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Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Latest IRGC UAV, Shahed-129 became operational


Video :

In a ceremony attended by Major General Jafari latest IRGC AF UAV was unveiled.

He said that in one year shahed-129 have turned from a reconnaissance UAV to a UCAV(unmanned combat air vehicle)

He also said that iran has completed scientific work and reverse engineering of RQ-170 and many parts of this UAV have been designed indigenously and in near future we will have good news on RQ-170.


Brigadier Haji zadah announced Shahed-129 features:
it can carry 8 bombs and missiles at the same time
it has a flight endurance of 24 hours,range of 1700kms and flight ceiling of 24,000 feet
it can monitor 200kms around it
it took 4 years to design and build it
it has a 100 thousand toman of cost per one hour of flight
it has entered mass production under orders of General Jafari and will be used to monitor Iran's borders

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TV just showed it, I couldn't record it but I will post pics as soon as they are out.
It's relatively big (it shows the reporter and commander standing besides it) and a new model was also among them (a little bit larger than the S-129 that was displayed last year and also seemed to come with a retractable landing gear). They can carry 8 Sadid missiles, 24h flight endurance and it will be massively used in borders to fight drug trafficking and other smugglings.

Edit: Thanks Soheil :)
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