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Surpassing Malaysia and Singapore, Indonesia has Highest Number of Scientific Publications in Asean


Jul 25, 2013
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Surpassing Malaysia and Singapore, Indonesia Has Highest Number of Scientific Publications in Asean​


The story of Ilham Pratama Putra • 5 hours ago

Jakarta: The number of publications in Indonesian scientific journals is currently the highest in Southeast Asia. That highest productivity has apparently persisted for the past three years.

"If we look at the statistical data, yes, the number of publications of all lecturers in Indonesia, including by students, in the last three years has been the highest in Asean," said Director of Resources of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Diktiristek), Mohammad Sofwan Efendi, in Jakarta, Friday night, December 9, 2022.

Even the number of Indonesian scientific publications has surpassed Malaysia and Singapore. For him, this productivity is a great achievement.

"And this must be due to the excellent productivity of the lecturers. Because there are special obligations and general obligations, such as not only for promotion but also for industrial needs and policy needs," he added.

But for him, the number of journals is not enough. Instead, the journal can be down streamed into a scientific product that can be utilized by the public.

"But what we are pushing forward is not only the number of scientific works. But how scientific work is encouraged to be used more by industry, so products so that business actors, from products that can produce economic growth, "he concluded.


PTDI and ITB Agree to Collaborate to Build a Competency Center in the Field of Aircraft Design​

By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana
Wednesday, 23 - November - 2022, 14:57:46 - ( update : 23-11-2022 )


BALI, itb.ac.id--PT Dirgantara Indonesia established a Joint Commitment collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on Monday (21/11/2022) in Bali. The collaboration was held in a series of events at the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022.

President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), Gita Amperiawan and Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., signed a Joint Commitment in building a competency center in the field of aircraft design, witnessed directly by the Minister of National Development Planning /Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa.

In order to build and realize the Republic of Indonesia as an aircraft design competency center, PTDI and ITB agreed to build a joint strategy to improve and maintain Indonesia's interests in involving and optimizing the utilization of its human resources in the aircraft development process by a global Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

In addition, PTDI and ITB agreed to jointly develop sustainable aircraft design competencies, through domestic aircraft and aerospace development projects.

"Something that is very mandatory for the industry is development, in the current situation where development is very expensive, then collaboration is very important. The collaboration between PTDI and ITB in terms of R&D will certainly be business-oriented and how we are able to meet existing demands. The scope has no limits, but the most important and top priority is the N219 and N219 Amphibious programs, and one of them is also we want to build a collaborative design center," said Gita Amperiawan, as released by PTDI Public Relations.

This collaboration is a form of initiative from PTDI and ITB to provide space and opportunities, as well as a forum for the development of the design industry in Indonesia, so that then the ideal of mastering high technology of aircraft can be pursued in a faster, more precise and feasible time.

"From the ITB side, this is not only ordinary teaching and research, but also must be towards product down streaming, this is in line with the roadmap developed by the State. The link and match between universities and industry has actually been made before, but with this commitment, now the implementation has become more concrete," said Prof. Reini.

She continued, PTDI and ITB will work on joint projects carried out in the same physical facilities, as is the trend of business models that have occurred in developed countries, where universities and industries will work mutually.

Rector said the linkage between industry and universities requires a medium and long-term roadmap and planning. However, ITB believes that the Government, especially the Ministry of National Development Planning, can play a key role as a regulator, facilitator, and enabler. "We hope that the linkage between PTDI and ITB, facilitated by the government as an intermediary, can bring Indonesia's industrialization process to a new phase, which is accompanied by strengthening Indonesia's innovation ecosystem," she explained.

Weapon locating radar, developed and produced by tech company belonging to ITB (Institute Teknologi Bandung)

Status :
In Operation by Indonesian Army

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Passive Radar developed by tech company (PT LAPI ITB) under ITB



GCI Radar Function Test​

Nov 15, 2022


GCI Radar performance is expected to sniff air targets up to a distance of 515 km (photos : Defense Studies)

Balitbang (R&D) of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense again conducted a function test on the GCI Radar, to further mature the system and the perfection of the radar that will be the guardian of the Indonesian sky.

This function test was reviewed directly by the Head of Balitbang (R&D) of the Ministry of Defense and the Director of Business & Cooperation of PT Len Industri (Persero).


