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2022 G20 Bali summit

Foreign Minister Retno: Holding the G-20 Summit in Indonesia is Not as Easy as Thought​

Yesterday 22:53


KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indonesia successfully hosted the G20 Summit which was held on November 15-16, 2022 in Bali.

However, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that the G-20 Summit which was held during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out with full of hard work.

She said the situation at the time made the G-20 summit event potentially collapse 95%. However, her party did not give up easily and continued to strive for this important agenda to be carried out.

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"So, we are working with the team and President Jokowi of course during the Covid-19 pandemic. When I was in the field, I used all the assets given to me by God, including the problem of negotiations to collapse," she said at the Top Women Fest 2023 event in the Sudirman Area, Saturday (25/3).

Retno explained that her party tried to rebuild the collapsed negotiations and maybe as many as a million times.

She said that if it was about to collapse, "then my negotiator team said the approach could not negotiate anymore, so it was still tried with different people".

Related to that, Retno said that to become a leader, of course, you must be able to encourage the team. In addition, it must also build bridges of very deep and detailed differences.

In the end, on November 15, the G-20 summit began, after a text related to the G-20 summit of almost a year of negotiations.

"In detail, on November 14 at 20:00 WIB, the document can only be completed negotiations," he said.

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Retno also mentioned that many women's hands interfered in the success of the G-20 Summit in Indonesia.

She conveyed many obstacles here and there experienced, but in the end Indonesia was considered a successful G-20 Presidency. "The success is also inseparable from women," she said.


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