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Dear Chinese and Turkish members

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held be responbile for the actions/violations of third parties.
Nobody is holding you responsible for 3rd parties but responsible for your own!
When things go south, your own ALSO start foul mouthing and the Chinese are quick to report/ call the mods. What is the result? Turks get banned! We had enough!
Well this one's a long reply for your posts so please start with this line. I have been around here for almost six or some years I guess. Regardless of nationality or political affiliation, people around here know that I strictly keep my content limited on matters related to naval warfare. I rarely comment on politics and most of the time its with the intention to highlight the implications for security, I probably do not have a single post on anything related to China in a politically critical manner. I was a moderator and a think tank at this site which for the record, titles mean nothing for me, just my personal opinion. And to conclude, I can honestly express that even if you are 100% right and some Turk/Chinese members pissed you off really bad for quite acceptable reasons; the language shown by you, a moderator, a respected member, can not and will not be accepted neither by me nor the Turkish community. Not everyone here whether he is Chinese or Turkish talks in respective languages. But its a pity that you ask for a "respective manner" when you demonstrate the contrary by generalizing the community by taking a stance on the given issues just because you are annoyed by trolls of multiple origin abusing the report button flawing around. Well, stop doing this work then.

If you want to talk about your KIN do so in a respected manner and make sure in each post mention your moderator IF HE AGREES!


Talking about your kin should not include INSULTS to China, Chinese history, Chinese people, Chinese attitude, Chinese members, Chinese laws, Chinese ANYTHING ! It should STRICTLY be ONLY about your people!

And Chinese members should not spoil such threads

BUT that will only be allowed after 1-2 mths of ban...Because you guys are out of control! For every thread 1 opens the other RETALIATES with multiple threads or insults against whole nations! I am sorry as a Mod I neither can allow such things nor can I tolerate such childish behaviors!

@cabatli_53 is 1 person he cant always be everywhere!
And yes you need our mods coz we do most of the cleaning!

You can take this up to GHQ!

Its shameful that a moderator of your title openly talks to us in this language and depicts a good example of what double standards mean. If you are willing to delete this post, please don't because respectively you started this. I am not judging you by what you think or do not think on China or Turkey but on your language towards us and our moderator when compared to others. Obviously there is a whole bunch of threads on the Kurdish issue too, never saw a similar warning on these...

EDIT: My apologies for misspelling the part on moderators, fixed.

Honestly speaking we dont care...

There has been enough BS flying on this forum...This is your punishment, BOTH sides brought it for making a trolling feast!

It is also unfair that this forum be used like a war chimney for firing and fueling hatred against each other!
Can you tell me how spreading hatred, calling foul words to Chinese members is going to help your Turkish Brothers in East Turkestan?
Yes that is why there is a ban on them too! We know it takes 2 to tango! :)
Such threads will be closed from now on...Anything on XINJIANG will be closed for the next few weeks to months until BOTH of you learn to behave!

I would like to thank every Chinese and Turkish member who stayed away from trolling BS and tried to keep discussions in a civilized manner. But honestly, please give me one proof that you have given the very same statement above for the Chinese on Turkish issues as sensitive as what is Turkistan for the Chinese?

My question is when you guys are burning/ angry...and respond to Chinese members with foul language or even retaliate by opening a BS tread just to show them in bad light...HOW IS THAT HELPING EAST TURKESTAN?

Never done that, but respectively neither you nor us can know that. Still, have you ever talked to members of Chinese origin who were equally as responsible as Turkish members involved, in the same level of tone and threatening language?
The retaliation is another word for psychology of guiltiness, or confession.

Apparently, you try to legalize the retaliation, and bargaining it with me , also delivering me a covert threat.

However, I accept, let them please.
You may accept them but not all Turks do. They RETALIATE with foul language and the Chinese as in the example report them and we the Pakistani MODS have to respond!
Chinese privliges here.
There is no such thing as Chinese privileges!

  • Primarily in Turk Section with the moderation of @cabatli_53 , We would like to talk about the conditions of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan within the rules; secondarily in ME section.
  • We do not want to be held responsible for the actions/policies of China, or Chinese members violations of rules like retalitation.
  • We would like to see Chinese members have equal privileges like the rest of members, not more or less than the rest of members.
  • We respect the rules, moderators and forum; but raise our voice against unfairness in favour of Chinse members.
So, Will you please re-open the thread about The Turks of East Turkestan?

