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Personally, I’ve never felt discriminated against, but yes, discriminated for. Not even at US borders and airports. :banana2:

But at Brit airports, yes felt discriminated against. :angry:

In my good old days, professors and deans still had open-door policy.:tup:
Regretably South Asians and Arabs are the most racist people. Based upon my personal observation;
in Punjab, most of the marriages are still among the 'Braderi'. In India its even worse, marriages are only among the same caste and profession. I found Pathans, Baluchis and Sikhs even more racists.

Arabs are no less racists than the rest. There is so much difference in treatment between nationals and foreigners that will make even the most racist BNP/Skinhead blush.

I have worked in US, UK, Kuwait and now in the UAE. It is less apparent in the UAE but it was so bad in Kuwait that I decided to leave a very high paying job in KNPC ( I was being paid $40K per annum plus housing and transportation; this was in 1980 ! ) after 4 years as I could'nt take it any more.
In India there is a huge difference in lifestlye between metro's and other parts of country. Metros are very open and free society but cant say the same for the rest. And they are only a few %
How many of you people faced descrimination while staying abroad? What country was it in?

some days back it was the first time for me. The dean of under grad programs at my university said "You people are in America...you cant act like this here" and blamed me for something that wasnt true that all...i just said **** you and walked away......

What university were you at? Sometimes these Americans act a little rude to international students, but overall I've never faced any discrimination here.

Once an old white man came to me and a Palestinan friend of mine and said "are you guys terrorists?" and we were like wtf! but it was hard to tell if he was joking or not. You will find that its usually old white people who are racists because they never even had a single minority in their school's in the late 60's early seventies. And even till the mid 80's barely any white people associated with minorities let alone foreigners...but the younger generation (below 30) is very friendly and accepting of all people of all religions.
lol guys Lithium is not saying that Americans are racist he just described one racist moron at his uni.

But American racism against Muslims is a growing phenomenon, its a good thing our members here have not faced any and credit should be given to Americans for that :)
this happened to me at Indiana State University...

well yeah i dont generalise Americans as racists...i meet and interact with MANY of them in a day....i personally think blacks are better then whites..but i dont discriminate when talkin to any of em..there are positive and negative qualities in both of em....

but this redneck mofo at my skool just pissed me off......
True Lith1um brother! Black's are not as racist as whites probably because they know they were once discriminated against!;)
Sorry Janbaz but thats not true. I have gotten more from black people than I have from white. It annoyed me more because they SHOULD understand better.
Sorry Janbaz but thats not true. I have gotten more from black people than I have from white. It annoyed me more because they SHOULD understand better.

Just call them nigger (pun intended), may be that will remind them. People must understand, the people who suffered discrimination are now rare, and are slowly dying. The newer generations have forgotten what their grandfathers went through, so dont expect them to know about discrimination, and note White people will not do that, as they are always accused of discrimination.
DO you guys listen to russell peters, he is an indian stand up comedian from canada... As he says in a while all the people in the world will be either beige or chinese...So racisim will be over by the time we have our grandchilderens...but since we are humans.,...we will cook up somethin else

Sorry Janbaz but thats not true. I have gotten more from black people than I have from white. It annoyed me more because they SHOULD understand better.

I dunno Keyser brother! the Black's i have met and a lot in Ohio or Missisauga are pretty sensitive people when it comes to racism or all that other stuff. I just speak of my own experience.:angel:
Sorry Janbaz but thats not true. I have gotten more from black people than I have from white. It annoyed me more because they SHOULD understand better.

You're right, discrimination is worse among the people with colored skin.
I've been to South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Mauritius couple of times, you should see how blacks and Indians still hate each other. :disagree:
I've been to South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Mauritius couple of times, you should see how blacks and Indians still hate each other. :disagree:

Why do Blacks and Indians hate each other in Africa?:confused:
Both think that they're a superior race than the counterpart. :disagree:
Well to answer your other Q ......
The reason goes back to colonial days. Whilst Asians were treated badly by the colonial powers. They were treated marginally better than the Blacks.....hence the underlying resentment. Another example to look at is the current situation in Fiji. Different cultures can be abrasive to one another.

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