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Wehrmacht: Why No Collapse


Dec 1, 2015
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The Wehrmacht during the Second World War sustained two times the deaths of the Imperial German Army in the First World War, yet it did not collapse, quite on the contrary it fought until the bitter end. Why was this the case? Why did the Wehrmacht and particularly the German Army did not collapse in the Second World War.

Military History Visualized

668K subscribers

Excellent video, thanks for sharing. All these cohesions were a weakness and not strength as it unnecessarily cost the lives of millions of soldiers. They must have doctrined emotional cohesion instead of intelligent cohesion.
Excellent video, thanks for sharing. All these cohesions were a weakness and not strength as it unnecessarily cost the lives of millions of soldiers. They must have doctrined emotional cohesion instead of intelligent cohesion.

Interesting comment.
They surendered and never fought to last man.
quite on the contrary it fought until the bitter end. Why was this the case? Why did the Wehrmacht and particularly the German Army did not collapse in the Second World War.

The video does a good job explaining some of the motivations, but it missed a major point. The senior leadership of Wehrmacht fought till the end because they knew very well the war crimes they had committed in the prior years, and the fact that they would be shown no mercy from the Allies. Thus, it was self preservation.

The finest warriors ever to be fielded in human history

Fine warriors no doubt but only a fool fights a war they can't, just like these delusional warriors thought their racial superiority would carry them to victory.
No Jews in WWII 😋
Jews have fought in World War 2.

nothing wrong if it helps you fight...
soldiers have been using drugs to prepare for battles since ancient times
Yeah but haram for Muslims because intoxicant and it unhinges you. Their war crimes stats is enough proof. Else the same is true for British and American troops in every war since

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