Thank you.

Take this to GHQ as for the re-opening of the thread @waz and @The Eagle who were moderating it claimed no
Nobody is holding you responsible for 3rd parties but responsible for your own!
When things go south, your own ALSO start foul mouthing and the Chinese are quick to report/ call the mods. What is the result? Turks get banned! We had enough!

I am sure you have addressed many warnings/punishment, but never taken away the talk or threads away from thousands for actions of a few among thousands.

I mentioned our requests, and given fair solutions on our part.

Will you please grant us them?
Can we see the same action on Indian Pakistani threads as well? Or is this only specific to certain countries?
Well this one's a long reply for your posts so please start with this line. I have been around here for almost six or some years I guess. Regardless of nationality or political affiliation, people around here know that I strictly keep my content limited on matters related to naval warfare. I rarely comment on politics and most of the time its with the intention to highlight the implications for security, I probably do not have a single post on anything related to China in a politically critical manner. I was a moderator and a think tank at this site which for the record, titles mean nothing for me, just my personal opinion. And to conclude, I can honestly express that even if you are 100% right and some Turk/Chinese members pissed you off really bad for quite acceptable reasons; the language shown by you, a moderator, a respected member, can not and will not be accepted neither by me nor the Turkish community. Not everyone here whether he is Chinese or Turkish talks in respective languages. But its a pity that you ask for a "respective manner" when you demonstrate the contrary by generalizing the community by taking a stance on the given issues just because you are annoyed by trolls of multiple origin abusing the report button flawing around. Well, stop doing this work then.
I think you did not understand my post...Just go back 2-4 pages you will see a demonstration of what happened with 1 Chinese member and 1 Turk.

I am not issuing a blanket statement that all of you use foul languages but the MOD team is tired of breaking fights which really have no base!

There have been threads which have been called retaliation (from both Chinese and Turks)...When I use "s" I really mean more than 1!

EACH is just looking for ways to hurt the other!

Its shameful that a moderator of your title openly talks to another moderator in this language and depicts a good example of what double standards mean. If you are willing to delete this post, please don't because respectively you started this. I am not judging you by what you think or do not think on China or Turkey but on your language towards us and our moderator when compared to others. Obviously there is a whole bunch of threads on the Kurdish issue too, never saw a similar warning on these...
Shameful? What is wrong with the language? Pray do tell!

And here I thought you were the wise one :tsk:

I would like to thank every Chinese and Turkish member who stayed away from trolling BS and tried to keep discussions in a civilized manner. But honestly, please give me one proof that you have given the very same statement above for the Chinese on Turkish issues as sensitive as what is Turkistan for the Chinese?
This thread is proof itself...Kindly do read EACH and every post! I have spent some 2 hrs patiently answering EVERY question every post from Turkish members..

Never done that, but respectively neither you nor us can know that. Still, have you ever talked to members of Chinese origin who were equally as responsible as Turkish members involved, in the same level of tone and threatening language?
I have talked to them, when I issue them a warning and we get a PM together. I have also had some threads in the GHQ by Chinese and Indian members demanding to remove me as Moderator for issuing warning and giving negative ratings to Chinese and Indian members respectively. But why do I need to tell you all this? You already have a made up mindset about me!

I am sure you have addressed many warnings/punishment, but never taken away the talk or threads away from thousands for actions of a few among thousands.

I mentioned our requests, and given fair solutions on our part.

Will you please grant us them?
I have also mentioned to take it to GHQ.
You see, when Mods decide 1 thing and members dont agree they appeal at the GHQ. THERE admins will decide what to do. When you make a post in GHQ mention the admins @Horus and @WebMaster and point to this thread!
You may accept them but not all Turks do. They RETALIATE with foul language and the Chinese as in the example report them and we the Pakistani MODS have to respond!

Every member has accepted the rules, but i am sure they will reject the position of moderation in favour of Chinese members.

You have already opened a door where every member or group will from now on manipulate you with retaliation if you do not bow down to their wishes.

There is no such thing as Chinese privileges!

