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  • How many times do I have to ask politely and peacefully to permanently ban or delete my profile?
    Hi bro
    Is it possible that you delete my profile completely or ban me permanently?
    I have decided to finally leave PDF.
    @waz, @Irfan Baloch
    Do you guys really need me to insult people to ban me permanently?
    Would it work better if I start insulting Pakistanis?
    I can get myself banned like that for sure, but I don't want to insult anybody to get banned.
    So, kindly ban me permanently or delete my profile permanently before I start trolling and insulting every Arab and Pakistani here.
    How long will my ban on "Iranian Chill Thread" last? No, I'm not mad - just amused, actually.

    But I do need to know for how long I have to read all those exasperating accusations without being able to respond to them.
    Sigh...well, do it after Ashura, if you'd be so kind.

    I'll put Nabil on ignore because he's the one who irritates me the most. That alone would resolve most issues.
    Ok no worries.
    I'll remind you on August 10th, just in case you forget.

    Thank you.
    Salam. There's a user literally encouraging people to make frivolous reports against me and apparently makes a report against every post I make. Will there be no repercussions against him or will I have to deal with him spam reporting every post I make?
    Salaam bro, would it be possible to remove this max 3 post in 24hour limitation for accounts based on account age e.g. min 2 years old?
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    Walikum Salam bro I’ll speak to the boss and see what he says.
    @waz I'm unable to post for some reason or limited to '1' a day it seems. Is there an issue? Thanks.
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    Not an issue I'm afraid but new security measures to stop bots.
    So I can't post more than once a day? Or...? BTW, i did see the spam a few days ago. I suppose that triggered this new measure.
    Hey, can you tell me why my account is limited? Or direct me to another member/staff who can.

    Thank you
    No brother it’s not that. It’s protocols against bots. You can express your opinion in a respectable way.
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    I don't remember which post of mine broke the rules. If you can look into this , would appreciate it. Thank You
    According to this forum, the recent problem with the Russian - Ukraine tread and Apple products is related to embedded twitter links with ”Sensitive Content Warnings”.

    According to the Forum rules, ”graphic” images are not allowed, so maybe this should be reinforced.
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    A.P. Richelieu
    A.P. Richelieu
    Talked to Apple Support about this, awaiting Feedback.
    Twitter updated their app on iOS a week ago.
    A.P. Richelieu
    A.P. Richelieu
    Strange. Today the problem appears to be gone.
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    And for mods who read my posts, we Pakistanis have every right to insult Indians, when they pretend to be Pakistanis, insult us on our own forums or wish for our destruction.
    @Faqirze and @SaadH I am reporting these two members. They are Indians pretending to be Pakistanis on our own forum. Whenever I post something good about Pakistan, they either promotes the enemies of Pakistan or water down the achievements of Pakistan.

    PM me for more details.
    Hey Waz, I’ve had issues loading some pages on the Russia-Ukraine thread since last night. It’s not computer issues on my end. Could the forum ADMIN look into it?
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    @waz bhai I understand you edited my post because of disrespectful language. But on Indian forums they openly curse at Pakistan, Islam, Muslims, etc. Or they wish for our destruction. Its only fair that we respond in the same way.
    Bro I didn’t edit anything at all. It was another moderator.
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