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Restructured Pertamina targets revenue of $93 billion in 2024

Pertamina Develops Catalyst Technology Independently​

NEWS - Khoirul Anam, CNBC Indonesia
27 February 2022 15:13


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - PT Pertamina (Persero) developed technology to produce Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalyst. FCC catalyst is a substance to accelerate the rate of chemical reactions used in the processing of oil and gas products under certain operating conditions.

In the processing, FCC catalyst functions to break down the heavy fraction of crude oil which has a high molecular weight and boiling point. So that they can become valuable products such as gasoline, LPG, olefins, and petrochemical products.

The Pertamina Research Technology & Innovation (RTI) function and Pertamina Subholding Refining & Petrochemical PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) have tested the FCC catalyst at the Plaju Refinery with an injection volume of 250 MT. This injection process has been taking place from December 2021 to February 2022, where the performance of the catalyst has succeeded in increasing the performance of the FCC unit at the Plaju refinery in terms of gasoline yield parameters and gasoline RON.

Senior Vice President of RTI Pertamina, Oki Muraza, explained that the FCC Pertamina Catalyst formulation has gone through a series of processes from the formulation stage to laboratory scale testing since 2016. Furthermore, the pilot plant scale was carried out as well as through the validation of international institutions and the formulation was successfully formulated with the needs of the Plaju refinery.

PT KPI Operations Director Yulian Dekri hopes that this innovation will not stop in trials at the Plaju refinery. However, it can be implemented in other Pertamina refineries such as the Cilacap refinery and the Balongan refinery, as well as the Balikpapan Refinery after the Balikpapan RDMP project which will build the RFCC unit.

"Highest appreciation to all parties, especially Pertamina officers, especially PT KPI and the RTI function who continue to support the development of this FCC catalyst, until it reaches the point of success with satisfactory results and meets the expectations of all parties," said Yulian in a written statement, Sunday. (27/2/2022).

Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication Fajriyah Usman conveyed that the mastery of FCC catalyst technology independently is a useful innovation for the Indonesian oil and gas industry considering that currently the need for FCC catalysts is still met through imports. In the future, Pertamina's FCC catalyst is expected to meet the needs of the oil refining and petrochemical industry catalysts.

"Pertamina has high hopes that the development of FCC catalysts in the future will be able to support increased petrochemical production in the energy transition era, reduce dependence on imported catalysts for national industrial needs, as well as support national energy security and independence," he concluded.


Too Cheap to Ignore: Indonesia Keens on Russian Oil​

MARCH 29, 2022

Jakarta. The state energy company Pertamina has been open to the possibility to buy crude oil from Russia amid a series of sanctions by Western countries against the country, the company's president director Nicke Widyawati told the lawmakers on Monday.

"At the current price amid geopolitical situation, we see an opportunity to buy from Russia at a good price," Nicke said in a hearing with the House of Representatives Commission VI, which oversees trade, cooperatives, state-owned enterprises, investment, and national standardization.

Nicke said Taufik Aditiyawarman, the president director of Kilang Pertamina Internasional, a Pertamina subsidiary that operates its refineries, has been in close contact with counterparties to explore the opportunities.

She also said that Pertamina talked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bank Indonesia to discuss the Russian oil purchase.

"For this matter, there is no problem politically as long as the companies we deal with are not subject to [Western] sanctions," Nicke said. She also noted that Pertamina would conduct the purchase purely on a business-to-business basis.

Nicke said the company plans to process the Russian crude oil at the Balongan refinery. However, the simple oil purchases were still waiting for the refinery revamping to be completed in May.

Currently, the Balongan refinery can only accept low-sulfur crude oil such as that produced by Saudi Aramco. The price of this oil is relatively high, and the supply is limited, she said.

"With this revamping, one of which is completed in May 2022, Balongan is more flexible to use any type of crude," Nicke said.

Should the plan go through, Indonesia could follow India's and China's footsteps by snapping up cheap Russian oil to cope with soaring global energy prices.

Following the latter's invasion of Ukraine, the United States has imposed energy sanctions on Russia. The United Kingdom and the European Union considered their option for a similar boycott. Russia was left with a glut of oil it could not sell, except at a deep discount to countries willing to defy sanctions.

On the other hand, Pertamina has been desperate to cut its crude oil cost to balance its book. The company has been shoulder the increase in the global crude oil price as it capped the prices of Pertalite and Pertamax —the most popular unsubsidized gasoline brand—in the past year. That was despite the fact that global oil price has risen 74 percent.

