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Turkey launches airstrikes against 20 PKK terrorist facilities following deadly Ankara blast

Yes but what if at some point the Americans and Russians say "enough is enough,we'll stop Turkey's expansion and ambiguity". How many millions of Kurds are there in Turkey now? Some 30,000,000?
30 million is their total population in Turkey,Iraq,Iran and Syria.. ın Turkey they are less than 20 million maybe even less than 15 million.. USA and Russia are not god-like countries... They already wanted to creat such state in Iraq and Syria with YPG but we saw what happend..
30 million is their total population in Turkey,Iraq,Iran and Syria.. ın Turkey they are less than 20 million maybe even less than 15 million.. USA and Russia are not god-like countries... They already wanted to creat such state in Iraq and Syria with YPG but we saw what happend..
By the way,the other day I was looking at old pictures in a folder and I found this:


I've had these pics for many years,but no idea which publication posted them. Do you remember anything? Probably some Turkish newspaper conspiracy theory.
Stay sucking them off.

Pajeet attacked Islam and barely anyone said anything in reaction. Now some libgandu pajeet d*ck sucker is telling me I’m extremist. LOOL!
Beghairat besharam person. Go do your Hindu Muslim bhai bhai somewhere else.

If someone dares attack Islam in anyway I’ll defend it. I’m not a beghairat pu*sy. If that means I’m extremist then yes I happily am.
With your nonsense replies, you are only solidifying their hate for Islam.
By the way,the other day I was looking at old pictures in a folder and I found this:

View attachment 958168View attachment 958169

I've had these pics for many years,but no idea which publication posted them. Do you remember anything? Probably some Turkish newspaper conspiracy theory.
Yes.. This is from TV series trailer "Kurtlar vadisi"

The series was about an unofficial organization that fight against possible threats in Turkey. That's why there were so many such scenarios like "kurdistan,greater israel,greater armenia" etc. It is good series, ıf you can find eng. subtitle version you will understand turkish nationalist mindset better.
Yes.. This is from TV series trailer "Kurtlar vadisi"

The series was about an unofficial organization that fight against possible threats in Turkey. That's why there were so many such scenarios like "kurdistan,greater israel,greater armenia" etc. It is good series, ıf you can find eng. subtitle version you will understand turkish nationalist mindset better.
I remember the fuss about it back in the mid-2000s,but I didn't know they made more seasons. I remember there were posters of the show in Turkey back in....2004? 2005?
I remember the fuss about it back in the mid-2000s,but I didn't know they made more seasons. I remember there were posters of the show in Turkey back in....2004? 2005?
2009-2010.. Kurtlar vadisi had many series, from 2003 to 2005 and from 2007 to 2013 and few movie about Iraq and Gaza.

Turkey launches new Iraq strikes, warns Syria​

Turkey on Wednesday launched fresh strikes against Kurdish targets in Iraq and warned of more intense cross-border air raids after concluding that militants who staged a weekend attack in Ankara came from Syria.

Turkey convened a national security meeting involving top defence and intelligence chiefs to prepare its response to Sunday's attack on the capital's government district.

Police shot dead one of the assailants while the other died in an apparent suicide blast outside Turkey's interior ministry that injured two security officers.

A branch of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) -- listed as a terror group by Turkey and its Western allies -- claimed responsibility for the first bombing to hit Ankara since 2016.

"It has become clear that the two terrorists came from Syria and were trained there," Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in televised comments.

"From now on, all infrastructure, large facilities and energy facilities belonging to (armed Kurdish groups) in Iraq and Syria are legitimate targets for our security forces," Fidan added.

"I recommend that third parties stay away from these facilities."

Turkey conducted air raids against PKK rear bases in the northern mountains of Iraq hours after Sunday's attack.

The defence ministry said it had staged fresh raid on Wednesday that "neutralised a large number of terrorists" in five districts of Iraq.

Iraqi Defence Minister Thabet al-Abbasi was expected in Ankara on Thursday for talks with counterpart Yasar Guler as tensions soared.

'War crime'​

Fidan's comments suggest that Turkey could intensify drone and artillery strikes beyond those it has been routinely staging in both Syria and Iraq in the past decade.

Turkish media reported Wednesday that the MIT intelligence agency had conducted an operation in Syria killing one of the suspected masterminds of an Istanbul bombing that claimed six lives in November of last year.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that an "intelligence official" in the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of northeastern Syria was killed on Tuesday.

Ankara has military bases and supports groups fighting both regime forces and the Kurds in Syria.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) -- the Kurds' de facto army in the area -- led the battle that dislodged Islamic State group fighters from their last scraps of Syrian territory in 2019.

But Turkey views the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) that dominate the SDF as an offshoot of the PKK.

SDF commander Mazloum Abdi denied Wednesday that the two Ankara assailants had "passed through our region".

"Turkey is looking for pretexts to legitimise its ongoing attacks on our region and to launch a new military aggression," he said on social media.

"The threat to target the region's infrastructure, economic resources, and populated cities is a war crime, the thing we have witnessed before."

Swedish debate​

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a series of armed incursion into Syria and frequently threatened to expand attacks against the YPG.

Ankara on Tuesday also announced the detention of 67 suspected PKK members in raids across Turkey's predominantly Kurdish southeast.

Sunday's attack coincided with the opening of a Turkish session of parliament during which lawmakers will be asked to ratify Sweden's membership of the NATO defence alliance.

Turkey's ratification has been held up by anger over the refusal by the Swedish police to ban marches by the PKK and their supporters in Stockholm.

Some analysts believe the PKK may be trying to block Turkey's ratification because it would herald an improvement in Ankara's ties with Washington.

Turkey has been trying to get the United States to break off its ties with the SDF -- a policy shift that analysts think Ankara hopes to secure in return for its backing of Sweden's membership.

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