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Featured US announces it has imported oil from Iran for first time since 1991

The serious enmity means you keep a close eye on everything, every information and every shipment or even a bird that flies to or from your enemy land. Point being made, how come Iran remain blind if a broker was supposedly selling to US.

Iran may have learnt about it after it was said and done. By which time it would've been too late for Iran to reverse it.

But in any case, I don't think can't expect Iran to surveil (or control) every private trader out there.

It should have been Iranian side to expose US if this news is fake or an attempt to help support for opposition to win election in Iran. I don't know.

Not sure. It would come across as too partial if a high ranking authority in Iran (e. g. the Supreme Leader) denounced it - people would say, "you are supporting one party over the other, whereas you are supposed to remain a neutral arbiter".

Also don't forget that the current administration in Iran is itself a moderate-reformist one, i.e. one that tried to reach some sort of an agreement with the US in order to decrease tensions to a certain extent. So this administration is not going to make a statement against itself or its political allies.
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does not hint at any meaningful backdoor dealings.
Qasem Soleimani was directly under the control of the Pentagon, used to be briefed/ instructed to carry out certain tasks.

oh but but but.. America killed him.

yes, when he started believing in his own legend and became rebellious and disobedient like Osama Laden before him. started dreaming about being the next Supreme Leader (like Osama who was a wannabe Khalifah of Arabia).

reason for his execution:
they give him resources to aid bharat in Blochistan and he misuses them to wreak havoc in S. Arabia
See the hypocrisy of American policy, they threaten other countries not to buy Iran oil and promise them they will make them suffer if they do so.
hypocrisy? or more like hegemony.

PS. forgot to mention the torrent of Khums dollars being allowed from all over the world where there are Jafaari Muslims living
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Qasem Soleimani was directly under the control of the Pentagon, used to be briefed/ instructed to carry out certain tasks.

No, he wasn't. He was the Pentagon's biggest enemy.

It's easy to make up stories with nothing to substantiate one's claims. Let's not waste time on this sort of a nonstarter.

yes, when he started believing in his own legend and became rebellious and disobedient like Osama Laden before him. started dreaming about being the next Supreme Leader (like Osama who was a wannabe Khalifah of Arabia).

Pure fantasy right there.

See, when one isn't informed enough to know what the preconditions for being chosen as Supreme Leader of Iran are, or what this institution is all about, one should refrain from making it appear as if one had some "behind the scenes" knowledge.

As per the Iranian constitution, the Supreme Leader is to be appointed by the Assembly of Experts from amongst the marja' or highest ranking clerics of Shia Islam. Hajj Qasem was no cleric.

Furthermore, even when indirectly invited by some sympathetic forces to enter politics, Soleimani always staunchly refused to do so. Which is logical, because taking such a step would inevitably have exposed him to low level politicking and thereby completely compromised the stature and near unanimous public recognition his military career had earned him. Therefore, he did not and would not have compromised himself by turning into a politician.

So please, let's not entertain outlandish claims here.
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30,000 barrels of oil bought in 30 years is "usual business"? No, it's actually as good as nothing and does not hint at any meaningful backdoor dealings

Barrels / day means each day this much barrels were recorded in imports at that particular period of year.

The US reportedly imported an estimated 36,000 barrels per day in October 2020,
import volumes of Iranian crude reportedly totaled 33,000 barrels per day.
Will a South Korea like situation be created to compensate for the 1.16 million barrel oil delivery?

I suspect proxy trading just like it happened in Syria.

What do you think?

I have no idea, to be honest.

Barrels / day means each day this much barrels were recorded in imports at that particular period of year.

Yes, saw and corrected that. Thanks for the advice. Yet, the article also claims these were the very first deliveries since 1991, i.e. a 30-year hiatus no less. Iran-US trade for the year 2020 stood at some 41 million USD according to official US statistics. If these oil purchases weren't counted in, then the total amount would still not exceed 500 million USD in all likelihood. Still a token trade volume.
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As said, the quantity in question here is truly insignificant, and US companies probably bought these without the knowledge of the Iranian government through third party brokers anyway.

So why would US authorities come out with such a report at this particular point in time? Here's a realistic answer: to give reformist candidates at Iran's upcoming presidential election a boost. By suggesting, through news items such as these, that the Biden administration is willing to lift sanctions, they want to assist the reformists in Iran who would like to explore ways to normalize ties with the US, as opposed to principlist and revolutionary forces in Iran, who oppose any such notion of a normalization.

I think so too but it won't work since all the reformists got eliminated
I think so too but it won't work since all the reformists got eliminated

Mohsen Miralizadeh (Will of the Iranian Nation Party) and Abdolnasser Hemmati (Executives of Construction of Iran Party), who are allowed to run, are both reformists.