The government was supposed to compensate Pertamina for the price cap—a policy to maintain the people's purchasing power during the pandemic. But, so far, the government had been late in paying Pertamina. On Monday, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that Rp 85.4 trillion ($5.9 billion) compensation payment to Pertamina for 2020 and 2021 fuel bills was still in arrears.

The government sets a certain level for the oil price to calculate the state budget, and any deviation from the assumption would affect its ability to spend. Indonesia expects the crude oil price to average at $63 per barrel in its calculation for this year's state budget. But, the Indonesian crude price (ICP) had exceeded $114 per barrel this month, data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources showed.



Pertamina's tankers from Russia intercepted by Greenpeace​


Pertamina has 750 vessels

This western activist even is selective in doing their activism, non Europe/white businesses will be targeted


Activists block transfer of 100 000 tonnes of Russian oil at sea​


Greenpeace International
31 March 2022 •

Frederikshavn, Denmark – Greenpeace activists from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia have begun a blockade of a transshipment of Russian oil at sea in northern Denmark.

Swimmers and activists in kayaks and rhib boats have placed themselves in between two supertankers in an attempt to block them from transferring 100 000 tonnes of Russian oil, from the tanker Seaoath to the huge 330m crude oil tanker Pertamina Prime, in European waters. Every time Russian oil or gas are purchased, Putin’s war chest grows, and so far at least 299 supertankers with fossil fuels have left Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine. Greenpeace calls for global divestment and phase out of fossil fuels and an embargo of Russian fossil fuels to stop the funding of the war.

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Pertamina Prime is now heading to China, the oil is intended for China, not Indonesia. This shows Pertamina shipping business has global reach, not only intended to serve export-import of oil and gas for Indonesia but has international customers as well.
AlhamduliLLAH another 30 million barrel equivalent of oil is found


Wow, Pertamina Finds Two Sources of Treasure!​

NEWS - Verda Nano Setiawan, CNBC Indonesia
06 April 2022 18:15

Rokan oil field, Riau province, Sumatra island

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), Pertamina's Subholding Upstream, announced new oil and gas discoveries earlier this year. This is certainly a breath of fresh air in the midst of the company's efforts to boost oil and gas production.

The first discovery is located in the Manpatu-1x exploration well, while the second well is in the Sungai Gelam Timur Exploration Well-001 (SGET-001) which is around the Jambi Field.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Budiman Parhusip said that there were quite good achievements in Pertamina's upstream sector at the beginning of this year. The reason is, until February the company has found new discoveries in the form of gas and oil.

"Manpatu and Sungai Gelam Timur. Both are discovery wells. So if Manpatu is a discovery gas well, there is condensate, and Sungai Gelam Timur is oil," he said in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII DPR RI, Wednesday (6/4). /2022).

As for the findings of the two oil and gas wells, Pertamina estimates its reserves to reach 30 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). However, the company is still in the evaluation stage.

This year Pertamina itself targets the addition of oil and gas reserves of up to 755 million BOE. Meanwhile, additional resources reached 222 million BOE.

To note, this year the company plans to drill 813 development wells. Then, the company will also carry out rework activities or work over as many as 587 wells.

To support several jobs this year, the company has prepared fresh funds of US$ 3.5 billion or around Rp 50.29 trillion for development in the upstream sector.

"Our capital investment is around US$ 3.5 billion, so this is very large, covering all projects," said Budiman a few days ago.

As for the following years, he is optimistic that the drilling activities of this state-owned oil and gas company will continue to run smoothly. In fact, by 2023 the target is more than 1,000 development wells.

In addition, the company also continues to seek to find new findings through exploration activities, so that the company's oil and gas reserves can increase.

However, the programs that will be implemented by this company will of course also face a number of challenges, ranging from licensing, land provision, to the availability of drilling rigs in the field.


Pertamina completes solar power plant project at Dumai refinery​


6 April 2022

Jakarta (ANTARA) - PT Pertamina New Renewable Energy (NRE), which is engaged in the energy transition business, has completed a two-megawatt (MW) Solar Power Plant (PLTS) project in the Dumai refinery area in Riau.

Pertamina NRE Corporate Secretary Dicky Septriadi stated that the renewable energy plant will add to Pertamina's list of refineries that switch to using environmentally friendly electrical energy.

