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  • Assalamualaikum brother,

    I have a few questions about 1971. I hope you won't mind. me asking
    Salam Bhai, it's been such a long time. Almost 10 years I think. How are you doing?
    Walikum as salam bro. Yes, it has been long time. Glad to see you are back posting once again. Personally, I’m doing well Alhumdulillah however I am worried about Bd and it’s sovereignty.
    Alhamdulillah that is good to hear.
    And I share the same sentiment with you, that is why I stopped posting here. Because at the end of the day it doesn't matter how many fancy toys we have if we surrender our souls. It is depressing to say the least.
    আসসালামু আলাইকুম ভাই। আমার একটা প্রশ্ন ছিল। আমাকে প্লিজ বলবেন কি যে মুশরিক আর মুর্তাদ এই দুটো শব্দের অর্থ কি এক নাকি ভিন্ন? প্রশ্নটা থ্রেডে আপনাকে রিপ্লাই দেবার সময় করেও এডিট করে মুছে দিয়েছি কারন মডারেটর দেখলে হয়ত রিমুভ করবে অপ্রাসংগিক ধরে নিয়ে। তাই আপনার ওয়ালে আবার জিজ্ঞেস করছি,
    ওহ আচ্ছা ধন্যবাদ ভাই, বুঝেছি এবার!
    Brother it would be much better if you continue with the unbiased research of Quran and Hadeeth , don't associate yourself with any sect , do Dawwa and stop pronouncing judgements on people as its entirely Almighty's prerogative to judge- ------
    All we are allowed to do is to constantly pray for Hidaya for oneself and others as well, whom we consider astray .Besides pride in any form and for any reason is extremely disliked by Allah Swt even if its considering one to be a better believer without looking down upon others
    Assalamalaikum brother, can we get into contact through FB or email?
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    Walikum as Salam bro. I appreciate your interest. I do not use FB wallahi and I do not feel comportable giving out email in open forum. As you can see I have more enemy than friend/ brother. I hope u understand. No hard feeling
    sylhet! mien ney social studies mein parha hai is city key barey mein :) acha aap ko meri urdu samjh aati hai na ?
    Walikum as salam.
    Sorry for the late reply. Yes brother. I work for IBM and last week got laid off. I am looking for a job in the west coast now.
    You are also an EE based on New Jersey if I am guessing right.

    If you open the link and scroll down on the right side where all the other videos are given...they actually do have one dubbed in Urdu.

    On Fatima Jinnah - I'm not sure, I think it was her devotion to Pakistan that stopped her from starting a life of her own. I'm sure someone as exceptional as her would have been a great wife and an even better mother.
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