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  • Firk not yaara!!............. India has big big secrets inside her stomach. I personally feel this as a well scripted plan to buy more aggressively. Yes, i do agree our procurement process is a snail walk & we need to make it a fast track. But i don't see any war in coming days.

    Though our politicians are corrupt, lazy etc etc, But are real smart *** in terms of Foreign Policy. First they entered into SCS aggressively, gave a clear msg to China that we have guts. Then simply withdrew a little. This was 3 targets in one shot.
    Lol......Buddy, definitely will do it, once i return back from my current assignment. But ensure that the Sopari is made of gold wrapped in Pan(USD's).

    By the way.... nice one.
    i collect from many sites the info and post it under a preplanned distint title -- the problem arose when a person started to copypaste my entire threads a-z , including the title ... on an indian forum .. collecting info is not as easy as some people might think... however i also salvaged some posts from your thread which i thought were not present in the old thread ... please try to search the forum before posting a thread-- you might find a preexistant threads as its a very old forum and old threads are very good
    Hi ptltejas,,

    i just came to know u r a reader of a safari magazine. good to see that u r gujarati.add me as a friend. safari was a source which inspired me to join such a site.
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