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Japan Defence Forum

Japan’s Jiji Press is reporting that a US Navy strike group led by the super carrier USS Carl Vinson is engaged in a joint exercise with Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) in the South China Sea.

The drill in the South China Sea where China has been building artificial islands and military facilities, follows the Vinson’s visit to Da Nang, Vietnam earlier this month in what analysts say was a veiled warning to Beijing.

The Vinson strike group, which includes two Aegis guided-missile destroyers, has been conducting the exercise since Sunday with the Japanese helicopter carrier Ise to “enhance maritime interoperability between longstanding allies,” according to a US Navy statement

The US Navy also said its joint operations with the MSDF include antisubmarine and air defense training, noting that the Ise will also carry out a replenishment-at-sea operation with the Vinson.

Such insecure nations feel the need to declare their present in SCS while China is there to stay in stealth mode, there is nothing better to keep PLA on guard when enemies are trying to show off their muscle and help Chinese general staff to sharpening their weapons in SCS...not bad new at all.
Japan activates first marines since WW2 to bolster defences against China

Japan on Saturday activated its first marine unit since World War Two trained to counter invaders occupying Japanese islands along the edge of the East China Sea that Tokyo fears are vulnerable to attack by China.

In a ceremony held at a military base near Sasebo on the southwest island of Kyushu, about 1,500 members of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade (ARDB) wearing camouflage lined up outside amid cold, windy weather.

“Given the increasingly difficult defence and security situation surrounding Japan, defence of our islands has become a critical mandate,” Tomohiro Yamamoto, vice defence minister, said in a speech.

The troops conducted a 20-minute mock public exercise recapturing a remote island from invaders.

The formation of the Japanese marine brigade is controversial because amphibious units can project military force and could, critics warn, be used to threaten Japan’s neighbours. In its post World War Two constitution Japan renounced the right to wage war.

The brigade is the latest component of a growing marine force that includes helicopter carriers, amphibious ships, Osprey tilt-rotor troop carriers and amphibious assault vehicles, meant to deter China as it pushes for easier access to the Western Pacific.

China, which dominates the South China Sea, is outpacing Japan in defence spending. In 2018, Beijing which claims a group of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea controlled by Tokyo, will spend 1.11 trillion yuan ($176.56 billion) on its armed forces, more than three times as much as Japan.

The activation of the 2,100 strong ARDB takes Japan a step closer to creating a force similar to a U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) able to plan and execute operations at sea far from its home base.

“They’ve already demonstrated the ability to put together an ad hoc MEU. But to have a solid, standing MEU capability requires concerted effort,” Grant Newsham, a research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies.

“If Japan put its mind to it, within a year or year and a half it could have a reasonable capability.”

Newsham, who helped train Japan’s first amphibious troops as a U.S. Marine Corps colonel liaison officer assigned to the Ground Self Defence Force (GSDF), said Japan still needs a joint navy-army amphibious headquarters to coordinate operations as well as more amphibious ships to carry troops and equipment.

Japanese military planners are already mulling some of those additions. Its Air Self Defence Force (ASDF) wants to acquire F-35Bs to operate from its Izumo and Ise helicopter carriers, or from islands along the East China Sea, sources have told Reuters.

The United States last month deployed its F-35Bs for their first at-sea operations aboard the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship, which is based in Sasebo. The Kyushu port is also home to Japan’s Ise and close to the ARDB’s base.

Separately the GSDF may acquire small amphibious ships up to a 100 meters (328.08 ft) long to transport troops and equipment between islands and from ship to shore, two sources familiar with the discussion said. Japanese ground forces have not operated their own ships since World War Two.

“The idea is to bring forces and gear on large ships to the main Okinawa island and then disperse them to other islands on smaller vessels,” said one of the sources, who asked not to be identified because they are not authorized to talk to the media.

Abe plans to revise Article 9 of the Constitution by 2020 ! Coincidence?
Wang Yi to pay official visit to Japan

By Zhang Yunbi | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-04-11

File photo of Foreign Minister Wang Yi. [Photo/Xinhua]
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay his first official visit to Japan from Sunday to Tuesday.

Wang will be in Tokyo to co-chair the fourth China-Japan High-level Economic Dialogue with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang announced.

The official visit serves as an important measure to boost high-level exchanges and communication, Geng told a Wednesday daily news conference in Beijing.