Unfortunatly, you made it very clear and obvious by writing here, no way to go back.

Take this to GHQ as for the re-opening of the thread @waz and @The Eagle who were moderating it claimed no

The situation in East Turkestan will not end soon, therefore @The Eagle will have to ban every Turk for opening topics and talking about it.

I am sure @The Eagle can ban every Turk member here for it, but in the end how @The Eagle and forum look like?
Can we see the same action on Indian Pakistani threads as well? Or is this only specific to certain countries?
Oh there is already one ...We call Kashmiri freedom fighters unlike you :enjoy:

Every member has accepted the rules, but i am sure they will reject the position of moderation in favour of Chinese members.
No one is favouring anyone! If I were favouring them, I wouldnt have included them in this thread!
You have already opened a door where ever member or group will from now on manipulate you with retaliation if you do not bow down to their wishes.
This would only mean I shouldnt bow down to your wishes :agree:

Unfortunatly, you made it very clear and obvious by writing here, no way to go back.
No one did. You on the other hand cant seem to comprehend simple English!

The situation in East Turkestan will not end soon, therefore @The Eagle will have to ban every Turk for opening and talking abou it.

I am sure @The Eagle can ban every Turk member here for it, but in the end how @The Eagle and forum look like?
And here is the signs of an irresponsible Turk picking a fight and then not wanting to face the consequences!
No one is favouring anyone! If I were favouring them, I wouldnt have included them in this thread!

This would only mean I shouldnt bow down to your wishes :agree:

As you see, none of them talk here, but enjoy your advocacy for them with pleasure in their comfortable chairs.

Btw, yet again you hold me responsible for Chinese retaliation violations.

No one did. You on the other hand cant seem to comprehend simple English!

So far, The actions have proven the un-written reality, with your confession it became a documented fact.

And here is the signs of an irresponsible Turk picking a fight and then not wanting to face the consequences!

The thing here is to talk in logic and fairness not in threatining way; so i am sure you have not just threatened me for going after my written rights here?


  • Primarily in Turk Section with the moderation of @cabatli_53 , We would like to talk about the conditions of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan within the rules; secondarily in ME section.
  • We do not want to be held responsible for the actions/policies of China, or Chinese members violations of rules like retalitation.
  • We would like to see Chinese members have equal privileges like the rest of members, not more or less than the rest of members.
  • We respect the rules, moderators and forum; but raise our voice against unfairness in favour of Chinse members.
So, Will you please re-open the thread about The Turks of East Turkestan?

Thank you.
As you see, none of them talk here, but enjoy your advocacy for them with pleasure in their comfortable chairs.

Btw, yet again you hold me responsible for Chinese retaliation violations.
Yes, they dont talk coz none of you Turkish members gave them an opportunity. You saw this thread as a threat to yourself and started rejecting! Giving them automatic importance that you have been wronged! When in reality the thread was supposed to be for BOTH of you but since you understood not the reason...You started showing your weakness and they took it as a plus! So you are to be held for your own doings!

So far, The actions have proven the un-written reality, with your confession it became a documented fact.
Nope the actions have proven what I have been saying, you Turks are leading to your own bans! Because you are incapable of understanding! You keep thinking everyone is after you when in reality this thread was more for your benefit than theirs! But you took it the wrong way and made them feel great!

For that I am neither sorry nor can I do anything about it!

The thing here is to talk in logic and fairness not in threatining way; so i am sure you have not just threatened me for going after my written rights here?
Do you know the meaning of threaten? How have I threaten you? Are you in any danger?


  • Primarily in Turk Section with the moderation of @cabatli_53 , We would like to talk about the conditions of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan within the rules; secondarily in ME section.
  • We do not want to be held responsible for the actions/policies of China, or Chinese members violations of rules like retalitation.
  • We would like to see Chinese members have equal privileges like the rest of members, not more or less than the rest of members.
  • We respect the rules, moderators and forum; but raise our voice against unfairness in favour of Chinse members.
So, Will you please re-open the thread about The Turks of East Turkestan?

Thank you.
Why are you not taking this to GHQ?
I think you did not understand my post...Just go back 2-4 pages you will see a demonstration of what happened with 1 Chinese member and 1 Turk.

