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Similarities of NAZI Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi

If Hindus are secular by nature then you are not a Hindu.

Your attempts to paint all with one brush means we get painted with one brush too. Are all Indians the same? Aren't you agreeing with all those who see the worst in us and assume all to be the same.

Hindus constitute 80% of the population with a majority government at the center and majority of states, what have you not accomplished that a theocracy will
Stop with the childish nonsense and spew hate elsewhere

Do one thing, simply list down what you personally have done for this country and I'll show a thousand others of different shade who've done more, better and with more patriotic fervor than you. Big man throwing stones behind anonymity.

Our founding fathers may have had faults, but to deny the strength they lent to our current government is ignorant and foolish. Our democracy stands tall on their shoulders, just ask Pakistan.
They should have completed the partition by sending muslims to pakistan , muslims and hindus can't live in a single country . You see they are not tolerant even to the muslims of shia sect , how can they tolerate hindus ? You see how they are behaving in france, Germany , Sweden ? The mess created by nehru gandhi cabal is now a great danger for India . Let the Modi win in 2024 otherwise India is doomed and hindus will be slave of muslims and Pakistan . India will be opened for muslims from Bangladesh and Rohangias , hindus will become minority in hindu land .
Hindus are by nature secular. Hinduraj will accommodate everybody but muslims create problem . You see in france , sweden , beljium , denmark , Germany , UK they start rioting at least provocation and burn cities . Europe has become third world country
So have strict secular laws of international standards. And enforce them. Western Europe is too light on crime. Maybe learn from the US.
So have strict secular laws of international standards. And enforce them. Western Europe is too light on crime. Maybe learn from the US.
US is on the same road , they will soon become a muslim country full of Arab, African , Asian muslims. If there are 30 percent muslims in population of a country forget secularism , muslims will demand and enforce sharia law in that country . You will see many european countries soon adopting sharia law in their constitution .
US is on the same road
Not even close.
They will become hispanic majority.
Your 30% number applies only to countries who don't care about maintaining law and order.
If the rule of law is maintained, believers will secularise/ become non practicing/ atheists over time.
US is on the same road , they will soon become a muslim country full of Arab, African , Asian muslims. If there are 30 percent muslims in population of a country forget secularism , muslims will demand and enforce sharia law in that country . You will see many european countries soon adopting sharia law in their constitution .
The British Common Law is based on Normandic Common Law, which was copied from and based on modified understanding of the Shariah Law, especially in regards to principles of ethics.

The Shariah Law laid the foudnations of ethics and rule of law upon which modern jurdiciary systems operate, the idea of conflict of interest being at the core of it, which is very distinct from the Christian Law where the King was apppinted by God and in turn the King's word was the law.

For exmaple, even today many Westerners still do not wash their hands after using the bathroom despite massive availability of water. Similarly, the Indians defecate openly in front of each other and also don't wash themselves. But for Muslims washing oneself is instilled into the minds of even children starting at an early age.

Islam on the other hand establishes MANDATORY washing and cleaning. For example if there is no water available, then one must perform Tayammum so that the idea of hygiene and cleanliness stays relevant, no such idea is found in the Christian or Hindu history.
They should have completed the partition by sending muslims to pakistan , muslims and hindus can't live in a single country . You see they are not tolerant even to the muslims of shia sect , how can they tolerate hindus ? You see how they are behaving in france, Germany , Sweden ? The mess created by nehru gandhi cabal is now a great danger for India . Let the Modi win in 2024 otherwise India is doomed and hindus will be slave of muslims and Pakistan . India will be opened for muslims from Bangladesh and Rohangias , hindus will become minority in hindu land .
Are you going to continue to rant or are you going to refute my points?

If it's trolls you wish to out vomit bait somewhere else
This is unacceptable propaganda designed to concern China who is communist.
Future Plans

Hitler after coming into power sent military forces and annexed Rhineland permanently. Today, even though the political autonomy of Indian occupied Kashmir is just a farce but BJP has said that they will remove this special status of Kashmir as well. Which means that they will do settlement of Hindus in Kashmir and remove Kashmiris from their lands just like Israel is doing in occupied Palestine.

2) Hitler after coming into power removed Jews from their posts, banned their businesses and started revoking their citizenship. Today, BJP is saying that it will also revoke the nationality of Muslims in India. Which would mean all Muslims in India would end up without a country.

3) Hindutvas want to create a Hindu Rashtra which is only for Hindus similar to Nazi Germany only for Germans.

4) Hitler and Nazis believed in ideology of Greater Germany. They waged a war and burned Europe and Germany in trying to achieve their dream. Hindutvas under Modi also believe in ideology of Greater India from Myanmar to Bamyan (Afghanistan). And they know that as long as Pakistan is standing, their dream of Greater India will only remain a Hindu's wet dream. To create Greater India, BJP/RSS wants a final war with Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready as war is coming for us whether we want it or not........
Four and a half years later almost every thing that I said back in April of 2019 in this thread came out to be true.

