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History of Punjabis

We've got one for Pashtuns, so I am making one for Punjabis.

I will start off with some historical Punjabi figures:


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A Punjabi king who fought bravely against Alexander of Macedon. Defeating him was one of Alexander's most difficult conquests, and out of respect for Porus he employed him as a satrapy over the area. The difficulty of the battle also seems to have caused the Macedonian soldiersoldier's reluctancy to fight any further, to the point where they almost started a mutiny. This resulted in Alexander being forced to end his campaign of expansion.



A famous philosopher from Taxila who tutored Chandragupta Maurya, and held a key position in the Mauryan Empire. He is often compared to Aristotle and Plato.


Sarang Khan

He was a powerful ruler of Nothern Punjab who fought alongside Babur during his conquests of Hindustan. He obtained the title of Sultan for his efforts. When Sher Shah Suri usurped Babur's son Humayun, Sarang fought against him bravely, and Sher Shah Suri was never able to subdue his people even after skinning Sarang himself.


Wazir Khan

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A Punjabi who acted as Shah Jahan's physician. He was also a Mughal noble and chief Qazi of Lahore for quite some time during Mughal rule. He founded Wazirabad and Wazir Khan Masjid is named after him.


Shahbaz Khan

A Punjabi who fought as a general under Akbar. He participated in some of the most difficult battles during Akbar's reign, and annexed large amounts of Hindustan. He was also a highly religious Muslim, keeping a long beard and regularly praying.


Abdullah Bhatti

He rebelled against Mughal emeperor Akbar, and is often compared to Robin Hood due to his social banditry. Many folklore tales speak highly of his deeds. When he was hung, his last words that were uttered were "No honourable son of Punjab will ever sell the soil of Punjab".


Fateh Muhammad

Worked as a commander in Aurangzeb's army. He was also the father of Hyder Ali, who was the father of Tipu Sultan.


Mukarrab Khan

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A powerful chieftain of nothern Punjab who fought alongside Nader Shah during his conquests of the Mughal Empire. He was awarded the title of Nawab for his efforts and was allowed to retain control of his kingdom. He then expanded it to include much of nothern Pakistan before being defeated by the Sikh Empire. Even then, his people continued to rebel against the Sikhs.


Allama Iqbal

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An Urdu/Farsi poet as well as a philosopher who is also considered the spiritual father of Pakistan.


Rehmat Ali

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One of Pakistan's founding fathers. He came up with the name of Pakistan and was the author of the Pakistan declaration.


Faiz Ahmed Faiz

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One of Urdu's most celebrated poets. He won numerous awards for his poetry, such as the Lenin Peace Prize and Nishan-e-Imtiaz. He was also nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature.


Shabbir Sharif

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The most decorated soldier to ever serve the Pakistani army. During 1971, he and his men destroyed several Hindustani tanks and kept two Hindustani battalions at bay by killing over 40 of their troops and capturing almost 30 of them as POW's. He also defeated a Hindustani company commander who challenged him to hand-to-hand combat. He won both Nishan-e-Haider and Sitara-e-Jurat for his efforts.


Tikka Khan

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Fought against Erwin Rommel in WW2 as part of Britain's Africa campaign. He also served in the Pakistani army, participating in the Battle of Chawinda (2nd largest tank battle in history) and lead the army to great victories in the Rann of Kutch. He eventually became a general, and crushed Bengali and Baluchi insurgencies with a heavy hand. He's also my PDF profile picture.


Raja Porus was the first known great leader from Punjab---. His defeat against Alexander is a figment of imagination of the Greek historians and others as well.

Second great leader from Pujab was Maharja Ranjit Singh----ruler of Punjab and 'frontier'---.

Other than those two---no muslim warrior of that ruling category and class was born to punjab at at all.

Indeed there were lower category heroes in punjab---.

Raja Porus was the first known great leader from Punjab---. His defeat against Alexander is a figment of imagination of the Greek historians and others as well.

Second great leader from Pujab was Maharja Ranjit Singh----ruler of Punjab and 'frontier'---.

Other than those two---no muslim warrior of that ruling category and class was born to punjab at at all.

Indeed there were lower category heroes in punjab---.

Ranjit Singh may be a hero to central and northern Punjabis but in South Punjab he was considered a pariah and is referred to as the ‘kanna‘ or one eyed bastard.
Ranjit Singh may be a hero to central and northern Punjabis but in South Punjab he was considered a pariah and is referred to as the ‘kanna‘ or one eyed bastard.
No one considers him a hero in Northern or Central Punjab either, it's just only recently that some "Twitter Punjabis" have begun worshipping him.

Raja Porus was the first known great leader from Punjab---. His defeat against Alexander is a figment of imagination of the Greek historians and others as well.

Second great leader from Pujab was Maharja Ranjit Singh----ruler of Punjab and 'frontier'---.

Other than those two---no muslim warrior of that ruling category and class was born to punjab at at all.

Indeed there were lower category heroes in punjab---.
That is simply not true, this misconception is an example of Pakistan's failure to own and promote indigenous history and heritage.

Jasrath Khokhar, Sultan Shah Langah, Muzaffar Shah, and many others are all prime example of renowned Muslim Punjabi rulers.
Ute ve Gujjran but we aren't all nomads also involved in agriculture and very short tempered. Some main sub castes Khatanas, Awanas, Gorsi, Toppas, Kasana, Thikriye, and Chechi.

Gujjars of Punjab are agriculturist.

