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Spain: Important Announcement for People Planning to Travel India

Don't bring Islam in this thread improve your country reputation as a rape capital of the world

More women are raped in Pakistan on per capita basis than India, Pakistan probably boasts one of the lowest conviction rates of rape in the world, India has a very healthy inflow of foreign tourists while Pakistan has next to none... But hey, India should improve reputation because the noise inside my head says so!
More women are raped in Pakistan on per capita basis than India, Pakistan probably boasts one of the lowest conviction rates of rape in the world, India has a very healthy inflow of foreign tourists while Pakistan has next to none... But hey, India should improve reputation because the noise inside my head says so!
Lol what the proof we have more rape than Indian, is this told by your monkey idol to you :lol: alone female tourists at risk all the time in India, read the most Advisories for India
Lol what the proof we have more rape than Indian, is this told by your monkey idol to you :lol: alone female tourists at risk all the time in India, read the most Advisories for India
Contact your government to disclose rape statistics, multiply the number of reported rape cases by 6. You will get your answer, but it won't fix your delusion.

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