It is hoped that the two sides, through the visit, could boost mutual trust, accumulate more consensus, manage and control divergences and consolidate the improving momentum of China-Japan ties, Geng said.

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (Kōkū Jieitai), or JASDF, is the aviation branch of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, responsible for the defense of Japanese airspace and for other aerospace operations. The JASDF carries out combat air patrols around Japan, while also maintaining a network of ground and air early-warning radar systems. The branch also has an aerobatic team known as Blue Impulse and has provided air transport in UN peacekeeping missions.
Japanese military attaches to increasing in the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – In order to balance and monitor China’s increasing activity in the South China Sea, the government of Japan has decided to increase the number of resident military advisers in partner nations of the region.

On March 7, it was reported by Liberty Times that Japan will be dispatching permanent military advisers to the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia to cooperate with the local governments on intelligence operations regarding China’s activity in the region.

According to Japanese media, this is the first time the Japanese government has assigned official military attaches to the three Southeast Asian countries, and the original number of officers planned has also been increased from one officer to two officers, for each of the three countries.

In addition to coordinating intelligence between countries on behalf of Japan’s SDF, the aadvisers will also have responsibilities related to the security of the Japanese embassies in the three host countries.

According to the report from Liberty Times, Japan is also preparing to provide the Philippine military with three new TC-90 utility aircraft, which will help the Philippines better monitor Chinese activity around its territory.

Opening ceremony and demonstration for the Japanese Rapid Amphibious Deployment Brigade being introduced.

Another demonstration that includes the new Type 16 maneuver combat vehicles.

Plan of joint-training between the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force and other nations such as the US, Australia, India, and the UK for fiscal year 2018. The document also includes a schedule for Japan only training, but just translated the joint-training
US-Japan joint-training
-Command and Control: Yama Sakura 74, Northern Army, in the US, June
-Command and Control: Yama Sakura 75, Northern Army, in Japan, December

-Working exercise with US Army in Japan: Orient Shield, North Eastern Army, August-September
-Working exercise with US Army in Japan: North Wind, Northern Army, January-March

-Working exercise with USMC in Japan: Northern Viper, Northern Army, July-September
-Working exercise with USMC in Japan: Forest Light 01, Western Army, October-December
-Working exercise with USMC in Japan: Forest Light 02, Middle Army, January-March

-Working exercise with US Army in the US: Raising Thunder, Eastern Army, August-September
-Working exercise with US Army in the US: Arctic Aurora, Combined Ground, May-June
-Working exercise with US Army in the US: at the National Training Center, Northern Army, January-March
-Working exercise with US Army in the US: RIMPAC (anti-ship warfare), Western Army, June-August

-Working exercise with USMC in the US: RIMPAC (Amphibious vehicles), Combined Ground, June-August
-Working exercise with USMC in the Philippines: KAMANDAG, Combined Ground, September-October
-Working exercise with USMC in the US: Iron Fist, Combined Ground, January-March

Japan-US-Australia joint-training
-Participation in Australia: AASAM, Fuji School, April-May
-Working exercise with US and Australia militaries in Australia: Southern Jackaroo, Eastern Army, May-June
-Working exercise with US and Australia militaries in Japan: disaster countermeasures, Middle Army, October

Multi-national exercise in Mongolia called Khaan Quest, Combined Ground, June

Working exercise with the British Army in Japan: Fuji School, September-October

Working exercise with the Indian Army in India: Eastern Army, October-December

Four working exercise activities with British Army and Indian Army during the working exercise with the US in anti-ship warfare and the training at the National Training Center in the US.

RC-2, ELINT version of the C-2

A C-2 with a crew of 15 to conduct training in going abroad to North America, by stopping at multiple US bases from March 12th to March 19th. Stops are Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Scott Air Force Base, Travis Air Force Base, and Anderson Air Force Base.

Joint-training between the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Royal Navy of the UK on April 27th and April 28th in waters south of the Kanto region. Training was caried out by HMS Sutherland, JS Suzunami, JS Tokio, and P-3C, and a Japanese sub (not named).



HMS Sutherland arrived in Japan on April 10th and included some North Korea related work along with the joint-training described above.
The Royal Navy’s HMS Sutherland docked in the Japanese port of Yokosuka on Wednesday morning and will take part in operations to combat efforts by North Korea to get around United Nations sanctions of banned commodities, including fuel and components for the regime’s nuclear and long-range missile programmes.