Kashmir has been annexed and India is indeed on the verge of genocide that will make Rawandan Genocide look like a tea party.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important of all is that I have personally no doubt that India will attack Pakistan especially Azaad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan to cut Pakistan's link with China. Its target will be N35 highway now that Pakistan is also facing economic crisis and Indian elections are also near.

Indians have done almost a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons acquisition ever since India got humiliated in Feb 2019. Anybody who says that India is doing all that and deploying its forces in Laddakh for China is a complete moron.

The traitors at the helm gave Kashmir to India on Trump's behest in a platter right after US visit and were lecturing about focusing on Economy instead of Kashmir. Now economy is gone and India will fight a war in our cities.

War with India is very near now.
Four and a half years later almost every thing that I said back in April of 2019 in this thread came out to be true.
Takes a special level of shamelessness to claim that

1) No settlement of Hindus, no kicking out Kashmiris from "their" land.
2) No removal of Muslims from jobs, no banning of businesses by Muslims, no revoking citizenship.
3) No Hindu rashtra only for Hindus
4) No "final" war with Pakistan

You are typical Pakistani, a failed deluded fraud.
Similarities of Nazi Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi

The last 5 years and especially forthcoming scenario after coming elections of India is very similar to Nazi Germany under the time of Hitler.

The situation can be
ascertained by the recent BJP tweet in which the BJP tweet indirectly yet quite explicitly said in clear terms that they will remove Muslims from India after coming into power.


1) RSS was founded in 1925 after being inspired from Nazi party. It's political arm is the current ruling party of India i.e. BJP. RSS is similar to paramilitary organization of Hitler's SS.

2) SS used to terrorize anyone who opposed Hitler. They used to do riots, beat people and even murder them on the streets even before Hitler came into power. Today, the same thing is happening in India under Modi where Hindutva gangs are beating/murdering Muslims on the streets under Modi.

3) Nazis installed its members after coming into power in bureaucracy, judiciary and military. Modi in India has done the same thing by installing RSS thugs in bureaucracy,
judiciary and military.

4) SS used to recruit, brainwash and train youth to use weapons and physical force. Today in India RSS is doing the same thing by running gangs of Shakhas.

5) Hindutvas present India’s Hindu majority as a victim by stoking fears of being outnumbered one day, and claiming that Hindus are under threat and attack from the country’s minorities. They use this pretext to justify violence and exclusion as "self- defense".
Nazis used to do the same thing.

6) After Hitler came into power in 1933, he gave all his attention to Nazification of Germany. Today, the Hindutva-fication of India will be completed after Modi gets his second term.

7) Education was Nazified during Hitler's era and false and bullshit history used to be taught to students. Today in India, education has been completely under the spell of Hindutvas who have erased the entire history of India under Muslims. While bullshit history lessons like ancient 5000 year old spacecrafts invented by Hindus is being taught.

8) Media in Nazi era used to be nothing more than propaganda tool for Nazis who used to brainwash their nation into hating Jews. Today, Indian media is nothing more than propaganda tool propagating hate against Muslims and Pakistan.

9) Nazis and Hitler were helped and funded by industrialist tycoons like Krupp etc. Today, industrial tycoons like Ambani are helping BJP and Modi in India.

10) During the reign of Hitler, German nation hated Jews to the core. No matter whether they are professors or highly educated people or masses. Today in India, almost every Hindu-even the ones who call themselves liberal-hates Muslims, their history, their religion fundamentally.

Future Plans

Hitler after coming into power sent military forces and annexed Rhineland permanently. Today, even though the political autonomy of Indian occupied Kashmir is just a farce but BJP has said that they will remove this special status of Kashmir as well. Which means that they will do settlement of Hindus in Kashmir and remove Kashmiris from their lands just like Israel is doing in occupied Palestine.

2) Hitler after coming into power removed Jews from their posts, banned their businesses and started revoking their citizenship. Today, BJP is saying that it will also revoke the nationality of Muslims in India. Which would mean all Muslims in India would end up without a country.

3) Hindutvas want to create a Hindu Rashtra which is only for Hindus similar to Nazi Germany only for Germans.

4) Hitler and Nazis believed in ideology of Greater Germany. They waged a war and burned Europe and Germany in trying to achieve their dream. Hindutvas under Modi also believe in ideology of Greater India from Myanmar to Bamyan (Afghanistan). And they know that as long as Pakistan is standing, their dream of Greater India will only remain a Hindu's wet dream. To create Greater India, BJP/RSS wants a final war with Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready as war is coming for us whether we want it or not........

@Rashid Mahmood
Looks more like nazis of germany.
And youthias of pakistan...pti
Not even close.
They will become hispanic majority.
Your 30% number applies only to countries who don't care about maintaining law and order.
If the rule of law is maintained, believers will secularise/ become non practicing/ atheists over time.
This is true for china only , westerners are fool , they are importing third world culture to ruin their own civilised society , look at the condition of crime and poor law and order majority is done by imported third world .
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