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Attila the Hun

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    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    We need to send them to Europe. They would have a better life there. Erdogan just trying to please the Arabs nothing else. But even the Arabs do not care. we're kinda screwed now.
    Europe wont they rather have them die in the ocean their population had had it with siphoning cheap labor from global South
    I think just restore ties with Damascus is best option at the moment
    Do you have Skype by any chance??? We can arrange a time when we're both on, and talk there. Looking forward to hearing from you. @DejanSRB
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    My friend, sorry for late response. I have been busy since april, some problems with my passport, nevermind...
    I am going to Russia in a few days, to support Serbian national team there, so when I come back I will leave you my skype ID here.

    Greetings, All the best!
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    No worries. Just let me know when you can leave me your Skype ID...I haven't even logged on for two weeks, but will check around the time the World Cup finishes.
    And good luck to Serbia. You have some decent players.
    They have Greko İslamic- georgian islamic sword:)
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    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    They are ridiculous. Islamic this Islamic that. Getting tired of it. But this is the Pakistani Forum, so I shouldn't be surprised that this place attracts those kind of "Turks"
    That ultra arab nationalist is not even replying to. Dont curse islam cuz of that idiot and not all arabs are like him.
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    You are right, but I don't mean to insult Islam. I don't mind it. But his arrogance annoys me I must admit. The Guys likes to think part of nation belongs to Arab
    Ahmet Pasha
    Ahmet Pasha
    Hehe I know kardesim just tey to ignore him :)
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    The guy has nothing better to do than spam this site with irrelevant crap about the Arab world, not even Arabs care.
    We should stop insults against each other. One day you will realize you have same problems we have. Liberal globalists trying to destroy us.
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    Look at Greece. The Great Hellenic people are being tortured . This can never happen to us. We don't even need Ferrari's or Mansions to be happy. We are not a materialistic society
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    There's no threat to us. Soros and his cronies can only dream such a thing. Europe has no unity. This isn't the crusades anymore.
    Soros did alot of damage to your country too. Just look at the terror attacks and all that. We have unity in Europe. More and more countries stand up against liberalism
    . There is enough wild life even outside the forests to sustain the lions. The countryside seems alive with herds of deers, sambars, hyenas, jackals, foxes, wild pigs, etc. etc.

    Watch 18:47 and 42:00 for incredible shots.
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    You have attacked me a few times, on other accounts, right? <3
    :) you can tell me.
    Samudra Manthan
    Samudra Manthan
    Nah, I don't think so. I don't remember at least. I have not interacted with many Turks here except on one or two threads, but yeah if someone is siding up with Pakistan and berating India, they do get to more than feel my claws. Mostly it is Indian commies and a few Pakistanis who have felt the brunt of my wrath.
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    I am also watching the video.....
    In Italy we saw Ottomans as enemies, but not barbarians.
    I know. Same here. There is something called "Honor among thiefes". Which i grant our old enemies. I dont like the Ottomans but respect them as enemy and they tried to attack us. Just as i expect you respect that we striked them back always.
    Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun
    Yes, we respect Italy, you did well in lepanto :) He clearly meant Ottomans as Barbarians when he mentioned Gates of Vienna, because I don't know any other empire that was stopped there. And I never heard that expression before. I have heard of "Barbarians, at the Gates of Rome" though. Which is always used here in UK.
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