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  • Hi, I love your unflinching love for Pakistan, and humanity in general. Let's be friends :)
    Nice find on that population matter.... Just saw your post on that guys profile. He didn't reply me either....
    i mean i am done with my BS in CE now currently doing a job at Avanza tech now i am looking to apply from MS in any of Canadian Uni like University of Saskatchewan in saskatoon .. ! and r u living in Canada ?? rit..! I wanted some information regrding the challages students face when going to Canada and studying there .. !!!
    Hi , just needed some info regarding grad schools in Canada .. like Uni of Syskatchwin.. do u have any idea for that place ..??
    Not just 30 - read it correctly - IN the 30s (ie Thirties). lol! Why? Again, as I said, "by your posts", as in you come across as a very mature individual. :)

    What year are you in university? 3rd, 4rth? So your CS degree requires you to take a course(s) on functional programming? Is that common in CS bachelors degrees in general nowadays?
    You are in university??? By your posts seem more like somewhere in the 30s! LOL What university or course are you taking that requires Scheme? Are you Masters/PhD student in CS, and there you are required to learn it for some reason? Since you know C++ and Java, so I'm guessing you might already have completed CS bachelors degree. Or you are learning Scheme because you have to teach it? xD
    Yes I'm learning myself. I heard it is good for people who are new to programming because of smaller learning curve. You are learning Scheme too? Neat. For workplace or university? People always complain about the brackets for Scheme. But many also complain about being forced to write recursive code. :)
    What's with the questions all of a sudden? Are you working for the ISI?! lolzzz

    Or you like my new avatar? Is it more 'cooler' than yours? xD
    You have good command on the language.
    The way you handle some nuts by virtue of this command--yehi fit lgta hy janab.
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