Satellites and maritime patrol aircraft have in recent months identified a number of ship-to-ship transfers being conducted at sea between North Korean freighters and vessels flying other flags. Royal Navy vessels will now be involved in monitoring and potentially interdicting such activities, using Wildcat helicopters and state-of-the-art radar systems.

HMS Sutherland is the first of three Royal Navy warships that will visit Japan and other ports in the region before the end of the year in order to enforce UN sanctions, conduct freedom of navigation operations and take part in a series of exercises with the UK’s allies in the region.

“Our armed forces are at the forefront of Global Britain and the deployment of HMS Albion, Sutherland and Argyll demonstrates our unwavering commitment to our international responsibilities and to maintaining peace, security and prosperity in the region”, said Gavin Williamson, the defence secretary.

“Until North Korea matches its words with concrete actions, the UK will continue working closely with partners and allies to keep up pressure and strictly enforce existing sanctions, ensuring not only regional security but that of the UK as well," he said.

Mark Field, the minister for the Asia-Pacific region, is presently visiting Tokyo and said the deployment of three Royal Navy ships to Japan highlights the UK’s commitment to the security of the region, adding that British ground troops will for the first time take part in exercises with Japanese forces here in the autumn.

“The relationship between the Maritime Self-Defence Force and the Royal Navy is becoming increasingly close and these joint exercises have been planned to improve interoperability and friendship between our forces”, Mr Field said.

The UK “supports the diplomatic approach by our allies and partners in Japan”, he said, but is also committed to enforcing UN Security Council sanctions on the North.

HMS Sutherland will take part in anti-submarine exercises with Japan’s Maritime Self-Defence Forces in the coming weeks before HMS Albion - an amphibious transport ship complete with a unit of Royal Marine Commandos - arrives later in the year for landing exercises. HMS Argyll, another Type 23 frigate, is scheduled to conduct operations in the region next winter.

As well as countering North Korea, the Royal Navy warships will conduct freedom of navigation operations in waters in the South China Sea, close to uninhabited atolls that have been unilaterally claimed by Beijing and turned into islands with extensive military fortifications.

Captain Paul Casson, the defence attache at the British Embassy in Tokyo, declined to reveal the details of the vessels’ routes for operational reasons, but did confirm that the Royal Navy ships would “demonstrate the UK’s commitment to regional stability, international law and the United Nations Law of the Sea”.
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China's top legislator meets Japanese guests
Xinhua, May 04, 2018

  BEIJING, May 3 (Xinhua) -- China's top legislator Li Zhanshu met with the delegation of Japan-China Friendship Parliamentarians' Union on Thursday.

  Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), said win-win cooperation accords with the fundamental interest of both countries and long-term friendship is the only right choice.

  Li called on the Japanese side to remember history, learn lessons from it and avoid repeating mistakes.

  China and Japan should treat each other in an objective and rational way, as cooperative partners rather than threats, he said.

  Li called on the two sides to look into the future and help bilateral relations return to normal.

  Regarding legislative exchanges as an important part of bilateral ties, Li called for more exchanges of experiences on legislation and state governance, and more pragmatic cooperation.

  Li welcomed the Japanese side to participate in the Belt and Road.

  This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between China and Japan, and Hayashi Yoshimasa, who leads the delegation, said the Japan-China Friendship Parliamentarians' Union will contribute more to improving bilateral ties.

Looks like China accepts Japan's defense needs by inviting them to join Belt and Road.
One Indian Navy P-8I and one JMSDF P-3C trained together over water area on the western side of India on October 30th, 2017. In the picture are two JMSDF P-3C and an Indian P-8I and IL-38.


INS Teg, one Indian sub, and JS Amagiri conducted joint-training in anti-submarine warfare and tactical maneuvers in the waters around Mumbai port on January 18th, 2018.


Japan and India conducted joint-training that included ASW on May 5th in the waters west of Goa, India. Two P-1s from Japan and from India, a P-8I, INS Trishul, and one sub.

The two P-1s then made a friendship visit to the Philippines and the two sides conducted joint-training in search and rescue on May 8th in the waters around Palawan Island (both SCS and Sulu Sea). From the Philippines side was a C-90 and a patrol boat. This appears to be separate from the Balikatan exercise going on.


JS Setogiri visited Visakhapatnam port, India from May 11th to May 13th, and conducted joint-training in ASW, AAW, etc. with INS Ranjit, as well as an Indian submarine and aircraft on the 13th and 14th of May.

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