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Turkey is open to bid on Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if F-16s deal fails


Feb 7, 2013
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United Kingdom

Turkey is open to bid on Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if F-16s deal fails​

Turkish airforce commander visited the UK last month and inspected the Eurofighter warplanes, triggering an internal debate within the Turkish government on a possible purchase

A British soldier walking by a Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jet at the Royal Air Force's Akrotiri base in Cyprus, on 22 September 2016 before taking off for a mission over Iraq (AFP/file photo)
Ragip Soylu

The Turkish government may be interested in buying Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if its F-16 purchase request from the United States doesn’t progress, sources familiar with the issue told Middle East Eye.
Turkish Air Force Commander General Hasan Kucukakyuz last month visited the United Kingdom, the main producer in the Eurofighter consortium, and met Royal Air Force Commander Marshal Sir Mike Wingston.
Kucukakyuz also inspected the UK Quick Reaction Alert that flies with Typhoon aircraft.
'[Eurofighter Typhoons] could be a stop-gap option until we get the fifth generation and locally produced TF-X in our hands'
- Turkish government source
“The Typhoons are very good, in excellent quality,” one source familiar with the internal considerations of the Turkish government told MEE.
“They could be a stop-gap option until we get the fifth generation and locally produced TF-X in our hands, of course, if we cannot get the F-16s.”
In September, Turkey sent a letter of request on 40 F-16s and 80 modernisation kits to the US government after getting kicked out of the F-35 programme more than two years ago due to its purchase of the S-400 Russian missile defence system.
Turkish officials say the US government encouraged them to make the request after contacting a junior Turkish diplomat in Washington to pass the information.
“They even knew how many jets we are in need of and said ‘why don’t you make a request and see what happens?’" a senior Turkish official told MEE.
Ankara has been slow to submit the necessary paperwork but the people in Washington who closely follow the issue told MEE that US President Joe Biden would back the request so it is very likely that the deal will get through the US Congress, despite its generally unsympathetic stance on Turkey.

F-16 sale to Turkey would serve Nato interests, says US official
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People familiar with the issue said the F-16 request may get through Congress after the June 2023 Turkish presidential elections, since the Biden administration wouldn’t like to appear as if it is doing favours for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's administration.
However Turkey’s recent threats of a military operation against Kurdish groups in northern Syria as well as Erdogan's veto on Sweden and Finland’s Nato membership might complicate the whole process and Turkey might not get the F-16s for a long time.
“The UK has been trying to sell the Typhoon aircraft to Turkey for a long time,” Ozgur Eksi, editor-in-chief of the defence website TurDef.com, said.
“Italy, as part of the consortium, also tried its best a decade ago but couldn’t convince the Turks at the time who were focused on getting the American hardware.”

'Proven track record'​

An opinion article that appeared on Turkish government-aligned Daily Sabah over the weekend said that the Eurofighter, which is produced by a consortium of the UK, Germany, Spain and Italy, “has a proven track record and is the backbone of the Allied air defence.”
The article claimed that F-16 approval is a coin toss and the Eurofighter is the best option for the Turkish military going forward.
“Since its maiden flight in 1994, the Typhoon has been modernised and upgraded to be the most advanced swing-role fighter jet on the market,” the article said.
“Its airframe has been designed to reduce radar cross-section and upgrades are enhancing the stealthy features of the aircraft. Sensor fusion, high situational awareness, cutting-edge avionics and electronics, super-cruise capability, and sovereignty over mission data, would provide the Turkish Air Force with a competitive advantage.”

UK to supply Qatar with Eurofighter jets in billion-dollar deal
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Asked about a possible deal to sell Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes to Turkey, a UK Ministry of Defence spokesperson said: “Turkey is a Nato ally and an important friend to the UK. The UK regularly has conversations with Turkey about capability cooperation, just as we have similar conversations with other allies.”
A possible deal would need to get approval from Germany, Spain and Italy as well. Turkish-German ties are often fraught and Berlin has a traditionally cautious approach to Turkish weapons requests as it is still blocking the exports of some key materials for the Turkish arms industry.
The UK last month completely lifted all of restrictions on the export of defence products to Turkey that were brought in following Ankara's 2019 offensive on northeast Syria.
The source familiar with the Turkish government’s thinking said that the Turkish military could easily adapt itself to Eurofighter platforms but it would still require some legwork. “It isn’t going to be very easy, but compared to a non-Nato system, it will be smooth.”
Eksi, the defence expert, says that Turkey must get its hands on the Eurofighter’s updated and modernised versions such as Tranche 3A or 4. “Otherwise the Turkish military would need to do additional maintenance work on the plane’s bodies and also modernise their avionics,” he added.
Turkey and the UK have close defence relations through their Nato partnership, and there is industrial cooperation as well. UK engine maker Rolls-Royce and its local partner Kale are expected to supply an engine for Ankara's first indigenous fighter jet, the TF-X.
UK-based BAE Systems is also closely collaborating with Turkish Aerospace Industries in the development of the jet, including its stealth technology.

Greeks and Germans could block the deal.