Gujjars made up 3% of the population of Punjab as per 1901 census. 73% of them were Muslims 27% Hindus and 0.003% were Sikhs (Muslim Gujjars and Sikhs of Punjab have been enemies historically).

Gujjars are the third largest ethnic group in Indian Occupied J&K and the largest ethnic group in Azad Kashmir. Kashmiri Gujjars are predominantly nomadic. So are Gujjars/Bakarwals of Hazara division in KP.
We've got one for Pashtuns, so I am making one for Punjabis.

I will start off with some historical Punjabi figures:


View attachment 475320

A Punjabi king who fought bravely against Alexander of Macedon. Defeating him was one of Alexander's most difficult conquests, and out of respect for Porus he employed him as a satrapy over the area. The difficulty of the battle also seems to have caused the Macedonian soldiersoldier's reluctancy to fight any further, to the point where they almost started a mutiny. This resulted in Alexander being forced to end his campaign of expansion.



A famous philosopher from Taxila who tutored Chandragupta Maurya, and held a key position in the Mauryan Empire. He is often compared to Aristotle and Plato.


Sarang Khan

He was a powerful ruler of Nothern Punjab who fought alongside Babur during his conquests of Hindustan. He obtained the title of Sultan for his efforts. When Sher Shah Suri usurped Babur's son Humayun, Sarang fought against him bravely, and Sher Shah Suri was never able to subdue his people even after skinning Sarang himself.


Wazir Khan

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A Punjabi who acted as Shah Jahan's physician. He was also a Mughal noble and chief Qazi of Lahore for quite some time during Mughal rule. He founded Wazirabad and Wazir Khan Masjid is named after him.


Shahbaz Khan

A Punjabi who fought as a general under Akbar. He participated in some of the most difficult battles during Akbar's reign, and annexed large amounts of Hindustan. He was also a highly religious Muslim, keeping a long beard and regularly praying.


Abdullah Bhatti

He rebelled against Mughal emeperor Akbar, and is often compared to Robin Hood due to his social banditry. Many folklore tales speak highly of his deeds. When he was hung, his last words that were uttered were "No honourable son of Punjab will ever sell the soil of Punjab".


Fateh Muhammad

Worked as a commander in Aurangzeb's army. He was also the father of Hyder Ali, who was the father of Tipu Sultan.


Mukarrab Khan

View attachment 475326

A powerful chieftain of nothern Punjab who fought alongside Nader Shah during his conquests of the Mughal Empire. He was awarded the title of Nawab for his efforts and was allowed to retain control of his kingdom. He then expanded it to include much of nothern Pakistan before being defeated by the Sikh Empire. Even then, his people continued to rebel against the Sikhs.


Allama Iqbal

View attachment 475321

An Urdu/Farsi poet as well as a philosopher who is also considered the spiritual father of Pakistan.


Rehmat Ali

View attachment 475322

One of Pakistan's founding fathers. He came up with the name of Pakistan and was the author of the Pakistan declaration.


Faiz Ahmed Faiz

View attachment 475323

One of Urdu's most celebrated poets. He won numerous awards for his poetry, such as the Lenin Peace Prize and Nishan-e-Imtiaz. He was also nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature.


Shabbir Sharif

View attachment 475325

The most decorated soldier to ever serve the Pakistani army. During 1971, he and his men destroyed several Hindustani tanks and kept two Hindustani battalions at bay by killing over 40 of their troops and capturing almost 30 of them as POW's. He also defeated a Hindustani company commander who challenged him to hand-to-hand combat. He won both Nishan-e-Haider and Sitara-e-Jurat for his efforts.


Tikka Khan

View attachment 475324

Fought against Erwin Rommel in WW2 as part of Britain's Africa campaign. He also served in the Pakistani army, participating in the Battle of Chawinda (2nd largest tank battle in history) and lead the army to great victories in the Rann of Kutch. He eventually became a general, and crushed Bengali and Baluchi insurgencies with a heavy hand. He's also my PDF profile picture.

Very informative and it gives great help to all of us about Punjabis and they all play vital role against Britain and in the independence of Pakistan
@lastofthepatriots @Great Janjua @Mentee

alright I am not a fan of old white British dude writing books on our people and they are not right (some of the things in the book are weird af and wrong) but still a decent read documenting the different clans of all the different regions, their history , superstitions, conversion
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didn't know this but 4th dynasty of the Delhi sultanate (Sayyed dynasty) were possibly kokhars of Multan who adopted a Sayyed title like many people back in the day, his father was a clan chieftain but son became a Syed?

@M. Sarmad ?
@M. Sarmad @Great Janjua
Screenshot 2022-12-11 203818.jpg
@Great Janjua @lastofthepatriots @Kambojaric
@M. Sarmad

Feeling nostalgic over 2000, late 90s, I feel like it was the best time to be a Pak punjabi as music was mostly punjabi - Abrar, Jawad Ahmed were the rage back than, we'd rarely listen to any Urdu songs unlike the previous generations (I mean ofcourse we would but it wasn't mainstream like it is now or was before)

Wedding didn't have Bollywood shit nor stuff from India in general, non stop Abrar, Jawad Ahmed bhangra songs or Ali Zafar etc

We could still celebrate basant and 90s, 2000s were the peak years of basant, remember my relatives from Europe coming over just for this festival

Lahore now is turning into a proper city - I mean we always had posh societies but now it's insane, there's these posh societies EVERY WHERE

and these posh society people are usually pos's with no cultural contributions or belongings

Movies although crappy were in Punjabi, comedy scene was a big thing too

But after Musharraf the whole thing fell apart with terrorism, blackouts etc, basant was banned
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