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Please welcome Technogaianist as a new intl mod

Please welcome @Technogaianist as a new mod in Pakistan Defence management. Enjoy!


Congratulations, no Norwegian jokes in the future, I guess :toast_sign:.
But I think the Mod title is wrong, it should be Sköldmö (skaldmaer)
and this is a more realistic picture after cleaning up Ultron's mess.

Aho :D they're fighting on a thread opened for welcoming a mod :lol::lol:.

Irony so thick you could cut it with a butter knife.

Congratulations :-) If im out of control correct control correct me but don't ban :D im miskeen:enjoy:

Oh don't worry, I'm no tyrant. You'll always get a reminder from me before being reprimanded. I believe people can and will change if given the opportunity, and sometimes reminding them of how they should act is enough to cause movement. It's only if you chose to repeat the behaviors that you've been reminded about that'll see you reap negative consequences.

You chose to be banned or not, I just mete out the punishments:p:. So be out of control to your heart's content.

Congratulations, no Norwegian jokes in the future, I guess :toast_sign:.

:o: Norwegian jokes? Nah, they're fine. We're family, it's only right we poke a bit of fun at each other.
Hey hun! It's great to have you on board.

Gents and ladies a few firsts with @Technogaianist becoming a moderator;

1. She is our first female moderator.
2. She is the first moderator who serves as a member of the armed services, in this case the Norwegian military.
3. She is our first ethnic Westerner.

So it's a great day for the site.

We always knew she had something. She reminds me of some dude ten years earlier, at the start of the video he takes out a troll and then proceeds to dance. So she will mod, and make a good dance of it as well, oh and unlike the guy in the video who is German (Saxon) she is a real viking. :butcher:

Congrats ...

I'm no tyrant

heart's content.
You know what I wish? You pull some smart new members to PDF. Would love a high brow discussion with you moderating it. And I don't mean people with same views. I think some of best discussions are to be had when you have wildly differant thoughts colliding from across the globe - the friction creates intellectual ferment ..

Hope you can steer PDF in that direction.
Irony so thick you could cut it with a butter knife.

Oh don't worry, I'm no tyrant. You'll always get a reminder from me before being reprimanded. I believe people can and will change if given the opportunity, and sometimes reminding them of how they should act is enough to cause movement. It's only if you chose to repeat the behaviors that you've been reminded about that'll see you reap negative consequences.

You chose to be banned or not, I just mete out the punishments:p:. So be out of control to your heart's content.

:o: Norwegian jokes? Nah, they're fine. We're family, it's only right we poke a bit of fun at each other.
OK, I will do one.... :smitten:
I was on a bus trip to the Alps, with a mixture of Swedes and Norwegians and one of the Swedes kept telling Norwegian jokes, and a Norwegian kept telling Swedish jokes.
They continued all the way to the Alps and the same story on the way back, until finally the Swede
told the following:

S: Did You hear about the calamity in the Sten & Ström department store?
N: Noooo, what?
S: The escalator broke down. People were standing for HOURS...

That was the last story of the trip!

A suggestion that i would like to make to the mod team, if it is already not being implemented, is to have mods for different sections from those very regions that those sections are about. A pakistani shouldnt delete posts in the Chinese section for example because he dont understand their culture and how they communicate. Whats offensive to a Pakistani might not be offensive to a Chinese at all.
Just to make clear where i am coming from. Chinese have a very high sense of security. Their conversations are very open. Pakistanis are polar opposite.
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Thanks everyone:cheers:!!

Just a quick tip: I'm easy to please. Stay on topic and be nice to each other and you'll avoid my wrath:D.

Congrats to you! I also think you should consider being mod for the China&Far East section too...to keep things there more balanced and unbiased. I think a lot of other members will appreciate your presence there.


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@Technogaianist I have this now printed in my mind to stop me from getting in trouble with you.

:lol: You've got nothing to worry about. Usually I'll just remind members that I'm around watching, but I've only reprimanded two members, both habitual low-content/troll posters. You're good about providing the forum with in-depth content and that earns you my respect and greater levels of leniency, though I'm not afraid to have to wield my mod powers either.

And honestly, it's only when members ignore the two pre-warning, informal warnings I give them that they get in trouble. If someone does something that's against the forum rules I'll remind them to change their behaviors, and if they choose not to listen, that's their choice but I'm going to respond in kind. I can't mod what isn't a transgression.

So far I think I'm having a positive effect on the discussions in my areas of responsibility as both trolling and low content posts/threads have been reduced. My presence is an intimidating factor, but I'm also active in patrolling the sections under my control. I think being a neutral party helps me see things differently and be a more effective force in mediating between some of PDF's waring factions.

If nothing else a friendly reminder that mods are watching is often enough to cool down heated flame wars, and that's the effect I'm looking to have. I only want to wield my warnings and ban powers as a last resort again the worst offenders and those who choose to ignore my attempts to let them change their behaviors. You'll always get a second chance from me (two reminders that you're violating a rule before a formal warning warnings), but I don't give third chances to anyone, even people I like like Armstrong. I give warnings instead.

Congratulations. I hope you will be active.

I'll let @Hamartia Antidote , @LA se Karachi and other members who frequent my areas of responsibility help answer that, but yeah, I've been active in helping deter trolling and offensive content, cleaning up clutter and trying my best to make the forum better one friendly reminder that civility is a thing at a time.

Congrats to you! I also think you should consider being mod for the China&Far East section too...to keep things there more balanced and unbiased. I think a lot of other members will appreciate your presence there.

Ultimately that's the decision of the Admins, but I agree that section could use an outside moderate voice to help cool down some of the more extreme or unnecessary content. Even seemingly OK threads are started with the intention to troll or demean other nationality's or forum members and in the sections I'm responsible for that's a no-no. This doesn't even touch on the myriad of offensive or vitriolic content. I don't frequent that section anymore because of how toxic discussions become in such a short time.

I don't know if I'm quite ready for that level of responsibility despite being an experienced moderator with experience on other forums too, but I'm open minded and if the Admin and Mod staff and rank-and-file PDF population endorse me as I grow more capable and well know here on PDF, then I wont decline either.


I appreciate everyone's well-wishes and I hope that I'm making a positive impact so far. I've been busy promptly responding to reported posts, clearing the moderation queue, reminding members to be on topic and nice to each other, merging and moving threads and deleting content with no value or limited potential for discussion and I hope everyone is appreciative of my efforts to make PDF for friendly and viewable for everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from.

I'm here to provide content and being a mod doesn't change my interests in military affairs, so feel free to keep on asking for my expertise, but I'm also here to serve you - the PDF population - and make the forum better for you. I encourage everyone to do their part in being civil and providing good content to the discussion that form here and I encourage everyone to make use of me as a mod as well as as an experience military and defense industry professional - remember my former title?. I can't see everything, but I can respond to reported content or tag alerts and remind offenders or take necessary action against their transgression. I need your help in policing content too. It's a team effort and everyone needs to do their part

Moderating is a team effort and I'm doing my best to help you. Do your best to help each other too, me included.

Thank you all and thank you for the kind words and well-wishes.

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