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  • aoa
    sorry for replying late. My offical time ends at 6 thats why i didnot replied

    yar with degree from forign university . you will have no difficulty in finding job
    media job in esteblished channel/paper is the best jon
    you are paid well and have respect in society.
    These days they employ you on contract only few channels in pakistan give permanent job.
    in Pakistan we say only govt job are permanent , in private secter even permanent jobs are not permanent and any time your boss can say thank you gentleman ur services are no more required
    yar me two did Masters in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies.. You know jobs are there in market but for those who have specializations( fortunately due to my Major in Strategic Studies and Publications on Insurgeny/counter insurgencies and terrorism/counter terrorism I Got jobs on my first interview )
    I will advice you to go for DSS from kings college
    due to ur pakistani back ground media out lets any where will be more then pleased to take you as an expert
    thanks lalay for answering on my behalf
    God bless you.
    I am Bilal from lahore
    Kakayzai pathan whose grand father migrated from waltai, khar Bajor
    I work in express news and in media since past two years.
    well if u tell him to stop postin Bull ****, that will start another debate. so better stay away from him and let him enjoy his time. may be he ll learn one day
    no one really takes him seriously. that is the reason y he is still not banned. i dont know y whould anyone defend his political party this much. may be he has got some relatives who are in MQM. he is not willing to accept even one bad thing about MQM. as if he is defending Islam
    ya i have noticed he always steps in where ever it has to do something with MQM or musharraf.
    so wat do u do??
    hahaha... bro u r still arguyin with that guy. told u to not get into this. he makes no sense and sometime even contradicts himself. btw he is only 18 so dont expect anything mature from him
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