Greeks and Germans could block the deal.

The government wants to buy a squadron of F-35
Erdogan is a leader without economic knowledge, how come he intends to buy another fighter in this kind of situation when Turkey economy is in real danger.
They want F-16Vs or Eurofighters or even Su-35s(before the war with Ukraine),because the Greek side has the advantage with the Rafale and F-16Vs.
They want to have something until the TFX is out.

By then,we might even have a squadron of F-35s.
Press reports, however, do not touch on important aspects of such a possible agreement. Aspects such as the cost of support and infrastructure, of flight hours far exceeding that of the F-16. And at the same time it is not written yet, how the EF-2000 Typhoon can be a European fighter, but many of the weapons it carries are American, with what this may mean for their comfortable mood.
Not to be outdone, Turkey's interest is simply a tactic of blackmail on the American side, which of course will fall into the void.
They want F-16Vs or Eurofighters or even Su-35s(before the war with Ukraine),because the Greek side has the advantage with the Rafale and F-16Vs.
They want to have something until the TFX is out.

By then,we might even have a squadron of F-35s.

Erdogan is similar like our defense minister, Prabowo Subianto. Even in this economic situation and with our target to come back to having 3 % of GDP budget deficit starting in 2023 (which is stated in law), after being forced to have more than 3 % of GDP budget deficit due to Covid 19 pandemic in 2020-2021, Prabowo wants to increase 50 % of our defense budget.

It is Allah bless that Indonesia has Jokowi as President (instead of Prabowo) as Jokowi is reasonable and think with long term and strategic point of view.


Turkey should be content with current F 16 squadrons. If something happen that could possibly delay TFX program, then Turkey should see KF21 as the good option for their future fighters (in assumption KF21/IFX program is successful and can reach mass production stage in 2026 as plan).

Erdogan is a leader without economic knowledge, how come he intends to buy another fighter in this kind of situation when Turkey economy is in real danger.

First why would the economy of a country in danger when you buy a fighter? Second one you don't have any idea of the current siutation. Americans are going to give answer after the coming election, so if Erdogan lose the election they will pass the deal? Erdogan win the election the deal won't pass the senator looks like.

Untill TFX is operational ther is a stop gap fighter need according to MoD and TuAf.

Kfx is a failed stealth fighter...

better stop that project and buy a fighter.
Erdogan is similar like our defense minister, Prabowo Subianto. Even in this economic situation and with our target to come back to having 3 % of GDP budget deficit starting in 2023 (which is stated in law), after being forced to have more than 3 % of GDP budget deficit due to Covid 19 pandemic in 2020-2021, Prabowo wants to increase 50 % of our defense budget.

It is Allah bless that Indonesia has Jokowi as President (instead of Prabowo) as Jokowi is reasonable and think with long term and strategic point of view.


Turkey should be content with current F 16 squadrons. If something happen that could possibly delay TFX program, then Turkey should see KF21 as the good option for their future fighters (in assumption KF21/IFX program is successful and can reach mass production stage in 2026 as plan).

View attachment 855680
The KF21 is a capable machine but parts are of US origin including the ejection seat and co-developed engine - so that's still a bone of contention.
First why would the economy of a country in danger when you buy a fighter? Second one you don't have any idea of the current siutation.

Turkey inflation is in dangerous position, the inflation will weaken the currency further. Buying fighters in foreign currency will, of course, exacerbate the situation. Any way why big Turkey is so afraid with small Greece ? Turkey is not going to attack Greece since NATO will respond, and Greece will not attack Turkey since it will be a suicide action for them.

There are three external situation like energy price increase ( where Turkey needs to almost 100 % import them), supply side problem, and US The Fed tightening policy that should be tackled seriously by any country if their economy wants to be saved.


Turkey is open to bid on Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if F-16s deal fails​

Turkish airforce commander visited the UK last month and inspected the Eurofighter warplanes, triggering an internal debate within the Turkish government on a possible purchase

A British soldier walking by a Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jet at the Royal Air Force's Akrotiri base in Cyprus, on 22 September 2016 before taking off for a mission over Iraq (AFP/file photo)
Ragip Soylu

The Turkish government may be interested in buying Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes if its F-16 purchase request from the United States doesn’t progress, sources familiar with the issue told Middle East Eye.
Turkish Air Force Commander General Hasan Kucukakyuz last month visited the United Kingdom, the main producer in the Eurofighter consortium, and met Royal Air Force Commander Marshal Sir Mike Wingston.
Kucukakyuz also inspected the UK Quick Reaction Alert that flies with Typhoon aircraft.

“The Typhoons are very good, in excellent quality,” one source familiar with the internal considerations of the Turkish government told MEE.
“They could be a stop-gap option until we get the fifth generation and locally produced TF-X in our hands, of course, if we cannot get the F-16s.”
In September, Turkey sent a letter of request on 40 F-16s and 80 modernisation kits to the US government after getting kicked out of the F-35 programme more than two years ago due to its purchase of the S-400 Russian missile defence system.
Turkish officials say the US government encouraged them to make the request after contacting a junior Turkish diplomat in Washington to pass the information.
“They even knew how many jets we are in need of and said ‘why don’t you make a request and see what happens?’" a senior Turkish official told MEE.
Ankara has been slow to submit the necessary paperwork but the people in Washington who closely follow the issue told MEE that US President Joe Biden would back the request so it is very likely that the deal will get through the US Congress, despite its generally unsympathetic stance on Turkey.

