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Salman Rushdie stabbed in New York. - Just in.


Oct 16, 2016
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United States
I think this just happened. 30+ years after his novel "The Satanic Verses" which depicted the Prophet Mohammad in a terrible way and causing Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini to put a fatwa on his head, this might have something to do with it. Not sure of the details as this was just posted on Twitter.

CNN and FOX are also just starting to show it on their newscasts.
Rushdie was from the era when Westerners decided that not only do they have the power to kick every Christian in the back, but also the power to ridicule and shape every non-western culture in own image. Excluded Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism of course. Because neither of those three are a threat to zionism.
Brings Techno MUSIC to the ears
It was bound to happen,
Just loving it :) :) :)
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European do not care about religion, even their own, even arabs do not care bout religion, but arabs just use religion for politics and their own benefit.

In 18th century or before Christians had big hold on politics, but later Christians themselves started mocking nuns, pop and etc. Zionism may influence in politics of US but not in EU.
Rushdie was not west tool, he was ex- Muslim and and just an author, but Muslims gave him popularity especially Iranian mullah.

If you compare people killed for blasphemy (in reality they did or not), numbers will be higher in Pakistan, then other two great countries will be India and Bangladesh not for blasphemy but for killing for religion.

Bangladesh? Rarely
India? Yes absolutely.
Pakistan yes, sometimes

Europeans just changed religion from Abrahemic oriented to something different.
Depending on how religion is defined.

In fact no society can exist for long without religion in one form or another.

Rushdie found friends in New Yorks zionist circles, he was promoted by zionist and popularized by zionist. Ayatollahs fatwas would never make news in western media, if it was not for a purpose. The same reason why certain groups and religions are never under the magnifying lupe like Chistianity and Islam often is.

In popular media and politics very little happens without rationale. There are always guideline, narratives and long term goals. Often its done done in very subtle assymetric ways.
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Probably staged event to get him more publicity and demonize Islam if it was a real attack the guy would have finished the job and made sure he doesn't survive

More than 60,000 books have been written against Islam no matter how hard they try they are destined to fail

They are saying he's still alive, but did not mention the condition,

I dunno a neck would is pretty hard to survive, and survival usually means life-time damage to speech and breathing.

Initial photos


I don't think it's survivable but quick medical assistance might of saved him. I guess we'll see. It's all getting pinned on Iran though

Muslims made him a millionaire sex magnet overnight.
sex magnet?
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