Radar Ground-Controlled Interception (GCI) R&D activities were carried out by PT Len Industri (Persero) together with PT LAPI ITB, PT Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta who joined the GCI Radar R&D KSO and were supported by the Balitbang Kemhan of the Ministry of Defense.


Electric Bus (University of Indonesia)



More information related to the electric bus, this is what is stated by Indonesia Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani :

Since 2018, @lpdp_ri has started funding research on the @univ_indonesia electric bus which is currently being used to support accommodation during the G20 Summit in Bali. The total allocation of the #UangKita APBN to fund this research is IDR30.45 billion.

In developing the electric bus, UI collaborated with @mobilanakbangsa and produced 5 main components of the electric bus, namely:
1. platform/chassis-body-interior
2. cooling/air conditioning system
3. battery management system/BMS
4. inverter
5. bus driving motor

In the future, it is hoped that this electric bus can use domestic battery products.
Apart from @univ_indonesia, @lpdp_ri is also collaborating with several other universities in the development of electric bus research, including @its_campus and @ugm.yogyakarta who collaborated with @pt_inka with funds from the program @kemdikbud.ri., as well as @itb1920 for buses medium class electricity, and with @uns.official for electric batteries. The five universities are incorporated in a research consortium.
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Unair Realizes National Independence with INAVAC Vaccine​


Wednesday, 7 December 2022 12:00 WIB​

NATIONAL INFO - Universitas Airlangga participates in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic through vaccine development. Through a long process, finally the Covid-19 vaccine, which was previously called the Red and White Vaccine, was officially named the INAVAC Vaccine by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo at the end of August 2022. "This vaccine was created in an effort to encourage Unair's significant contribution and impact," said Universitas Airlangga Rector Mohammad Nasih.

The INAVAC vaccine uses an inactivated virus. That is, the virus has been modified or deactivated so that the virus cannot reproduce itself and cause disease. In the process of making this vaccine, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) also provides assistance starting from the preclinical trial stage, the 1st to the 3rd clinical trial stage.

Prof. Nasih at the 68th Anniversary of Universitas Airlangga on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, explained that after a long journey, finally the vaccine named INAVAC received an emergency use authorization (EUA) by BPOM.

EUAs are issued by relevant agencies in a country in an emergency that threatens public health. "INAVAC has received emergency use authorization by BPOM and will be mass-produced," said Prof. Nasih. This vaccine is used as a prevention of Covid-19 which can be given to individuals aged 18 years and over.

Therefore, the Rector also expressed his gratitude to the various elements who have supported the development of this vaccine. "Thanks to the Ministry of Health for providing support in the form of a lot of funding, the provincial government also provided extraordinary support," he said. "Dr. Soetomo also has tremendous support. Last but not least is the role of Universitas Airlangga researchers who work hard for this."

Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Diktiristek), Nizam, appreciated what Universitas Airlangga had done through the INAVIC Vaccine. "This is the work of the nation's children through universities, where research and results are very beneficial to the community," said Nizam.

The Directorate General of Higher Education, continued Nizam, always supports universities in producing innovations that are effective for the community in various fields, one of which is the health sector. "The issuance of EUA for the INAVAC Vaccine by Universitas Airlangga, in addition to increasing domestic vaccine stocks, also provides optimism that domestic universities and industries are able to develop their own vaccines. Hopefully, with this vaccine, we can go through the pandemic together," said Nizam.

Nizam also emphasized that the INAVAC Vaccine is a tangible proof of cooperation between universities, industry, and the government to produce real work that benefits the community.

Minister of Health Urges People to Immediately Vaccinate Boosters

The Covid-19 variant that is currently experiencing an increase in positive patients is Omicron XBB. This variant is a genetic mutation of BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75. Genetic mutations are very common in viruses. This is done by the virus in order to survive.

The Minister of Health (Menkes) of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin during the 68th Anniversary of Universitas Airlangga said that cases with severe symptoms were experienced by someone who had not received the primary or booster vaccine.

This Omicron XBB variant has various symptoms that can be felt, namely fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, weakness, muscle aches, headaches, loss of sense of taste or smell, sore throat, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, to diarrhea. Although the severity that occurs due to this variant is not heavier than the Omicron variant, it has a faster spread.