I am not issuing a blanket statement that all of you use foul languages but the MOD team is tired of breaking fights which really have no base!

There have been threads which have been called retaliation (from both Chinese and Turks)...When I use "s" I really mean more than 1!

EACH is just looking for ways to hurt the other!

I am telling you again, I am not in a position to judge the issue as I do not have the angle you have. But what I am complaining about is your language here as a mod.

Shameful? What is wrong with the language? Pray do tell!

And here I thought you were the wise one :tsk:

Well, as a moderator, I guess pretty much.

This thread is proof itself...Kindly do read EACH and every post! I have spent some 2 hrs patiently answering EVERY question every post from Turkish members..

Well, as a person I would like to thank you for your time and patience. I started to come back here just months ago on a rare basis, but I guess nothing has changed. Whether the trolls involved are from within or outside the Turkish community, I am done with this mindset shown by the administration towards the entire Turkish community, trying to patronize us on a platform such as this. Hopefully, everyone knows how the real world works. We are certainly not European or their wanna-be form like those in muslim countries, but much thanks to god we are not from anywhere in the east either. You can ban me for that for all I care, this was my last post on this forum. Don't talk about hospitality, our "true ugly face", friendship, mutual interests or anything that resembles Turkish-Pakistani relations on state or societal levels.

I would have wanted to apology for harsh language but seriously enough is enough. No member here has to love nor respect our community.
But when we see that even the people in charge around here does not respect the values of the Turkish nation, we certainly won't give a damn about yours, your country, your god, your society or whatever you believe for. Its not hatred nor bias. Its reciprocity.

I would like to send my regards to Turkish members and foreign friends whom I had the privilege to talk with. This is the second and last time I am writing this, i am done with forum.
China should stop this madness its not a tine to esclate fight with already in fighting with US and japan

Bring cobfidence and peace either way i see we are going to WW 3

chins vs usa
China vs turkey
China vs japan
Pak vs iran pak vs india
Ksa cs iran
Usa vs russia
Uae vs iran
Israel vs turkey

can you elaborated what madness?
But what I am complaining about is your language here as a mod.
Can you point out my language?

Well, as a person I would like to thank you for your time and patience. I started to come back here just months ago on a rare basis, but I guess nothing has changed. Whether the trolls involved are from within or outside the Turkish community, I am done with this mindset shown by the administration towards the entire Turkish community, trying to patronize us on a platform such as this. Hopefully, everyone knows how the real world works. We are certainly not European or their wanna-be form like those in muslim countries, but much thanks to god we are not from anywhere in the east either. You can ban me for that for all I care, this was my last post on this forum. Don't talk about hospitality, our "true ugly face", friendship, mutual interests or anything that resembles Turkish-Pakistani relations on state or societal levels.
Wow and my language has issues? Take a look in the mirror!

And for your kind information, you are also holding me responsible for your issues with management!

I would have wanted to apology for harsh language but seriously enough is enough. No member here has to love nor respect our community.
But when we see that even the people in charge around here does not respect the values of the Turkish nation, we certainly won't give a damn about yours, your country, your god, your society or whatever you believe for. Its not hatred nor bias. Its reciprocity.
And you were trying to lecture me about language? Seriously?
Yes, they dont talk coz none of you Turkish members gave them an opportunity. You saw this thread as a threat to yourself and started rejecting! Giving them automatic importance that you have been wronged! When in reality the thread was supposed to be for BOTH of you but since you understood not the reason...You started showing your weakness and they took it as a plus! So you are to be held for your own doings!

Apparently, you are selective in this thread, otherwise you woud have seen my talk to @nang2 in civilized way.

Also it does not need any permission to talk here; however, you warned Turk and Chinese members for their talk here. Irony?

Nope the actions have proven what I have been saying, you Turks are leading to your own bans! Because you are incapable of understanding! You keep thinking everyone is after you when in reality this thread was more for your benefit than theirs! But you took it the wrong way and made them feel great!

So far, It is you who advocate Chinese in any way; but me in the syndrome.

For that I am neither sorry nor can I do anything about it!

Me neither.

Do you know the meaning of threaten? How have I threaten you? Are you in any danger?

My account here is.

Why are you not taking this to GHQ?

Why cannot you solve them as a moderator?
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