"We are fully committed to realizing Pertamina's energy transition. The 1.34-megawatt PLTS at the Cilacap refinery and the two-megawatt refinery in Dumai as well as the PLTS, with a capacity of more than one megawatt, at 143 gas stations are part of our initial steps to make the energy transition at Pertamina," he noted in a statement here on Wednesday.

Septriadi remarked that Pertamina's solar power plant potential is quite high, reaching 500 MW. With solid support and cooperation, the company is optimistic of realizing the energy transition to renewable energy.

The solar power plant in Dumai is a ground-mounted power plant built on an area of about two hectares with an on-grid system and is currently the largest ground-mounted solar power plant in Riau.

The plant will supply electricity to residential facilities belonging to the Dumai refinery. The percentage of clean energy supply is estimated to be able to meet around 20-30 percent of the area's electricity needs.

The electricity produced annually reaches 2.5 GWh and has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2,052 tons per year. The potential for reducing emissions is also equivalent to the absorption of carbon dioxide by 97 thousand trees in a year.

PT Pertamina International Refinery implements various supporting programs, one of which is decarbonization that aligns with the commitment to implementing environment, social and governance (ESG).

"This is carried out by using PLTS for offices and workers' residential complexes at the Dumai and Cilacap refineries," Pertamina International Refinery Corporate Secretary Ifki Sukarya stated.

Regarding the G20 Indonesia Presidency, Pertamina has taken on a big role in the efforts to realize energy transition, wherein Pertamina Director Nicke Widyawati was appointed as Chair of the Energy, Sustainability, and Climate (ESC) Task Force of the Business of Twenty (B20), an international business dialogue space that has become part of the G20 agenda.

Jambaran Tiung Biru Project will be on stream this year. The project is done by 100 percent Indonesian workers and companies, beside PT Pertamina drilling service, there are 42 local companies contributing on the project. Project cost is 1.5 billion USD.

The video was in 2019

  • 13 Apr 2022 | 02:25 UTC

Indonesia's Pertamina sets 2022 upstream production target above 1 million boe/d​

Jakarta posts first current account surplus in 11 years
To accelerate exploration of 29 new wells
Sumatra region expected to produce 225,000 b/d of crude

Indonesia's Pertamina aims to boost its oil and gas production to more than 1 million b/d of oil equivalent in 2022, as Southeast Asia's biggest economy aims to capitalize on high commodity and energy prices to expand the country's current account surplus, according to management sources at the company.

The tide has turned heavily in favor of upstream projects compared to a couple of years ago when oil prices crashed along with demand destruction brought by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pertamina aims to take full advantage of the current high price environment to achieve multiple purposes, including improving Indonesia's balance of payments, cutting the country's oil import bills and providing solutions for Asia's supply shortage, crude trading and upstream project management sources at the company told S&P Global Commodity Insights over April 11-13.

Indonesia posted a $3.3 billion current account surplus in 2021, data from Bank Indonesia showed. It marked the country's first current account surplus since 2011 as rising energy and commodity prices in the fourth quarter last year boosted the balance of payments, the central bank data showed.

The company's upstream unit PT Pertamina Hulu Energi indicated that with the performance of oil and gas production in 2021 reaching 897,000 boe/d, the output target has been increased to 1.047 million boe/d for this year as the exploration division continues to make various efforts to achieve Pertamina's vision and mission.

For 2022, exploration drilling target is 29 wells and the development drilling target is 813 wells, Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Pertamina's upstream unit, Danar Dojoadhi, said.


Unlike coal, Indonesia is a net importer of crude and transportation fuels, which means rising oil prices would eat into the country's trade surplus, the Pertamina crude trading and upstream management sources said.

It's crucial for the country to continue reviving its domestic upstream output to cut oil import bills, especially due to domestic refineries' heavy reliance on expensive sweet crudes, the sources added.

Pertamina's key refineries in Cilacap, Balongan and Balikpapan primarily feed on domestic sweet crudes and imported barrels from West Africa, the Mediterranean, Australia and Malaysia that are priced against Dated Brent.

Considering the high Brent-Dubai price spread in recent months, Pertamina is practically disadvantaged as highly sophisticated refineries in Northeast Asia run on much cheaper sour crudes priced against the Middle Eastern benchmark.