The Minister of Health hopes that the public will remain vigilant and continue to comply with health protocols. In addition, the Minister of Health also advised people who have not received the primary vaccine or secondary vaccine to immediately get the vaccine. Although after giving the vaccine does not guarantee that a person avoids exposure to the Covid-19 virus, giving the vaccine can prevent severity.

"Hospitalization due to Omicron XBB is less than the previous variant. But my advice is to still wear a mask," he said. "Friends who have not been boostered immediately booster, who have not been vaccinated are also quick to get vaccinated. For those who have parents and have not received a vaccine or booster, they will immediately be vaccinated or get a booster. If you are vaccinated, it will reduce the risk of entering the hospital."

For information, the vaccine research and development process will continue. It is expected that after INAVAC there will be other vaccine products produced so that it can answer future challenges and problems. Universitas Airlangga is currently developing a booster vaccine and a Covid-19 vaccine for children. "The news about the vaccine can be very encouraging, hopefully later booster vaccines and children can enter," said the Minister of Health.

Meanwhile, efforts to make face-to-face lectures (PTM) successful are limited to the Ministry of Education and Culture by accelerating the development of the INAVAC Vaccine developed by Universitas Airlangga. To maximize herd immunity, Minister of Education, Culture and Technology Nadiem Makarim asked students to invite other colleagues to take part in vaccinations. "For those who have been vaccinated, spread the message to fellow students about the importance of vaccines," he said.


Indonesia gives emergency use approval to home-grown COVID-19 vaccine Inavac​

November 4, 2022

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia has approved its home-grown coronavirus vaccine Inavac for emergency use, its food and drug agency said on Friday.

The vaccine is the second locally made shot after Indovac, which was approved in September.

(Reporting by Stanley Widianto; Editing by Martin Petty)

Universitas Padjajaran

Antigen-based rapid test kit for COVID-19 screening, An innovation from the Research Center for Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (PRBMB) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), Produced by PT Pakar Biomedika Indonesia (PBI) in collaboration with PT Tekad Mandiri Citra (TMC). Detecting viral antigens from nasal swab samples while viral load was high. The swab sample was carried to the COVID-19 antibody attached to the gold nanoparticle on the CePAD device. Antigen detection limits 5 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), equals to seven antigen imported products test.

Government Research Agencies and State owned Universities


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Defense Minister Prabowo Visits ITB, Affirms Full Support for Defense Technologists

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Bandung - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto on Wednesday (3/11) visited the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to exchange ideas with defense technology experts regarding the contribution that can be made to the advancement of national defense.

During the meeting, Defense Minister Prabowo emphasized the Ministry of Defense's support for the efforts and innovations of technology experts from ITB through the signing of a joint agreement between the Ministry of Defense and ITB on the Implementation of Education, Research, Development of Science and Technology that Supports National Defense.

The joint agreement was signed by Defense Minister Prabowo and ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah. The agreement is intended to realize a strong and independent Indonesian national defense through collaborative activities in education, research, development of science and technology.

“The progress of defense technology depends on scientists. We really need you. We are ready to try to support your efforts and innovations," said Defense Minister Prabowo at the ITB Campus, Bandung, Wednesday.

Also attending the meeting, the Secretary of the ITB Institute, Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo, Head of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, Dr. Joko Sarwono, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara, Head of the Center for Defense and Security Technology Technology Djarot Widagdo, Ph.D, and researcher in the field of Defense Technology Dr. Joko Suryana and Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat.

At the event, Defense Minister Prabowo also had the opportunity to see some of the results of research and development carried out by ITB, including the development of AESA Radar and Passive Radar which were the result of joint research and development with the Balitbang Kemhan.

ITB is also developing a fighter plane simulator and an unmanned aircraft simulator together with Balitbang Kemhan and PT DI and developing natural materials for the manufacture of bullet-proof vests, as well as propellant raw materials for rockets. In addition, ITB is also developing unmanned aerial vehicles for serial surveillance of natural resources and the boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition to ITB, previously in September, Defense Minister Prabowo visited Airlangga University (Unair) and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and signed a similar cooperation in the field of education, research, and the development of science and technology that supports national defense. (Public Relations Bureau).





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