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Tunisian Navy opined discussion


Mar 28, 2012
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These is Tunisia Navy
Tunisia navy use mainly Albatros class fast attack craft ( 6 ships ) ( there other ships but old )

How to improve the Navy knowing now Tunisia have project with south Korea to build 20 miter patrol boat do not go away but I think you must consider the budget ( 1.4% of US$ 46.623 billion ) and Tunisia have no military relations with the east so don't post Chinese or Russian made stuff
brother hardly any posts in military forum they are all in world affairs, a suggestion is to buy our milgem stealth corvette that many countries are thinking to buy


brother hardly any posts in military forum they are all in world affairs, a suggestion is to buy our milgem stealth corvette that many countries are thinking to buy


how much it coast these corvette because i don't think that our Military budget can afford it
I know you posted - No...Chinese stuff but even still hear me out ! How about the boats that Pakistan uses ?

The F-22P which costs around $175 m !


You can find out its specs here : F-22P Zulfiquar class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then theres the Azmat Class FAC/Patrol Boat which costs around $50 m !


You can find out more about it over here : http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...mat-fast-attack-craft-missile-discussion.html

P.S Because both are produced in Pakistan with complete TOT and Pakistan-Tunisia relations are good...it might be worth looking into !
I know you posted - No...Chinese stuff but even still hear me out ! How about the boats that Pakistan uses ?

The F-22P which costs around $175 m !


You can find out its specs here : F-22P Zulfiquar class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then theres the Azmat Class FAC/Patrol Boat which costs around $50 m !


You can find out more about it over here : http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...mat-fast-attack-craft-missile-discussion.html

P.S Because both are produced in Pakistan with complete TOT and Pakistan-Tunisia relations are good...it might be worth looking into !
the Chinese ship out of budget if our gov think to buy expensive ship she will be from USA or Germany or even south Korea and these Chinese we can buy only 1 because Tunisia will never spend all her budget on navy
and the Pakistani one look interesting
the Chinese ship out of budget if our gov think to buy expensive ship she will be from USA or Germany or even south Korea and these Chinese we can buy only 1 because Tunisia will never spend all her budget on navy
and the Pakistani one look interesting

Mate, both of them are Chinese ships that were built for Pakistan as per our Navy's specifications with complete TOT for Pakistan ! We make them at our Karachi port ! The F-22P packs quite a decent bunch for a boat of that price and the Azmat Class boats at $50 m per boat carried 8 C-802 missiles which is more than a threat for any ship ! Either of them might not set the world on fire but they do provide quite a good bang for buck ! The Azmat Class FACs/Patrol Boats are probably going to be a better choice of the two for Tunisia because they've got enough endurance to be a fairly good patrol boat for peace-time and at the same time they have some decent armament in the C-802s to be a good sea-denial platform in case of hostilities.
it's look good but to Tunisia yes we have good relation with Pakistan but i guess Tunisia will never look at the east ( china and Russia ) because of the west
best choice is milgem , whole new genesis system , everything needed with stealth design or wait for our t2000 which will be a destroyer but expensive

i meant TF2000
off-topic but related to this issue.

Good progressing for Tunisia and Pakistan along with Algeria first step before next high levels.

Tunisia, Algeria for expanding trade with Pakistan


ISLAMABAD - Ambassador of Republic of Tunisia in Pakistan, Mourad Bourehla has discussed the utilization of existing trade potential between Pakistan and Tunisia during a meeting with Senior Commerce Minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim on Tuesday.

The Tunisian Ambassador showed great interest in Pakistan’s exportable products like surgical instruments, agricultural products and sports & leather goods. He informed that trade between Tunisia and Pakistan is highly favourable for both countries and it will reduce the Tunisian’s dependence on European Union. He told that Tunisia is in the phase of expanding its trade beyond the European Union and Tunisian government is very keen to boost trade with Pakistan. The meeting also discussed the importance of Pak-Tunisia Preferential Trade Agreement PTA, which is currently in the process of completion. The meeting decided to expedite the completion of PTA in order to boost the trading partnership between two countries. The meeting was informed that the existing trade volume is far below their potential and there is a wide scope of cooperation in textile, science and technology, telecommunication and health. In a meeting, senior commerce minister Makhdoom Amin Fahim met Ambassador of Republic of Algeria at Pakistan, Dr. Ahmed Benflis. Various dimensions of promoting trade between Algeria and Pakistan were discussed during meeting. The meeting was informed that the Algeria is a great potential market for Pakistani products especially Pakistani textile and textile products are in great demand in Algeria. The meeting decided to pursue holding of second session of Pak-Algeria Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC), so that signing of Pak-Algeria trade agreement may take place. The first session of JMC was held on September 2005.

It was also decided that tariff and non-tariff barriers like visa issues might be reduced by relaxing visa regime especially for business community.

It is to inform that Pakistan’s exports to Algeria stood at US$ 32.033 million and Imports at US$ 2.525 million in 2010-2011.

In the same way, Pakistan’s exports to Tunisia stood at US$ 25.0 million and Imports at US$ 64.5 million in 2010-2011.
These is Tunisia Navy
Tunisia navy use mainly Albatros class fast attack craft ( 6 ships ) ( there other ships but old )

How to improve the Navy knowing now Tunisia have project with south Korea to build 20 miter patrol boat do not go away but I think you must consider the budget ( 1.4% of US$ 46.623 billion ) and Tunisia have no military relations with the east so don't post Chinese or Russian made stuff
Tunisia needs to have 3 Frigates and 3 Modern Submarines with 12 Missile this is the best way to improve their Navy
You sure appear to know more than their men in white!
Sir even they know it but their former leaders were to busy in doing corruption and filling their own bank accounts can't say about new ones but for their coastal line they certainly need these Machines
Sir even they know it but their former leaders were to busy in doing corruption and filling their own bank accounts can't say about new ones but for their coastal line they certainly need these Machines
the new gov is good elected and in sha allah we will have a greater army and navy and air force

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