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Mangus Ortus Novem

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  • Dude, you are good. You knew Chinese mentality and strategy more than most members here.
    Hello, just curious...are you an author?
    @Mangus Ortus Novem I'm surprised at some of our Pakistani's who think they know it all and become economic experts. I do international trading, and have my own business -- but these guys think I'm telling them to leave the Dollar all I'm saying is diversify keep the money (even in dollars) in your central bank, or in Gold, etc. Then getting called anti-Pakistani...
    With trade they tried to stop the China 2025 plan which Chinese government said they’ll become a semi conductor manufacturing giant. But instead this trade war made China realize they should have put more focus in deployment for 5-10 years rather 10-20 years. They have a fund of 300B set up just for this now after their Huawei embarrassment.
    What Trump did was a blessing for China but American government were short sighted to see their own engineering of China’s policies. Once China masters advanced fabrication their weapons systems will go another level up and this were PAF needs to focus for project AZM and JF-17. And take advantage of this.
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    @OsmanAli98 @PakFactor CPEC Phase2 and mutal trade in Yuan. We need to broaden our reserve basket. When we extract gold it should become part of our reserves. Selling it would be treason. Now once again read the thesis in game of chicken thread. What is unsaid...figure it out! We need to expand our industrial/manufacturing base.
    Aoa brother, can you open a PM with me?
    I do want to write someday on future distributed networks centric warfare that integrates grounds assets, air and others and how block 4 can be used to develop and test such a system. Since aircraft is an integral part of such system. This way by project Azm completion PAF will have experience in such future technology.
    I just want to kindly point out that most of time, I don't read PDF and mostly read in a hurry. Next few weeks I will be really busy due to a deadline. Hopefully you would forgive me for not responding.
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    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Brother mine,

    Just take good care of yourself. Frequencey of posting is immaterial... quality is everything. We should work on HumanBlueprint paradigm in near future..when my health allows it. I know you will crack the code!
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    Reactions: Rafeh
    Insha-Allah. You too take good care of yourself.
    Do you think I should remove my reply to him? I'll do right now as soon as you say yes :) Cause I did not understand what you meant. Kindly advise
    Dear sir do you know what caused the recent lawyer VS doctor brawl?
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    I mean paying 500,000 rupees for the full MBBS course and then demanding salary in 5 figures in a government hospital, and then referring patients to their private clinics, pressurizing government to not post them in less privileged areas... They are followers of shaytaan too
    That said, I have never heard of any mortality due to their strike. They say they are not treating, go to a private hospital.. while this is also wrong, but can't be compared with removing oxygen masks or storming an operation theater where open heart surgery is being performed.
    All I could say is that without addressing the core issue incidents like these are unfortunately bound to happen. And hundreds of patient died due to their strike this year alone.

    Now To empower the judges and execute the judicial orders raise pak Marshalls, judicial police, only answerable to the judges. Would the csp's of police let this happen?
    Ohh ok i am here
    AOA Sir, Just wanted to share a few points.
    1. An open plea bargain as per NAB law means only the amount of corruption in a particular case can be extracted by Government.
    2. All the talk of getting billions of dollars in deal is only possible in an under the table deal.
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    Reactions: Mangus Ortus Novem
    And PTI would have won the hearts of people by moving against the Rich convicts instead of putting pressure on poor people...When people were starting to feel the pinch of large electricity bills... then PTI should have struck with changes in Jail manuals...just required executive orders...nothing to do with parliament but nothing was done...
    Even ordinances could have been issued if required but nothing was done in time...
    Still this can be done.
    A rethink of the whole strategy is required.
    Iron will and iron fist is needed now more than ever.
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    Mangus Ortus Novem
    PTI? Most of it is import and the imports have direct line to their former masters.. so it is not that easy. Besides, IK is easily manipulated by durbariz... but for now he shall do!
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    Reactions: Shane
    .They are living in their homes with their loves ones enjoying all facilities in life but if they imagine just for second what is life in Kashmir at the moment to sahyyed sahi rasta nazar aa jayee.Apna khiyaal rakhyee gaa aap dono wapas aa kar Iqbal Azeem sahib ki shairi sunaoo gaa
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