F-16 sale to Turkey would serve Nato interests, says US official
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People familiar with the issue said the F-16 request may get through Congress after the June 2023 Turkish presidential elections, since the Biden administration wouldn’t like to appear as if it is doing favours for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's administration.
However Turkey’s recent threats of a military operation against Kurdish groups in northern Syria as well as Erdogan's veto on Sweden and Finland’s Nato membership might complicate the whole process and Turkey might not get the F-16s for a long time.
“The UK has been trying to sell the Typhoon aircraft to Turkey for a long time,” Ozgur Eksi, editor-in-chief of the defence website TurDef.com, said.
“Italy, as part of the consortium, also tried its best a decade ago but couldn’t convince the Turks at the time who were focused on getting the American hardware.”

'Proven track record'​

An opinion article that appeared on Turkish government-aligned Daily Sabah over the weekend said that the Eurofighter, which is produced by a consortium of the UK, Germany, Spain and Italy, “has a proven track record and is the backbone of the Allied air defence.”
The article claimed that F-16 approval is a coin toss and the Eurofighter is the best option for the Turkish military going forward.
“Since its maiden flight in 1994, the Typhoon has been modernised and upgraded to be the most advanced swing-role fighter jet on the market,” the article said.
“Its airframe has been designed to reduce radar cross-section and upgrades are enhancing the stealthy features of the aircraft. Sensor fusion, high situational awareness, cutting-edge avionics and electronics, super-cruise capability, and sovereignty over mission data, would provide the Turkish Air Force with a competitive advantage.”

UK to supply Qatar with Eurofighter jets in billion-dollar deal
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Asked about a possible deal to sell Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes to Turkey, a UK Ministry of Defence spokesperson said: “Turkey is a Nato ally and an important friend to the UK. The UK regularly has conversations with Turkey about capability cooperation, just as we have similar conversations with other allies.”
A possible deal would need to get approval from Germany, Spain and Italy as well. Turkish-German ties are often fraught and Berlin has a traditionally cautious approach to Turkish weapons requests as it is still blocking the exports of some key materials for the Turkish arms industry.
The UK last month completely lifted all of restrictions on the export of defence products to Turkey that were brought in following Ankara's 2019 offensive on northeast Syria.
The source familiar with the Turkish government’s thinking said that the Turkish military could easily adapt itself to Eurofighter platforms but it would still require some legwork. “It isn’t going to be very easy, but compared to a non-Nato system, it will be smooth.”
Eksi, the defence expert, says that Turkey must get its hands on the Eurofighter’s updated and modernised versions such as Tranche 3A or 4. “Otherwise the Turkish military would need to do additional maintenance work on the plane’s bodies and also modernise their avionics,” he added.
Turkey and the UK have close defence relations through their Nato partnership, and there is industrial cooperation as well. UK engine maker Rolls-Royce and its local partner Kale are expected to supply an engine for Ankara's first indigenous fighter jet, the TF-X.
UK-based BAE Systems is also closely collaborating with Turkish Aerospace Industries in the development of the jet, including its stealth technology.

Turkey today clarify Eurofighter typhoon isn't alternative to 40 F-16 and 80 upgrade kits .
So TuTurkey getting both F-16 and a new fighter after long time.💪👍
Erdogan is a leader without economic knowledge, how come he intends to buy another fighter in this kind of situation when Turkey economy is in real danger.

Turkish economy is not in danger
Turkish economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD

and Erdogan deliberately raised the Dollars from 7tl to 17tl in a year to increase export
therefore there is high inflation but no any economic crisis for the Turkish Economy
Erdogan's fiscal policies fuel skyrocketing inflation ... nothing else

even Turkiye pays $6-7 billion for humanitarian aid annually including 4 million of Syrian refugees in Turkiye

so Turkiye planned to buy 100 F-35A for $10 billion to replace old F-4s
if no F-35 then F-16V or Eurofighter

Turkiye has enough money to buy even 100 F-35A for $10 billion but USA blocked F-35s to Turkiye
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Turkey should be content with current F 16 squadrons. If something happen that could possibly delay TFX program, then Turkey should see KF21 as the good option for their future fighters (in assumption KF21/IFX program is successful and can reach mass production stage in 2026 as plan).

if no F-16V or Eurofighter

then Turkiye will modernize 35 F-16 block30s and CCIP modernized F-16 block40s to block70 standard with indigenous AESA Radar and Systems

also Turkiye has KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet project to make first flight in 2023

KIZILELMA with much smaller RCS to match with F-16V , F-15 , Rafale , MIG-29M2 and SU-35 in BVR combat
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