Brent/Dubai Exchange of Futures for Swaps was assessed at an average premium of $7.50/b so far this year, more than double the 2021 average premium of $3.20/b, S&P Global data showed.

A widening EFS spread makes crude priced against Dubai more economically attractive for Asian refiners compared to Brent-linked ones.

Crude exports​

While Indonesia continues to focus on boosting domestic upstream output and making full use of domestic crude supply, Pertamina also aims to take advantage of high prices to generate solid export sales revenue.

With Pertamina's ambitious goals to ramp up crude production from Indonesia's Sumatra region, the state-run entity is poised to see its crude export earnings to rise in tandem with international benchmark oil price rally.

In 2022, the Sumatra region is targeted to produce 225,000 b/d of crude oil, Pertamina Hulu Energi's President Director Jaffee Suardin said in January.

Although Indonesia had stopped exporting ultra-light crude in 2021 as Jakarta aimed to prioritize the use of local upstream output for domestic refineries, there are many medium and heavy sweet Indonesian grades that continues to attract buyers across Asia, the Pertamina crude trading sources said.

Pertamina can still deliver several medium and heavy sweet crude cargoes per month for Northeast Asian refiners seeking to buy top-up barrels from the Southeast Asian spot market amid tight global supply, the trading sources said.

The Southeast Asian producer actively offers spot cargoes of medium and heavy sweet grades including Cinta, Duri, Banyu Urip and Minas that are quite popular among major Northeast Asian refiners, according to feedstock managers at Chinese and South Korean refiners.

Indonesia exported 6.02 million mt of crude oil in 2021, up 37% from the 4.4 million mt sold in 2020, data from Statistics Indonesia showed.

Pertamina tests producing solar PVs with Netherlands' Hyet Solar


One of the efforts to develop new renewable energy is through the use of solar panels in Pertamina’s operational areas, here seen at the refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, in this undated photograph. (Courtesy of Pertamina/.)

Divya Karyza (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta ● Wed, April 13, 2022

State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Dutch energy company Hyet Solar to develop a photovoltaic (PV) foil manufacturing business in Indonesia.

In the initial phase, Pertamina's new and renewable energy subholding company Pertamina NRE and Hyet Solar will run a pilot project to build a small-scale solar PV foil installation. If the pilot project fulfills investment parameters, both companies will proceed with a feasibility study.

“Pertamina is gradually transforming from a company with a majority of its business in fossil energy into a company with low carbon emissions. The development of PV foil technology in Indonesia will have a good potential to boost the local content rate,” Pertamina NRE CEO Dannif Danusaputro said in a statement issued on Tuesday.


Rokan Phase 2 Development Approved, RI Gets IDR 35 T​

NEWS - Pratama Guitarra, CNBC Indonesia
28 April 2022 17:50

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has approved the Sumatra Light Oil Field Development Optimization (OPL) Phase-2 of the Rokan Working Area (WK) managed by a Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

With the approval of the OPL, it is estimated that there will be additional oil and gas reserves of 90.7 million barrels of oil with a peak production of around 40 thousand BOPD (barrels of oil per day) at the Rokan WK.

"SKK Migas continues to be committed to supporting the development of the Rokan WK, as we all know that the Rokan WK is still the backbone of national oil production with an average production of 160 thousand BOPD at this time. We hope that with the approval of Phase 2 OPL, PHR can reach the production target this year is 180 thousand BOPD," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto, Thursday (28/4).

The scope of OPL Phase-2 approved by SKK Migas includes, among others, drilling 821 wells and updating production facilities to manage the additional oil.

Dwi added that the total investment to be disbursed in OPL Phase-2 is around Rp 35 trillion with an estimated gross revenue of Rp 78 trillion with an estimated state income of around Rp 29 trillion.

"Of course we are grateful to Pertamina through PHR who have realized their commitment to continue investing in WK Rokan. Apart from trying to meet the national production target, this investment is also expected to be able to provide a multiplier effect to the people in Riau Province," continued Dwi.

The expected multiplier effect is the creation of a business providing goods and services for local entrepreneurs, opening up opportunities for business opportunities, absorbing local workers, and having social responsibility programs from KKKS.

"The upstream oil and gas industry not only has a positive impact that is technical, but also non-technical, especially for the community around the area of operation," said Dwi.

More well drilling means more money for another national companies like PT Bukaka Engineering, owned by Indonesian businesses.


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PT Pertamina also has subsidiary company in aerospace sector. It has PT Pelita Air which is an airline formerly focuses on chartered plane business.

