing concern," noted the top secret CIA document dated October 21, 1985.

"For his part, Zia is also likely to propose ideas on ways to improve the bilateral relationship. He may suggest regular high-level diplomatic talks in addition to the formal Joint Commission sessions that focuses on trade, communications and cultural exchanges," the report said. "Zia may also solicit Gandhi's views on whether as the Pakistanis believe the Soviets are becoming serious about a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan," it said.

Humanity will be Communist because that is the natural state. :)
Humanity will be Communist because that is the natural state. :)
Wrong wrong wrong. Humans are anything but naturally communist. Humans are just better evolved animals and still share their survival instinct. That instinct says me-first, my-family-first and so on. It has taken centuries of living together to realise that some sort of order is necessary. In the initial period that order was punitive and now it is more instructional. But it is there, nevertheless. In the absence of orders, we will go back to being dog eat dog. What you probably mean to say is that communism is the ultimate state to which we should evolve to. Completely opposite of what you actually said.
Wrong wrong wrong. Humans are anything but naturally communist. Humans are just better evolved animals and still share their survival instinct. That instinct says me-first, my-family-first and so on. It has taken centuries of living together to realise that some sort of order is necessary. In the initial period that order was punitive and now it is more instructional. But it is there, nevertheless. In the absence of orders, we will go back to being dog eat dog. What you probably mean to say is that communism is the ultimate state to which we should evolve to. Completely opposite of what you actually said.

India is the very definition of "Dog-eat-dog society" and India is the most Capitalist, feudalist, anti-democracy and theism-ritualist society in human history.

Dr Ambedkar had said, “Democracy in India is only a top dressing in an Indian soil which is essentially undemocratic."

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