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Why China won't allow a Russian defeat in Ukraine no matter what it takes

@Hamartia Antidote
You are forgetting something really crucial, when this war is over Russia will have gained an immense amount of experience and refined its military(and military industry) a lot more than if they had fought NATO how their army was standing Feb 2022.
The problem is, Russian Military is depleting its rank to do that.

Let's say the war ends tomorrow, how long do you think it take Russia to recover so that they can learn from their mistake?

They don't have a NCO corp, they lose around 11 General Staff, 50+ senior command staff, their junior officer corps was destroyed. Even if there are things to learn, you don't have enough resource and man power to applies to.

And don't forget, Ukraine at best is a mini-NATO, the Russian didn't fight NATO with all their might, they did not go up against US air superiority, Germany Command and Control structure, they are fighting the Ukrainian armed with last gen NATO tech. And if that enough to make that big dent, then there are a lot more lesson to learn if the Russian were to fight NATO.

Just the Army alone, it would take them years if not decade to try to reform to a level it can withstand NATO attack, not to mention the complete decoupling between Russia and the West, the Russian aren't going to get the same level of Economic Stability solely depends on China.
MAD. If the US wants to genocide Russians in Donba then Russians will genocide Americans. China will be the lucky winner.
What's the proofs for that blame that USA want genocide Russians in Donba

And how Russian genocide Americans lol does Americans live in Russia

Don't be stupid you pathetic child
What's the proofs for that blame that USA want genocide Russians in Donba

And how Russian genocide Americans lol does Americans live in Russia

Don't be stupid you pathetic child

Americans sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians in Donba is genocide. Russians nuke the US. Russians are not defenseless anymore.
I think if Russia keeps dombas, crimea and gets guarantee Ukraine won't join Nato they will see it as a victory. Any less would be seen as a defeat.
It depends on defeated by who?

Set aside whether or not Ukraine would accept those condition, let's say they do, that's only a win against Ukraine. When you compare it on NATO and the entire West, Russia loses is all Russia, while Ukrainian is not in NATO, so there were no NATO loses with all those Russian lose to goes with. So regardless, that's not going to be a win materiel wise because at best, Russia would destroy around 100 or so Western Tank, 20 or so HIMARS, 200-300 Western APC, that's nothing.

On the strategic ends, you also need to look at how much Russia pays to achieve those "Victories" the entire Russian Armed Force is decimated. They weren't supposed to use convict to fight wars, they weren't supposed to use Wagner to fight conventional war, unless you are telling me Russia had not devote any traditional power in this play, using those force suggesting their conventional power is being decimated. Then you will need to look at what next. Because even if peace treaty was sign, the war will not end there if Ukraine decided to do insurgency in Russian-Controlled Ukraine. that would have been multi-decade long struggle, can Russia keep up the momentum if Ukraine choose this? That remain to be seen, because we are still at invasion phase of this war some 390 days after the war started.

On the other hand, Ukraine would most likely not going to agree to the condition you listed, there were still not a single military defeat that make Ukraine think that way, if that is the option on the table, Ukraine will most likely keep on fighting.
Lol in war everything is fair who stated the war btw tell me and USA will destroy whole Russia as a result
You want Russia is to be destroyed???

If Americans want genocide of Russians then Russians will genocide Americans. Russians will not fight to the last Russian. Before that happens Russians nuke the US and make sure every Russian and American dies. After that, Russia and the US repopulated by Chinese. Chinese are peaceful people. No war.
If Americans want genocide of Russians then Russians will genocide Americans. Russians will not fight to the last Russian. Before that happens Russians nuke the US and make sure every Russian and American dies. After that, Russia and the US repopulated by Chinese. Chinese are peaceful people. No war.
Lol this is not going to happen you pathetic boy govts don't run like this its only blame that USA support Russian genocide in Ukraine with no proofs only in your pathetic thinking that's a proofs
In your pathetic thinking yes it now happy now get a hike from here

By the time the last Ukrainian is dead, Russia population drops to 130 million. Russia has no choice but to accept massive immigration from China to recover its population back to 150 million. 20 million Chinese single men immigrate to Russia.
By the time the last Ukrainian is dead, Russia population drops to 130 million. Russia has no choice but to accept massive immigration from China to recover its population back to 150 million. 20 million Chinese single men immigrate to Russia.
Haha if you I mean Chinese want to go that pathetic cold hell than so it be its only in your personal pathetic thinking that's Chinese want to go to Russia to fill the gap of its population lol what a pathetic loser you're
Haha if you I mean Chinese want to go that pathetic cold hell than so it be its only in your personal pathetic thinking that's Chinese want to go to Russia to fill the gap of its population lol what a pathetic loser you're

Russia ain't that cold. Moscow is sort of like Toronto, Chicago. Saint Petersburg is sort of like Philadelphia, Cincinnati. These places are much warmer than Harbin. Hell, even Vladivostok is sort of like Edmonton and much warmer than Harbin.
Russia ain't that cold. Moscow is sort of like Toronto, Chicago, Saint Petersburg is sort of like Philadelphia, Cincinnati. These places are much warmer than Harbin. Hell, even Vladivostok is sort of like Edmonton and much warmer than Harbin.
No one want to leave their country and fill the gap of other country for war attritions you have no logic and common sense dude that Chinese will fill the gap of their war attritions lol

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