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Why Pakistan making peace with India is a dumb idea

Abdul Rehman Majeed

Dec 25, 2019
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Why Pakistan making peace with India is a dumb idea

1) Making peace with India will allow India to grow faster and increase the economic gap between India & Pakistan

2) World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with India

3) Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against India

4) A strong enemy in India keeps Pakistan united. Peace with India will mean Pakistan will look inwards. Internal fissures and conflicts within provinces will widen

5) Peace with India will bring complacency and Pakistan's military capaability with stagnate and decay.

We do not need peace with India.

We need pieces of India.
Why Pakistan making peace with India is a dumb idea

1) Making peace with India will allow India to grow faster and increase the economic gap between India & Pakistan

2) World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with India

3) Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against India

4) A strong enemy in India keeps Pakistan united. Peace with India will mean Pakistan will look inwards. Internal fissures and conflicts within provinces will widen

5) Peace with India will bring complacency and Pakistan's military capaability with stagnate and decay.

We do not need peace with India.

We need pieces of India.
I think you are a moron. Yes, Kashmir needs to have a plebiscite to be done. I want peace with India, it does not mean I like India. lol.
We do not need peace with India.

We need pieces of India.

I see.

Parantu Shriman Abdul ji, if India is 'balkanized', to use your own favourite word, then:

  1. There will be peace between Pakistan and the new countries that border it
  2. World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with the resulting smaller countries.
  3. Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against the new smaller countries
  4. There is no longer a strong enemy to keep you united. So you will look inwards at your own problems
  5. It will bring complacency to Pakistan fauj and cause its decay.
In short, it will result in exactly the same situation that you want to avoid.

Kripya sankshep mei uttar dein.
I see.

Parantu Shriman Abdul ji, if India is 'balkanized', to use your own favourite word, then:

  1. There will be peace between Pakistan and the new countries that border it
  2. World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with the resulting smaller countries.
  3. Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against the new smaller countries
  4. There is no longer a strong enemy to keep you united. So you will look inwards at your own problems
  5. It will bring complacency to Pakistan fauj and cause its decay.
In short, it will result in exactly the same situation that you want to avoid.

Kripya sankshep mei uttar dein.

Once India has been balkanized, there will be wars for the next 50 years to annex them.

Also, we could always add more countries like Afghanistan, Central Asia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc to the list once India has been balkanized.

Perrinneial war is good for the health of a nation.

See how US has been fighting wars for more than 100 years now and how it helped it become a super power.

From Umayyads Caliphate to Ottomoan Empire, Islam grew through wars not by making peace.
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Once India has been balkanized, there will be wars for the next 50 years to annex then
Won't that unite the balkanized states to fight the common enemy - Pakistan?
Also, dint know Myanmar and sri Lanka were also the targets, we sold jf17 to Myanmar.
God knows why this Indian troll is still allowed to spam this forum

Peace with India is not possible because they are adamant on the occupation of Pakistani territory in Kashmir. It ends there.

Maybe if they weren't adamant on occupying it, and weren't genocidal towards their Muslim population, we could have a mutually respectful relationship.

But at the end of the day, I wish for prosperity for the whole of South Asia, just not when it empowers the hateful insecure elements.
I think you are a moron. Yes, Kashmir needs to have a plebiscite to be done. I want peace with India, it does not mean I like India. lol.

God knows why this Indian troll is still allowed to spam this forum

Peace with India is not possible because they are adamant on the occupation of Pakistani territory in Kashmir. It ends there.

Maybe if they weren't adamant on occupying it, and weren't genocidal towards their Muslim population, we could have a mutually respectful relationship.

But at the end of the day, I wish for prosperity for the whole of South Asia, just not when it empowers the hateful insecure elements.

I've now added him to my ignore list. I suggest you do the same.

Hover over his name, and then click ignore.

Send Bindu Hindu Hindu bHdu over A round of Taimoor to dhoti in Bharat
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Why Pakistan making peace with India is a dumb idea

1) Making peace with India will allow India to grow faster and increase the economic gap between India & Pakistan

2) World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with India

3) Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against India

4) A strong enemy in India keeps Pakistan united. Peace with India will mean Pakistan will look inwards. Internal fissures and conflicts within provinces will widen

5) Peace with India will bring complacency and Pakistan's military capaability with stagnate and decay.

We do not need peace with India.

We need pieces of India.

When have the "Hindjews" not questioned the need for Pakistan to have nukes?

India and Pakistan making peace and normalising trade will lead to regional peace and prosperity , but the relationship has to be managed and balanced and incrementally improved.
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World will question the need for Pakistan to have nukes now there is peace with India

3) Pakistan will lose value to both China and NATO as Pakistan can no longer act as a fronline state against India
China does not need Pakistan as it will complicate matters.
Why Pakistan making peace with India is a dumb idea

1) Making peace with India will allow India to grow faster and increase the economic gap between India & Pakistan
Don't know if it is true anymore. Pakistan is irrelevant in our growth. With Nuclear War, no one is a winner.

4) A strong enemy in India keeps Pakistan united. Peace with India will mean Pakistan will look inwards. Internal fissures and conflicts within provinces will widen
I agree with you on this. You will have to allocate most of your budget on your army and it will make you poor. Hahaha
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