Now, PT Pelita Air will enter scheduled airline market. So we will have two scheduled SOE airlines, PT Garuda Indonesia, and PT Pelita Air


Pertamina Finds New Oil and Gas Reserves in South Sumatra​

Athika Rahma
Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:31 WIB

Pertamina succeeded in finding oil and gas reserves in the Wilela (WLL)-001 exploration well in South Sumatra.


IDXChannel - PT Pertamina (Persero) through PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Regional Sumatra Zone 4 managed to find oil and gas reserves in the exploration well Wilela (WLL)-001. This well is located in Paduraksa Village, Tanjung Agung District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra.

President Director of PHR-Regional Sumatra, Jaffee Arizon Suardin said the location of this oil and gas reserve is about 15 km from the Merbau Collecting Station (SP) and 25 km from SP Limau. Well WLL-001 was drilled on 28 March 2022 and reached a final depth of 1,358 meters Measured Depth (mMD) on 19 April 2022.

Higher than National Growth, Non-Oil and Gas Processing Industry Grows 5.47 Percent

This oil and gas well can find gas and condensate through the first Drill Stem Test (DST#1) which was carried out on the sandstone reservoir of the Air Benakat Formation at intervals of 880-886 m.

"From the results of the first layer content test, the gas flow rate is 5.69 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD) and 482.7 barrels per day of condensate (BCPD). Furthermore, the second and third layer content tests will be carried out at other sandstone intervals in the Air Benakat Formation," he said in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday (10/5/2022).

Germany Will Follow US and Europe Russia Oil and Gas Embargo

Jaffee said this finding was a manifestation of Pertamina's commitment in increasing reserves and efforts to meet the increasing demand for gas.

This is in line with the increasing industrial growth in South Sumatra, as well as supporting the achievement of the national oil and gas production target.

"With the Spirit of SUMATERA (SUstainable, MAssive, To grow, Efficient, Resilient, Aggressive), PHR-Regional Sumatra will continue to carry out safe and superior oil and gas operations so that it can contribute significantly and sustainably," said Jaffee.

On the same occasion, the Director of Exploration of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)-Subholding Upstream, Medy Kurniawan, hopes that this achievement will ignite the enthusiasm of Pertamina's workers in the Sumatra Region to continue trying to find new oil and gas reserves.

Upstream Subholding has a massive and aggressive work plan in 2022, including 29 exploration wells and 813 development wells drilling and 500 wells of which are in the PHR area.

"With the full support of all stakeholders, the company's operational activities in finding and producing oil and gas can run smoothly and energy needs in Indonesia can be met," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of SKK Migas Sumbagsel Representative, Anggono Mahendrawan, said that this finding was a very good achievement as a result of the efforts that had been made by PHR.

"As one of the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) which has the most drilling targets in 2022, PHR must indeed make more efforts to find oil and gas reserves in the operating area," said Anggono.

Anggono also said that SKK Migas would then provide support for drilling plans carried out by all KKKS, especially in the Sumbagsel area, including PHR.

"We must be optimistic that the production target of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) in 2030 can be realized," concluded Anggono. ( RAMA )

Govt signs Rp 1 trillion deal on CISEM gas pipeline with Elnusa


PT Elnusa executive Eddy Herman Harun (left) and Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry official Irine Yulianingsih sign a contract on the CISEM pipeline project in Jakarta on May 17, 2022.(Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry/-)

Fadhil Haidar Sulaeman (The Jakarta Post)
● Fri, May 20, 2022

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has signed a contract with publicly listed oil and gas service provider PT Elnusa, a subsidiary of state-owned oil giant Pertamina, on the construction of the Cirebon-Semarang (CISEM) natural gas pipeline.

The project is carried out in anticipation of rising gas demand in East and Central Java. As explained during the signing ceremony on Tuesday, the first phase of the project is valued at Rp 1.17 trillion (US$79 million) for a segment in Central Java that will extend from the provincial capital of Semarang to Batang, where an industrial zone is under development.

The project is carried out in anticipation of rising gas demand in East and Central Java. As explained during the signing ceremony on Tuesday, the first phase of the project is valued at Rp 1.17 trillion (US$79 million) for a segment in Central Java that will extend from the provincial capital of Semarang to Batang, where an industrial zone is under development.

Batang Industrial zone ( Central Java )


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