But yes, this is too little too late of a help by the US. I think they know their favorite candidates are set to lose this time around, but they might still might be trying their best to prevent it.
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IF the flow of Information is kept in dark, don't you think which group is ruling Iran and who has the authority at the moment to share or not? I don't know any grouping in Iran but everyone is well aware that the one who rules, has the access to information and so the authority to keep it secret for any reason. I don't think that 2 barrels a month, as many try to prove, were supposedly for testing Crude Quality of Iran.
Iran is a functioning democracy. The chosen government has full control over economy. You are trying to generalize things but the ones who know the Truth, don't need reasoning. Its open for everyone to see, just imagine that American companies were allowed to import Iranian oil, no matter from third Party or directly from some individuals, they dared to threaten your country which was struggling with fuel crisis not so long ago not to trade with Iran. That's Pure bullying
Despite the severe sanctions imposed on Iran's energy sector by the White House, the US nonetheless imported a substantial batch of crude from the Islamic Republic for the first time in 30 years, its Department of Energy reports.

The department did not provide information on how the Iranian imports showed up on its log, despite current US restrictions banning any nation from purchasing oil from Iran.

The US reportedly imported an estimated 36,000 barrels per day in October 2020, according to data tracked by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). In March, the import volumes of Iranian crude reportedly totaled 33,000 barrels per day.

That marks the first delivery of Iranian crude to the US since 1991, when the country was shipping up to 64,000 barrels per day.

However, the US energy department recorded another delivery of Iranian crude in 2020. In August, Washington confiscated 1.16 million barrels of Iranian-sourced oil aboard four tankers that were allegedly transporting the fuel to Venezuela.

The US has imposed sanctions against Iran since 1984, banning all arms sales and American aid to the nation. A new round of penalties against Tehran was introduced later, shortly after former US President Donald Trump initiated a withdrawal from the JCPOA nuclear deal signed under the Obama administration.

Trump’s decisions reflected the US' campaign of ‘maximum pressure’ against the Islamic Republic, measures aimed at forcing it to give up its nuclear ambitions.

The latest steps taken by the current US administration, with a view to easing tensions between the parties, reportedly may lead to a complete or a partial lifting of anti-Iran sanctions, and Washington and Tehran are currently in talks.

The us "seizure" in august was of gasoline,not crude oil,and had already been paid for by its purchaser,so it was no longer irans gasoline that the us was stealing.but someone elses.:tsk:
this alone is grounds enough for having him eliminated by the Supreme Council itself.

being liked by the public will get you killed (or discredited as in the case of President Ahmadinejad)

There's no institution by the name of Supreme Council in Iran.

Being liked by the public and being loyal to the system at the same time isn't going to get anyone eliminated, except by Iran's enemies. Qasem Soleimani's popularity was a major source of legitimacy for the Islamic Republic, because he was 100% loyal to the Supreme Leader, 100% loyal to the Islamic Revolution, and thoroughly impregnated by its ideology. He was actually one of the reasons why increasing numbers of Iranians who hitherto had been opposed to the IR, began supporting the Supreme Leader and the IRGC.

As opposed to Ahmadinejad, who challenged the Supreme Leader head on during his second term (as when he refused to dismiss his adviser Masha'i in opposition to the Leader's demands, etc), and largely turned against the system. Apples and oranges, really.
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It clearly mentions IMPORT DATA.

On topic: On the surface, both countries are supposedly ready to destroy each other by any time while in the backdoor, they conduct their usual business but people are fooled with official slogans such as either Iran Evil or US Evil. Will the populace understand that when it is about Money (For Iran) and Energy Need (For US) and then there's no enemy or terrorism or evil or Zionist supporter etc.

I wouldn't be concern with US hypocrisy because they tend to get done their business by any mean and to do so, there is nothing such as moral or principals. They put sanctions on others or threatens the rest of the world to not to conduct any business but when it comes to benefit D.C; there are no obligations, neither the law nor the right thing to do. It is just usual hypocrisy.

What really surprises, is because of so much hyperbole by Iranian Ruling Class created against evil US but on the contrary, feeds the same evil with Oil Energy because it pays and never told before or said it openly at all.
Oh yeah, another great Pakistani conspiracy theoretician!

Iran was in dire need to export 36000 barrel of oil to US, and US was in dire need to import 36000 barrel of oil from Iran!!! just so that you know, Iran's current oil export is about 2,000,000 barrel per day.

To know even more, there are official imports and exports between Iran and US, much much more than that ridiculous 36000 barrel of oil, including medicines, foods, and all the critical needs of pro-west people in Iran including iPhone, furniture, etc!

on topic:
article also mentions confiscation.
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